Alpha Omicron Pi Sorority Ratings at UGA

Alpha Omicron Pi Sorority at University of Georgia - UGA 412 3.36
  • Total Ratings: 412
  • Overall Average:67.2%


  • Sorority Name: Alpha Omicron Pi - Information Page
  • School: University of Georgia - UGA
  • Associates with:
    - Fraternities:  Alpha Tau Omega, Beta Theta Pi, Beta Upsilon Chi, Delta Sigma Phi, Kappa Sigma, Lambda Chi Alpha, Phi Gamma Delta, Pi Kappa Phi, Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Sigma Phi Epsilon
    - Sororities:  Alpha Chi Omega, Alpha Delta Pi, Chi Omega, Delta Sigma Theta, Kappa Delta, Pi Beta Phi, Zeta Tau Alpha
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  • Reputation:Looks
  • Friendliness:78.8%
  • Popularity:68.8%
  • Classiness:68.8%
  • Involvement:69.4%
  • Social Life:63.6%
  • Sisterhood:76.2%
  • 412 Ratings
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Alpha Omicron Pi Sorority at University of Georgia - UGA 4.2 I’ve never heard anything bad about aoii from anyone in real life. They have a good reputation on campus and are very popular with frats. They might be cliquey but either way their new PC looks really good. They compete with zta and kd for girls every year and this year i think it’s clear they won. Pretty girls who can hold a conversation.
By: they are nicePosted:

I’ve never heard anything bad about aoii from anyone in real life. They have a good reputation on campus and are very popular with frats. They might be cliquey but either way their new PC looks really good. They compete with zta and kd for girls every year and this year i think it’s clear they won. Pretty girls who can hold a conversation.

Associates with:
Phi Gamma Delta Fraternity

  • Reputation: Smart
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Alpha Omicron Pi Sorority at University of Georgia - UGA 4.2 People are mad about the video trending on tiktok of aoii girls from the balcony off their house screaming without their masks. What people need to realize is that the girls in that video all live together and they were all outdoors. The way they actually did bid day was quite safe. Masks were required and they traveled in small groups. If you need more information about this, some local news pages actually featured aoii because they did such a great job with bid day.
By: actually pretty goodPosted:

People are mad about the video trending on tiktok of aoii girls from the balcony off their house screaming without their masks. What people need to realize is that the girls in that video all live together and they were all outdoors. The way they actually did bid day was quite safe. Masks were required and they traveled in small groups. If you need more information about this, some local news pages actually featured aoii because they did such a great job with bid day.

  • Reputation: Looks
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Alpha Omicron Pi Sorority at University of Georgia - UGA 3.7 I have always loved all of the girls I know in aoii, but after seeing videos and pictures from the HUGE un-masked bid day party off campus yesterday, I am absolutely appalled and so disappointed. It's also been all over social media making all of Panhellenic look bad...
By: really??Posted:

I have always loved all of the girls I know in aoii, but after seeing videos and pictures from the HUGE un-masked bid day party off campus yesterday, I am absolutely appalled and so disappointed. It's also been all over social media making all of Panhellenic look bad...

  • Reputation: Looks
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Alpha Omicron Pi Sorority at University of Georgia - UGA 3.0 These girls are rude and they dirty rush. They are also trying too hard to be like KD (I am not in KD) this is just something I have been picking up on. I feel like they are trying to get an influx of Instagram followers like KD.
By: who is itPosted:

These girls are rude and they dirty rush. They are also trying too hard to be like KD (I am not in KD) this is just something I have been picking up on. I feel like they are trying to get an influx of Instagram followers like KD.

  • Reputation: Looks
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Alpha Omicron Pi Sorority at University of Georgia - UGA 4.5 A great sorority with a true sisterhood bond. Lots of campus involvement an excellent social calendar. Well rounded girls that were lots of fun. Friendly with other sororities as well....not too insular.
By: ProudAOIIPosted:

A great sorority with a true sisterhood bond. Lots of campus involvement an excellent social calendar. Well rounded girls that were lots of fun. Friendly with other sororities as well....not too insular.

  • Reputation: Looks
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Alpha Omicron Pi Sorority at University of Georgia - UGA 2.9 This chapter has a reputation of dirty rushing. Many times they have a majority of their PC filled before rush even begins. They have grown their chapter to an extension of their ATLANTA AREA HIGH SCHOOLS. It is a shame because nationally this sorority is known for diversity. They are small minded girls who even cut high quality legacies in favor of "local girls".....without any concern for the sisters who came before them or the quality of the chapter moving forward....Sadly, this chapter does NOT hold the reputation it had years ago
By: giaPosted:

This chapter has a reputation of dirty rushing. Many times they have a majority of their PC filled before rush even begins. They have grown their chapter to an extension of their ATLANTA AREA HIGH SCHOOLS. It is a shame because nationally this sorority is known for diversity. They are small minded girls who even cut high quality legacies in favor of "local girls".....without any concern for the sisters who came before them or the quality of the chapter moving forward....Sadly, this chapter does NOT hold the reputation it had years ago

  • Reputation: Smart
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1    By: huhAug 24, 2020 11:43:52 AM

you must be talking about adpi because aoii values legacies super highly (probably more than they should) and i’ve never heard anything about dirty rushing from them...

2    By: ElizabethOct 6, 2020 8:44:04 PM

AOII has high levels of integrity and continues to bring in wonderful girls!

3    By: AOII momFeb 11, 2021 12:08:10 PM

My daughter rushed AOII last year (PC2020) and was NOT dirty rushed (we are from the Atlanta suburbs) and has plenty of sister in her PC who are from OOS.

Alpha Omicron Pi Sorority at University of Georgia - UGA 4.9 A great group of ladies! They are fun and super chill! They have some of the most beautiful ladies.
By: Katie BugPosted:

A great group of ladies! They are fun and super chill! They have some of the most beautiful ladies.

Associates with:
Alpha Tau Omega Fraternity
Zeta Tau Alpha Sorority

  • Reputation: Looks
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Alpha Omicron Pi Sorority at University of Georgia - UGA 2.4 ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
By: neekPosted:

¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Associates with:
Sigma Phi Epsilon Fraternity
Alpha Chi Omega Sorority

  • Reputation: Smart
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Alpha Omicron Pi Sorority at University of Georgia - UGA 3.4 I was a legacy here but ended up getting dropped last round. Some of the girls in here are sweet but a lot of them are very annoying and fake. I’m happy I’m somewhere else.
By: MadPosted:

I was a legacy here but ended up getting dropped last round. Some of the girls in here are sweet but a lot of them are very annoying and fake. I’m happy I’m somewhere else.

Associates with:
Delta Sigma Phi Fraternity

  • Reputation: Looks
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Alpha Omicron Pi Sorority at University of Georgia - UGA 4.4 One of the more diverse sororities. Have a good number of BIPOC women in every pledge class. Nice group of girls.
By: BellePosted:

One of the more diverse sororities. Have a good number of BIPOC women in every pledge class. Nice group of girls.

Associates with:
Alpha Tau Omega Fraternity

  • Reputation: Looks
  • Friendliness:
  • Popularity:
  • Classiness:
  • Involvement:
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  • Sisterhood:
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