
Old Row / New Row

by: Hunt

Which fraternities are Old Row and which ones are New Row?

Posted By: Hunt
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Page 1 of 1
#1  by: Hammy   

Old row best: KA, Chi Phi, SAE

New row best: SNU, ATO, Fiji

These are the most relevant frats on campus atm

By: Hammy
by: jebMay 1, 2020 9:24:58 PM

Is it just those three on old row? or are they just the best?

By: jeb
by: LolMay 1, 2020 10:18:43 PM

Phi Delt is old row too. DTD is as well if I'm not mistaken.

SN felt they had to include themselves as usual.

By: Lol
by: @lolMay 1, 2020 10:29:53 PM

Ur at the wrong school neither phi delt or dtd are old row lmao

By: @lol
by: lololololololMay 2, 2020 1:55:46 AM

Go back and look at the founding dates. Come on SN freshmen gotta know their history.

By: lolololololol
by: lololololololMay 2, 2020 2:01:51 AM

Technically Fiji is old row too.

Any fraternity founded before 1875 is old row.

By: lolololololol
by: WtfMay 2, 2020 10:01:25 AM

Phi Delt and DTD are not old row. If your being technical because of their founding dates then half of all frats would be “old row”

By: Wtf
by: HahahahahahaMay 2, 2020 2:07:53 PM

What are you talking about? UGA had 7 or 8 fraternities founded before 1875, all of them are technically old row.

Y'all don't know Jack on this site, bunch of HS kids and freshmen who clearly don't know UGA history hahahahaha

By: Hahahahahaha
#2  by: @lol   

do you even go to this school lmaoo wtf u talm bout

By: @lol
#3  by: What's funny is...   

SN is technically old row too. Founded 1873 so it looks like you don't know Jack either dude...

By: What's funny is...
by: AmenMay 2, 2020 6:34:39 PM

Idk who these people are but they're just a bunch of SN haters.

By: Amen

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