
Sororities top tier

by: This

I think all the ranking is so dumb y’all! We are lucky to be Greek at a place like A&M. Lots of girls dropped rush last year and many more never got a bid. Recruitment is crazy hard & everyone has incredible resumes going into it, most with good grades and tons of activities. What separates some girls getting a bid to one sorority over another often comes down to nothing more than having stronger connections with girls already in the house and nothing more. Some of it is also luck. It is so ridiculous to get caught up in ranks, when any of the girls in one house could have just as easily fit great in most of the other houses. While some houses might be “easier” to get a bid from than others, literally NOTHING about recruitment is easy even from the other side. Please stop the hate on here. From the outside if you aren’t Greek there is literally no difference and in 4 years nobody will give a crap.

Posted By: This
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#1  by: YES   

Thank you!! It is beyond true. I am in a supposed “lower tier” sorority. I have friends in so many other chapters. We are all very similar. We all do the same things and have the same experiences within our sororities. It breaks my heart to read anonymous rips on all of our chapters. I find it hard to believe that other Panhellenic women come on here to tear each other down, because IRL, we don’t act like that to each other. Sure, competition is normal. It’s human behavior. But recruitment is really tough and it’s really personal. I loved my house on the first day. I’m so glad I didn’t let garbage on here get in my head. I love my friends and my house. That being said, I know I would fit in anywhere here because there are so many different types of girls in every chapter. We talk about being inclusive and anti-hate. That should extend to each other as well.

by: YesJul 5, 2020 5:23:22 PM

Exactly this.

By: Yes
#2  by: Yup   

Bumping this bc so true. EVERY chapter is diverse and is home to beautiful, smart, hard working women. I hope the PNM’s on this site choose their house based off how much it feels like home to them, rather than the sorority’s supposed reputation. A good friend of mine was stuck between a top and lower mid tier sorority at Pref last year and ended up picking the top tier one because of what she read on here and she regrets it big time.

By: Yup
#3  by: .   


By: .
#4  by: Save it   

Bump because this is spot on

By: Save it
#5  by: SC   

Yeah this is spot on anyone getting caught up in rank needs to take a hard look in the mirror and get a life

By: SC
#6  by: GreekGirl   

This is so true! Every girl thinks their chapter is the best, and it is....FOR THEM! Pick the house that’s best for you! I’m so glad I did. I had a top tier and middle tier house for pref. I went the mid tier and my friends went top tier. They all told me I was crazy for not picking the top tier house, but I knew it wasn’t the place for me. Now they are miserable and I love my house. Listen to your heart and join the sorority where you feel at home, no matter what anyone says, especially this site!!!

By: GreekGirl
by: Pan loveAug 1, 2020 11:51:26 PM

Bump! Aggies first, greeks second!

By: Pan love
#7  by: This   

Bump because here we go with the stupid ranking again.

By: This

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