
Greek Report Tells All


Theta top in grades, followed by Chi O then Pi Phi - grades aren't everything, but they at least show you some strong houses

Also shows who really had to spring rush - AXO, ADPi, AOPi, DZ and ZTA (1 girl?)
^If you are on this list and have to spring rush year after year to fill your house, you are NOT a top house (ZTA not included). Sorry not sorry.

Take notes right from the source, PNMs!

Posted By: truth
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By: .
by: $$$   

Theta also one of the top in the country for philanthropy. Money + grades = connections

By: $$$

Chi O raises at least $100,000 more than everyone at A&M every year

By: …
by: hi xo   

… and now we know who’s been putting theta down

By: hi xo

If you have eyes and can read you would see that Theta is also on probation right now… through December. So it doesn’t really matter if they get first in grades lmao

By: Hello

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by: hey   

They did say grades aren't everything, but theta is still a good house.

By: hey
by: hmm   

What does being on probation mean? I'm going to be a pnm and I don't know much about it.

By: hmm

this is the geek rank

By: bad
by: GPA   

Geek rank…I see what you did there lol


If you know how spring rush works it’s because girls graduated in the December, not because of grades.....

By: ok
by: Fyi   

These are both in the same post because they’re both in the Greek report, not because they have any correlation!

By: Fyi
by: eek not really   

everyone house has girls who graduate in December....only some struggle with even more girls dropping

By: eek not really

When have grades ever played a part in which houses are top😭😭 This is dumber than the average post on Greek Rank, and that’s really saying something.

By: Bro

well looking at the report you can see then that dz completed the most service hours of any cpc chapter, adpi got 6 chapter awards, and alpha chi also was recognized and got an award. kat and kkg were also on probation at this time.

you can’t pick and choose things to call chapters out for. all chapters have so many things to be proud of and that is clear to see from this report that you claim is the end all be all to greek life here. grow up and check your own hypocrisy.

By: Pick and choose

Did you forget that KD and Theta both did spring rush? You can’t pick and choose which chapters to drag.

By: Ok
by: wrong    

They obviously didn't if it's not on the report lol

By: wrong
by: Dude   

Look at their Instagrams, they posted pictures themselves of their spring bid days. Acting like greek report is everything is crazy

By: Dude

because the top six sororities were about a .10 grade point difference, no one cares about chapter gpa. Now, if a chapter gpa is 3.2 or below that would be a factor.

Bottomline - its hard to get into tamu, so none of the gpas should be low.

By: hi

Theta was top in grades, but aren’t they also on probation until the end of this year?

By: ok tell all
by: bye    

their probation is over

By: bye

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