
what fraternities haze?

by: Lightning

Do frats still do this ??????????????????????????????????

Posted By: Lightning
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#1  by: anon   

tdx, fiji, zeta, pks, and lambda all have instances of hazing i have heard of / seen in the last year.

By: anon
by: ????Jun 28, 2024 6:51:36 PM

Fiji haze? How about beta, Dke, adphi?

By: ????
by: anonJun 28, 2024 8:30:10 PM

just mentioned all the ones i have heard of / seen personally. hazing is also an umbrella term. adphi only pears but that's just one post and hearsay, i have not heard / seen anything personally from those who went through what the post outlined.

By: anon
by: .Jun 29, 2024 7:36:10 PM

In all frats you will have to do “work” for events and stuff. For some it will be a lot alongside with unnecessary stuff for others it can be less with no unnecessary stuff. I have seen adphi wash carpets outside in a slave like manner.

By: .
by: .Jun 29, 2024 7:36:25 PM

In all frats you will have to do “work” for events and stuff. For some it will be a lot alongside with unnecessary stuff for others it can be less with no unnecessary stuff. I have seen adphi wash carpets outside in a slave like manner.

By: .
by: LmaoJun 29, 2024 9:19:24 PM

Lmfao that’s just them cleaning after parties bffr

By: Lmao
#2  by: Lol   

They all do

By: Lol
#3  by: Dognt    

Tdx does not haze what do you mean.

By: Dognt

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