
Sorority Rankings 2020

by: thetruth

Top: KKG, ADPI, Phi Mu, Theta
Lower Top: XO, Zeta, AOPi, KD, Tri Delt
Upper Mid: Gamma Phi, SK, DZ
Lower Mid: Alpha Phi, AXO, Pi Phi
Bottom: Alpha Gam, DG, SDT, DPHIE

Posted By: thetruth
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Page 2 of 3
#11  by: freshman    

can someone do a ranking of the most accepting sororities?

By: freshman
#12  by: ok   

Pi Phi has dropped significantly.... switch them and Alpha Gam.
Also drop DZ 1 level

By: ok
#13  by: 2021   

true but i’d move Tri Delt down

By: 2021
#14  by: lol   

alpha phi should be moved way up

By: lol
#15  by: zeta   

zeta is trying too hard

By: zeta
#16  by: tootie   


By: tootie
#17  by: old row bro    

you really can’t argue with this

By: old row bro
#18  by: X   

Aoii and tri Delt are upper mid. Hang w weird ppl

By: X
#19  by: yep   

true af y’all !!!!!!!!!!!!

By: yep
#20  by: new row   

move kd up

By: new row

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