
top sororities nationally


1. Alpha Phi
2. Chi Omega
3. Pi Beta Phi
4. Kappa Kappa Gamma
5. Kappa Alpha Theta

Reasoning: Alpha Phi is expanding everywhere and they don't have weak chapters. Chi Omega is larger but many weak chapters.

Posted By: yesss
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ADPi is the best chapter nationally. Alpha Phi is behind them

By: lol
by: Lol   

Adpi completely sucks in the north... like at psu and Maryland. Oh yeah, APhi is top in the north. And everywhere else.

By: Lol
by: lol   

I don't care about the north, those chapters are half the size. Look at any school in the south, especially in georgia, and adpi is the best.

By: lol
by: Umm   

You know nothing. Chapter total at schools like psu and Maryland are about the same as UGA. Adpi is onky relevant in the south and the south doesn't represent the whole US sweetheart.

By: Umm
by: More   

Adpi has no strength in the midwest or the west coast. Truthfully, if you tell someone you were an Adpi, and you're anywhere but the deep south people look at ya like you're crazy..

By: More
by: lol   

maryland and psu's greek life is so bad why are we talking about them on here

By: lol

Not sure what you've been reading to get that info, but this is not correct

By: get your facts

Alpha Phi, you seriously need to CHILL. You are continuing to rub everyone in greek life the wrong way. And you wonder why so many people already dislike you.....

By: wow

I think the order is arguable/tbh pretty impossible to make, but these are the top five, unquestionably. Add DG and DDD for the top 7.

By: ehh

As a recent alum of one of the five houses mentioned above, national "ranking" doesn't seem to matter all that much. I've made more friends in my city's Panhellenic association than my alum group.

And before someone goes off about networking, being part of a huge national hasn't helped. What helped me with job connections were older sisters in my chapter at uga and my honor society, which was the most helpful.

I recommend studying and doing well enough to join an honor society. That will definitely help.

By: Alum

Unless you've really visited a ton of schools you really can't pretend to know the answer to this, honestly. The girl who said ADPi is strong nationally? You are lost, they're very much middle of the boat. I can attest to this because I'm a part of my nationals recruitment team and have travelled all over North American campuses. I can tell you the OP is actually not totally off. APhi and ZTA by far have the most consistently "top tier" ranked chapters, no other sororities can compare to these two in consistency. It is very very rare that these houses are in the bottom tier, although frequently when it does occur it's in the south where more traditional houses tend to shine.

I would say top 5 would be
Alpha Phi
Zeta Theta Alpha
-large gap-
Pi Phi
Delta Gamma
ChiO or GPhi

Some of the LEAST consistent chapters would definitely be Tridelt and KKG - they're almost never middle tier, some very strong chapters but most are dead last bottom tier. Their nationals put all their eggs in their strongest chapters and let the rest fall apart. Consistently bottom tier include DPhiE, Phi Sigma Sigma, AOPi, Sigma Kappa, Alpha Gamma Delta, etc. While the houses that are almost always mid include ADPi, Phi Mu, KD, Kappa Alpha Theta, etc.

By: I know

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by: omg   

"I know" and "No..." are the same person, and it is Zeta Tau Alpha, not Zeta Theta Alpha, you moron. AND it's not "middle of the boat", it's "middle of the road".

You are a crazy poser with zero credibility.

By: omg
by: I know   

Middle of the road? Never heard of that but middle of the boat literally makes no sense, not too sure how I came up with that one LOL

By: I know
by: Harmless   

She's either a Bama Alpha Phi, or goes to Georgia Southern. Either way, go back to Eng 101.

By: Harmless
by: I know   

If you think "middle of the boat" is a grammar mistake I think we safely say who needs an English refresher....

By: I know
by: Omg2   

Hey dumb dumb! Eng 101 isn't just grammar. It encompasses proper usage of words and phrases. "Middle of the boat" isn't a coloqual phrase, where as "middle of the road" is a phrase.

By: Omg2
by: ^   

"Dumb dumb?" If I were you I'd just stop..

By: ^
by: Well   

You lost me at Zeta THETA Alpha.

By: Well
by: I know not...   

Someone on a national recruitment team has no place here joining in the "judgement" of other houses. If you are actually in that position you should know better. It's just wrong.

By: I know not...

There is no such thing as a national reputation. If you're looking on greekrank for "top houses" and "weak houses" what you're going to find is which chapters do a lot of self ranking. A different thing all together.

By: hahaha

Chi O and DG are the top 2 nationally. After that, it's pretty debatable, but even the top national sororities have chapters that struggle and the weaker/smaller national sororities will have some great chapters. So at the end of the day, who cares which sororities have the best national reputation when what really matters are the individual chapters at a specific school

By: Um
by: ^   

Source? None? Exactly

By: ^
by: Hmm   

Pretty sure one of those is the largest sorority based on members and the other is the largest based on number of chapters, so Chi O and DG arguably do have the biggest national presence at least

By: Hmm
by: Well   

I would personally never use size of a national sorority as something that makes them "top." It's the quality of chapters not quantity.

By: Well

This is TOTALLY subjective and there is no real way to rank top sororities (or fraternities for that matter). What do you use as criteria? Total number of chapters? Total number of members? Total money raised for national philanthropy each and every year? Total community service hours? Academic standing at various institutions of higher ed? Total square footage of chapter houses? Total number of beds in sorority housing? Campus involvement and number of campus leaders? Number of followers on all the various social media sites? Looks?

C'mon people - This is what matters - does the sorority make their members feel welcomed, loved, and supported and does the sorority strive to make their members better than who they were when they joined by providing values based opportunities to succeed. If all the sororities did this, then they would all be top in my book.

Let's build each other up and not tear each other down.

By: Alumna

chi o is the largest chapter nationally, zeta being second largest. however, this does not make them the "best" chapters because there's literally 0 way to quantify that. even size is subjective, whether it be most chapters, most actives, or more total members.

since this is all opinion, it is MY opinion that Kappa is the "strongest" chapter nationally. my reasoning: they have strong chapters regardless of area (midwest, northeast, south, and west, not to mention having chapters in Canada which most NPCs do not). Additionally, they are something of a cultural icon in terms of greek life. It goes back to the "southern belle primer" series, and we still see it in tv and movies where the "hot" sorority is always the "Kappas". Kappa Kappa Tau in scream queens, Kappa Kappa Delta in friends, Kappa sorority in Sydney White - almost all cultural references to sororities are based after Kappa. The name recognition is what makes it the "strongest", because even people who aren't in greek life will know what you're talking about when you say the word Kappa. Obviously those depictions are so off of what greek life really is, but that's just my two cents.

By: ugh
by: Lol   

Half of NPC is in Canada, that doesn't make hem special. All the strong houses have chapters there except ZTA and XO.

By: Lol
by: @ugh   

If you're going to mention Canada you can't leave out APhi, they're top consistently all over, including canada. Also^ is correct, most sororities have chapters in Canada

By: @ugh
by: @@ugh   

being top in canada is like saying you were elected homecoming queen of your homeschool group. greek life in canada is not nearly as competitive or involved. aphi is top at a majority of schools, but certainly not consistently "all over".

secondly, 14/26 NPC sororities have chapters in canada, so saying "most" have chapters is pretty misleading. of these 14, many of them are not considered nationally "top tier". AGD, AEPhi, AOII, DZ, DPhiE, Phi Sig, and even ADPi and GPHiB to some extent are considered mid/lower on a national scale. I think what Ugh meant by mentioning Canada was more about scope of name recognition, rather than simply having canadian chapters making one superior.

By: @@ugh

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