
Chapters Negatively Mentioned by Names in Testimonies


Kappa (t1)
ADPi (t1, t58)
DPhiE (t3, t79)
Phi Mu (t7, t66, t68, t88)
ZTA (t10, t17, t53, t76)
AOPi (t13)
Tri Delt (t19, t65)
AXO (t23, t61)
SK (t28)
AGD (t39, t42, t44, t45, t52, t62)
PiPhi (t53)
ChiO (t53)
APhi (t61)
Gamma Phi (t69)
KD (t88)

KA (t9, t16, t48, t64, t80)
PIKE (t12 t69)
ATO (t14)
SAE (t16, t43, t53)
Sigma Chi (t17)
AGR (t30)
Phi Delt (t59)
Sigma Pi (t83)
Beta (t85)
TKE (not active but t89)

I think its important to mention that the actions of one person in a sorority or fraternity do not represent the views of the sorority or fraternity as a whole, but with repeated offences and little to no accountability from the chapter I would be hyper-vigilant as a pnm of color when accepting a bid from any of these houses.

Also important to note that just because a house wasn’t mentioned by name doesn’t mean they haven’t had problems in their chapter DZ most notably (I also could have missed some so sorry for that, I did my best).

Lastly, just because houses have had a problematic past doesn’t mean they aren’t capable of change. Having students speak up about their experiences gives UGA greek life the chance to ACKNOWLEDGE their mistakes and move forward instead of trying to erase them completely, each chapter just has to be willing to do the work

To view the testimonies go to pledgeagainstracism. com/t# (whatever number you want to read not actually a #)

Posted By: change
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Wtf does this even mean and who had the time to make and conglomerate this data??????

By: What???
by: Huh   

People really hate being called out for racism so much so, they attack a person for providing resources. Who gives a shi t about who had the time, the infos still good

By: Huh

I am a white person (this is not to be funny by any means ) I have been called many derogatory names by people of color Repeatedly because of my job . OP Would you possibly have statistics on fast food(drive thru) ?

By: What

Several people on this site expressed interest in reading the testimonials so I thought I’d share something I took note of and found interesting while reading them. My sorority is even one of the ones listed and as much as I was ashamed to read about it, I think it’s far more beneficial to all parties involved to shed light on this topic. As for @what, I unfortunately don’t have statistics on the plights fast food workers may face, but if you’re really concerned I suggest bringing it up to your supervisor or someone in the industry instead of trying to use your struggles to invalidate others.

By: Change

“just because houses have a problematic past doesn’t mean they aren’t capable of change” but also “i would be hyper vigilant to accept a bid from any of these houses” ... how are you gonna encourage diversity but then tell poc not to accept bids from the houses that arguably would benefit from having more poc the most. make it make sense bc it just seems like you’re doxxing at this point

By: shjd
by: ...   

OP is saying that pnms will have to be extra vigilant when holding these sororities accountable if this stuff continues. They’re not saying don’t accept the bid

By: ...

Y'all are jumping to the conclusion that these anonymous posts are true and are being made by UGA students (kinda like assuming all greekrank posts are legit). We have no way of knowing if it is true or not. I would be more inclined to believe it if the people had shared their names, thus verifying that they were indeed members. I read one post from a supposed black woman who said that she had participated in NPC recruitment twice and had ultimately been invited back both times to houses that are considered lower tier. She dropped out of recruitment both times. She assumed that she was only invited back to those chapters because she was black, but if you have read Greekrank, you see that the same thing happens to numerous white girls every year. So she is complaining about her invitations, even though she had chapters to return to. Mutual selection is just that-mutual. Just as she had the right to not accept the invitations she received(which she did), the chapters have the right the invite back whomever they want for whatever reasons. Another poster(who obviously has no idea how NPHC recruits) said that there should be more advertising of NPHC recruitment-so she, a white woman, was speaking for these historically black orgs. While my knowledge is limited, I do know that NPHC has a whole different way to recruit members, and they do not need white folks to tell them how to do it. They have it under control. Their's is a much more exclusive process, which is their right.

By: .
by: x   

this!!! some of the posts are so vague they could be written by anybody. also some of the houses mentioned here weren’t even talked about negatively, like all the testimonial said about chi o was that their recruitment is “like a whirlwind” bc they have you talk to like 8 girls round 1

By: x
by: ..   

Can we please be done with interrogating POC when they talk about their struggles by immediately demanding "proof" (i.e. saying you'd believe them more if you knew their names) and just LISTEN. They don't owe us their name or proof, there is more than enough proof out there that racism is prevelant in Greek life all over the country. You bring up that these might not even be true, but there are 60+ testimonials... Even if just one of them is true, there needs to be changes made. We need to be assuming every single one of these is 100% someone's real experience and say "okay, I hear you and I believe this experience caused you harm. What can we do to make sure this doesn't ever happen to someone again?" Instead of this deflecting, diverting, demanding more from the people who are already struggling with this.

I know we all want to give Greek life and our organizations that we love the benefit of the doubt, but this whole entire paragraph just screams "I'm not listening." And not listening to POC is the first roadblock to progress, and the reason that things today have escalated to so much violence. Let's not keep making the same mistake.

By: ..
by: ^^^^^^^   


By: ^^^^^^^
by: ughhhh   

we do have a way of knowing if it's true or not though. it's called: there are thousands upon thousands of people coming out and talking about their experiences with racism in organizations such as greek life, not just at UGA and not just in certain chapters, but all over. Based on all the history and evidence, it is way more likely that these stories are true than false. There is no hidden agendas for POC to come out and share their experiences and face the death threats they get on social media for standing up. Yes, lying internet trolls will be trolls, but this many? No way. There's truth in these testimonials. Look at how many different chapters are mentioned - we clearly have a problem with greek life as a whole, it's not like one chapter has been targeted by some bitter person out to make this one chapter look bad. Can't we just stop getting defensive and making this about ourselves, and let POC be heard?

By: ughhhh
by: ^^^   

yes i agree! i do think if a chapter has done something like this, they should be called out individually. but it's pretty clear this is a greek-wide problem and not a specific chapter problem, so i get why the original post is a little odd

By: ^^^


By: Lmao

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as a POC senior that’s been in greek life for a while, this was so important to me during rush and just plain feeling comfortable in sorority houses. the main reason i joined my sorority was because they acknowledged that rushing as a POC is difficult because of certain factors: not knowing about the process, not having former connections, etc. and they told me how they were planning on changing/helping us w the process.

By: senior

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