
sorority comments


Texas A&M University - TAMU General Sorority Comments

Posted By: GR Administrator
Page 326 of 392

You just nailed it. Good job ma'am.

By: @seriously

AXO is bottom now.. nice try though, also Theta is below par as well....no one wants to mix with them..

By: @ seriously

I'd say that's pretty spot on.

By: @seriously

that if you have to post on this website then something is wrong with you... every house at A&M is a good fit. just shut up about who is best since we are all Aggie women we are all top tier.

By: everyone knows:

CPC has asked girls from all Chapters at A&M to take greekrank to a different level. I want to say that first I am an AGGIE and second I am a DG and because of that I think that it should not matter which house you get a bid from because you will be sisters with your fellow Aggies. I have really close friends in all the houses. My friend in Zeta was my roomie last year and she is my best friend, Tri Delt friend is from high school DZ friend was another of my 3 roomies and I love her so much Idk what I would do without her PiPHi from MSC fish, ADPi from my class and she helped me through calc Kappa my last roomie that taught me how to party it up Theta was a girl that went to church with me every sunday Gamma phi is a girl that went to summer camp with me AXO there are 7 girls there that I wish were my sisters KD while I only know one she is super sweet XO is my very best friend from childhood and cannot live without her. So you see just a few of my friends that do not belong to DG

By: DG

Look here it is: Go through Recruitment and go with an open mind. Do not go in the first day thinking you know what house you want even before you meet them. I know so many girls that did that and they overlooked some really great houses. They got into their top choice of XYZ andat first were so happy but then they realized that hey I made a mistake I have nothing in common with my sisters. If you will really go by what your heart is telling you you will not have that experience. Every house has a lot to offer and just because some lunatic comes on a random website and puts down this house or that and self ranks others does not mean that this is in any way what we are like. A&M is a unified school and our 12 Aggie sororities are unified also. Be an AGGIE and give all 12 houses a chance and give recruitment a chance and you will be in a place you love.


is sick sick sick of this website and all the stupid lies posted on everyone of these great sororities walls. Texas A&M has 12 great sororities with a place for the elite of A&M. The girls that get in and feel the need to post these vicious and untrue remarks on every other chapters is not showing her Aggie or Aggie Greek spirit and I am really disappointed that this person is associated in any way with either organization. PNM's while I love our house the best we are not for everyone. Please when you go through recruitment go in with an open mind and no preconceived notions that you want in XYZ or ABC house. Until you meet all the sisters in each house you will not know where you belong. The system works so use the system and take the bid you get as it was offered to you for a reason. We are not better than anyone else here at A&M as we are all Aggies and we all have great qualities and lets be honest we also All have bad qualities too but the good in all houses always outweighs bad!!

By: Tri Delt

What does it matter what Greek rank says? It is not in any way shape or form the truth. A&M CPC really hates this website and has asked that some of the girls from all the Chapters at A&M come on and let the PNM's know that no house at A&M supports this website. The only girls posting on here are lonely pathetic people with nothing better to do in their lives than to put down these AMAZING AGGIE WOMEN. If you have any brains in your head you will know that nothing on this stupid website is truth. Find out for yourself when recruitment starts and let the system work for you.

By: piphi

PNM's need to realize that this website is full of lies and self ranking. None of it is what it is really like. Go through rush and give every house a chance because you will find girls like you if you do. Money is not everything. And just because you think you want to go where the "rich girls" go then you will miss out on a great opportunity to have something real. I am not saying the "rich houses" are bad but all the houses have something to add.

By: adpi

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KKG is a very strong house here at A&M and I am so thankful I am part of such a strong sisterhood. When Panhellenic asked some of us girls from all the chapters to post some positive and true feelings on greekrank.com I thought about what I would say. Well what I decided to let PNM's know is that it is easy to hide behind an alias and bash the ladies of all the houses. It is easier to lie, it is easier to self rank, it is easier to go after individuals and try to ruin a reputation. Well none of that is acceptable to me. As a KKG officer I have higher standards than that. If I find out through the recruitment process that a PNM got her mind made up about our house because of what she read on this pathetic website I will make sure she is black balled. All houses at A&M are amazing... ALL 12

By: kappa

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