
alpha phi


How is alpha phi going to turn out?

Posted By: anonymous
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Hopefully really good! I think they will start much better than DphiE

By: .

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If you look at A Phi chapters at other places, they usually take attractive girls who are less academic.

By: ?
by: Girl, no.   

um, tell that to the Alpha Phi chapters at Harvard, Yale, Stanford, Penn, Dartmouth, and MIT - just to name a few...

By: Girl, no.

Think they'll be good

By: Yeah

They are colonizing like any other chapter. It doesn't matter how good they are anywhere else, or if they judge on looks. It doesn't ever matter that it's "cool" (if that's what you want to call it) to be a founding sister. No girl wants to be part of a sorority that has no socials its first semester, and then might not have good ones second semester

By: Lol
by: Eh   

I think they'll start out on the bottom just like any colonizing chapter but then they'll take off after a couple years and end up at least mid tier. The vast majority of their chapters manage to climb quickly by recruiting heavily based on looks

By: Eh

I don't get why everyone is so sure that alpha phi will do well here? Just because a chapter is great nationally doesn't mean they will be good at UGA. These are the top 10 biggest sororities in order based on number of chapters: AOPi, AGD, Gamma Phi, Chi O, DZ, Zeta, Alpha Phi, DG, KD, and DDD.

Notice how out of these 10, we already have 9? And of those 9, some are top tier, some are middle, and some are bottom. So just because alpha phi is strong nationally, I don't see how that guarantees them a higher rank than DZ, Gamma Phi, DG, and AGD who are all on that same list. Alpha Phi has been colonizing well at other schools, but those schools don't have as many of the big national chapters, don't have any many sororities in general, and Greek life isn't as competitive as is it as UGA. And Alpha Phi doesn't have a strong presence in Georgia so they probably won't have tons of amazing legacies jumping at the chance to colonize or help from other nearby chapters.

Idk how alpha phi will end up being here, but they aren't colonizing for another year so why speculate about it now since clearly national reputation doesn't guarantee anything

By: No
by: Girl, no.   

Alpha Phi is the 4th largest NPC group and has been killing it at every new colony. And, AOPI, AGD are teeny tiny compared to Alpha Phi, Chi O and ZTA -- you need to get your info straight. and, ya'll sound just a teeny bit threatened by Alpha Phi. Buckle up ladies, Alpha Phi will come on strong and rise quickly.

By: Girl, no.
by: Basically    

Agree with this wholeheartedly. Their national reputation may help them some in the long run (I'd bet money that in 15 years, AGD, DG, and alpha phi will all be out of bottom tier just based on the number of legacies they have and I'll bet that DZ and gamma phi will rise as well), but alpha phi is not guaranteed a top house spot by any means.

By: Basically

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