


Listen. I'm not here to be mean, but so many PNMs come to this site asking if XYZ is better than ABC. Well, newsflash, you're probably not going to get to pick your house quite like you think you are. Yes, recruitment is a "mutual selection process" but the houses cut YOU, you don't cut the houses. Even houses in your bottom might appear on your schedule again if you're cut from any house in your top. Again, really not trying to be harsh, but it is VERY rare to be asked back to every single house you want to be asked back to.

So what's the good news? Those other houses you don't like from the beginning because you read some crap on Greekrank? Well, they'll become your favorites. You'll start to see yourself there & THAT'S OKAY. There are girls happy in DG just like there are girls happy in ADPi. You will learn to love where you are. Please, go into recruitment with an open mind. That's the best way to do it.

Posted By: Lol
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This is so accurate. My gamma chi even told us that for like 95% of PNMs, how you rank the houses doesn't matter until pref round. Here's how it works. Round 1, you go to all 18 house, then for round 2, you can go to UP TO 13. After round 1, you divide the houses into your top 13, and your bottom 5. The only way YOU can "cut" one of those 5 houses is if your top 13 ALL invite you back. If only 10/13 invite you back, then the matching computer program looks to see if any of your bottom 5 houses invited you back. If 2/5 did, then for round 2, you'll go to 12 out of 13 possible houses - 10 from your top list, and 2 from your bottom list. The vast majority of PNMs DO NOT get invited back to every single house, so basically how you rank does not matter.

By: 100% this
by: 100% this   

For pref round, it is more mutual selection, but how the sorority ranks you is still wayyyy more important. And plenty of girls still get a bid for their 2nd or 3rd choice. When I rushed, literally everyone in my gamma chi group got invited back to houses they ranked low, and we all ended up in different houses at every tier from old row to mid to bottom tier to SDT and none of the girls I'm Facebook friends with have dropped. So PNMs, you're lucky to get a bid anywhere and yall will most likely be happy in any sorority at UGA.

By: 100% this
by: Yep   


By: Yep
by: Lol   


By: Lol

Pref is the only round a pnms really matters. When it comes to their input. Personally I only had 2 houses ask me back for pref. My top choice and one I felt indifferent about. In an earlier around I almost didn't rank the 2nd house. Thank God I did. Its been my home the past 3 years.

By: So true

In the recruitment orientation meeting on move in day, we were told that 7-9 invitations for round two was about average. So out of 18 houses in round one, 10 or so are likely going to cut you. In my gamma chi group, most of us received 6 or 7 invitations for round 2. I thought I had done everything right: had recs for every house, a great resume, really good wardrobe, breezy and outgoing conversations... I was devastated, as was much of my group. Despite the early disappointment, I held on and tried to recover. In the end, i preffed 2 houses I really wasn't serious about and an old row. Those were my only choices on pref day. I'd been cut by everyone else. in my group, several girls' lists had been cut to one, so they dropped. Many girls in my group were just invited to two. I eventually pledged the old row and have never been happier. My gamma chi girls are happy where they landed too. My point? Don't give up. Recruitment isn't easy. It's stressful, emotional and confusing. Hang in, if you can, and let the process work for you. UGA sororities are amazing- all of them. You'll find your home if you keep an open mind!

By: Rush
by: @rush   

Are you a rising senior by any chance? I've always heard that year was especially brutal, and my gamma chi group last year had 9-10 houses on average for round 2.

By: @rush
by: Rush   

No, I actually went through last year too! I'm glad your group did so well. My crew struggled, but some of us had happy endings. I've heard the same thing about the rising senior group, though. Recruitment is not for the faint hearted!

By: Rush
by: Old woman   

I'm a rising senior and yeah it was the most brutal year by far. I knew a bunch of girls who only got invited back to 3-4 houses for house tours.... Like that shouldn't happen for the second round. Some of those girls ended up in mid or even top tier house, so it was mainly a numbers issue. From what I've heard, most houses were expecting a low quota that year so they made a lot of cuts early on. I was down to 3 houses for skit round and then 2 for pref (both mid tier houses), and I ended up with my second choice (but I love where I ended up). But there was only one person in my gamma chi group who had a full schedule for skit round, and no one had a full schedule for house tours, so it really doesn't matter how you rank the houses.

By: Old woman

PNMs pls pay attention!

By: Ya

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by: This   

This is honestly so spot on.

By: This
by: Lol   

Very important that PNMs see this

By: Lol
by: Yes   

Pay attention ladies

By: Yes

All so true

By: Mhm

Bumping for PNMs to see

By: Bump
by: Same   


By: Same
by: Hi   


By: Hi

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