
PC 20 Rank SRATS


Not a self rank
Top : Kappa, Phi Mu, Theta, ADPi (putting ADPi last cause of racism scandal -- hate to admit but these 4 will always be top no matter what anyone says ,, ADPi and Kappa did snap bids tho so order of these 4 is prob wrong)

Lower Top: AOII, KD, Zeta, Tri Delt, Chi O

Top Mid: SK, DZ, Gamma Phi (all the same basically, interchangeable here)

Mid: Alpha Phi, Pi Phi, Alpha Gam, A Chi O (Alpha Phi still lower because of how new they are, they have a great new PC tho and are on the rise ,, would move them up but they are new could easily be Upper Mid)

Low Mid: DG, DPhiE, SDT (DG had an awesome PC, good job to them)

NO ONE IS LOW all great sororities and all the PCs were really good this year

Posted By: Anonymous
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Move pi pi phi above a phi

By: Uga

ADPi did not do snap bids. I repeat they did not do snap bids. Where is this coming from

By: Lies
by: oop   

shows that you’re an adpi on greek rank... sad

By: oop

this is probably the most accurate one i’ve seen so far

By: yup

Zeta before KD and Tridelt after GPhi

By: But

Move APhi to top mid. Have you seen their new PC?

Pi Phi should go to the bottom of mid

Why is Dphie above SDT?

By: dawgs

This is all y’all need to see

By: Yep

people who think ‘old row’ isn’t relevant obviously doesn’t have connections. there are very few girls that old row wants that end up going new row. it’s just a fact. hard to judge against each other because they’re DIFFERENT. old row = old money, private school, close with SAE KA Chi Phi. new row = still super cute girls, close with Fiji, Sig Ep, etc.

By: old row
by: Facts    

A lot of girls chose new row over old row during pref because they have more fun and have better socials

By: Facts

old row is elite and new row is like shein girls just saying

By: yup

alpha gam is way too high and so is alpha phi tbh

By: ew

why tf does everyone on here like gphi.. i literally thought they were on par with dphie and dg

By: gphi

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by: Lolol   

They’re just a solid mid sorority nothing crazy but nothing like d phi e. Pretty interchangeable with the others in the row like the post said.
they’re kind of a random collection of girls but nice enough

By: Lolol
by: speaking for myself   

When I went through I thought the gphis were sweet, pretty, and easy to talk to. I eventually went a different direction but I wouldn't have been sad to see them on my bid card.

By: speaking for myself

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