
which sorority should be next to join us?


Do you think that we should add another sorority? Which one would be your pick?

Posted By: TAMU Greek
Page 3 of 4

If AOPi does colonize here, then just let them fail since they're so "mediocre."
We already have 13 of the 26 sororities here on campus, the rest aren't all going to be great. We already have all of the greats.

By: does it matter?

Did anyone go to the AOPi presentation? I thought they seemed pretty confident and like they could definitely support a chapter here AND provide a house. I am pretty sure they had like 10 alum show up too. What did everyone else think?

By: Skfjrn
by: Insider   

They also had a few actives show up to the presentation from nearby schools. I think they can do it.

By: Insider

Where would the new chapter search for property for their new house build?

By: ?
by: i've heard   

either buy pi kapp's house and tear it down or buy apartments by DG and tear them down. Either way, you're looking at millions and millions of dollars. Hope they have a lot of capital b/c that's what it's going to take.

By: i've heard

When is the decision being announced? Anyone actually know?

By: Idk someone?
by: Announced   

It was announced on the day you posted this. AOPi is coming to Aggieland!

By: Announced

I'm so underwhelmed by this choice. Booooorrrrriiiiiing.

By: hummmmm
by: YouAreLame   

Can't give a new sorority a chance? You prob don't even know anything about A O Pi. You are pathetic.

By: YouAreLame
by: whatever   

The fact that you're posting negativity about the new sorority says a lot more about you than anything else. It's a mean thing to do.

By: whatever
by: whateves   

no drama, no glamour. kinda like bring on tri sig or something only just slightly better.

By: whateves
by: seriously   

you're just trying to start drama over nothing. and what you're saying is wrong (tri sig doesn't even exist at most big schools...you can't say the same about aopi).

go be a debbie downer in your own little corner. lol

By: seriously

So I hear they plan to target the country queen big belt buckle FFA types that don't usually rush
There's a lot of those around here....

By: AOPi Recruiting?
by: Aopi straregy   

That's what they did at tarleton....

By: Aopi straregy

For the person who asked -
A colony will only participate in the first round of formal. They will use actives from a similar chapter. These girls introduce PNMs to the new sorority but do not vote on PNMs. After round 1 the new sorority stops participating in formal rush. A few weeks after bid day the new sorority has get to know you events and one on one interviews with alums who are part of the colonization team. These are not local alums. They select the new members. New sororities need members from all grades so lots of upperclass women usually apply.

That is how my group does it and since really all NPC operate the same that is how AOPi will do it too. When we added APhi no one wanted them or had heRd of them but really on a big campus there aren't many options for expansion because not many sororities can afford to colonize at a big campus who aren't already there. APhi was unknown at my school but they're already doing great. AOPi will be fine. They are very strong in the SEC.

By: How a colony picks member

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by: Yes   

This is 90% likely correct. I've also seen new sororities skip the first round of rush thing and only do informal recruitment events. Occasionally they'll take one pledge class in the fall, and then another full sized pledge class in the spring to boost their numbers before they have to do formal recruitment.

By: Yes

So we have AEPhi participating in formal recruitment next year, and now we AOPi colonizing. I am of the opinion that they should let AEPhi have one year to recruit, and let all chapters get to total. I don't know, maybe I am wrong.

By: Question

It's not just an AOPi problem, but any group that would have colonized - but how does introducing a new colony help the Panhellenic community as a whole? There are a few sororities here which have chronically had to COB to get up to total (nothing wrong with that). So next Fall, we're going to see those few sororities try to COB 10-20 girls PLUS the ~80 or so girls AOPi will need to colonize?

Are there even enough bidless/not-rushing-but-still-interested girls to make a colony viable? Did TAMU Panhellenic even let AOPi know about its numbers situation before they sent in their application packet? Maybe there's a reason only one sorority applied to colonize here...

By: Total?
by: pretty sure   

i think the reason no one else applied was because of housing, not numbers. total can go down a few for each house to accomodate another chapter on campus...then maybe barely anyone will have to cob...that's part of the point of expansion, to reduce chaper size

By: pretty sure
by: Housing   

If housing really was a problem, then even AOPi would have a problem. But the reality is, compared to some of the other schools of A&M's size, it's not that big of a deal at all.

It's not like land values around Sorority Row are that expensive anyways, unlike Austin or other urban campuses.

The PiKapp house which is literally next door to Zeta is kind of a dump and eyesore. I'm sure that org would love to take the cash for their land and go build a complex somewhere further out.

By: Housing

My mom is an AOII and very active in the Dallas alum chapter. They are really excited and have a lot of national support. We should do all we can to support this new chapter.

By: Yea!!

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