
all ranks fall 2019


Alright this is just my opinion, but also how I and others most likely feel about the sorority and fraternity ranks at A&M. If you disagree that’s fine but I would say this is what most people generally think as of this point in time. Feel free to leave your opinion in the comments. This is in terms of involvement, popularity, and how well liked they are on campus overall.

1. ZTA
2. DG
3. Tri Delt
4. Kappa
5. Pi Phi
6. Axo
7. Chi O
8. DZ
9. G Phi
10. KD
11. ADPi

1. SAE
2. KA
3. Delt
4. Sigma Chi
5. Pike
6. Beta
7. Phi Delt
8. Kappa Sig
9. Pi Kapp
10. ATO
11. Sammy
12. Phi Psi

Sororities are hard to rank imo because they are so different. Chi O is a great sorority but nobody in it is very involved with fraternities because they don’t party much. Pi Phi is the most diverse sorority because it has girls that party as well as Christian girls who are involved in campus. Again, this is JUST OUR OPINION.

Fraternities are easier to rank but it honestly just depends on what type of guys you like. Every fraternity listed has a good time. Some more than others, but it’s a big school. Most parties are decent sized. Let me know what y’all think in the comments. This is mostly just for fun so don’t be hurt if your org is ranked low. Every Greek org has something different to offer!

Posted By: .
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it’s sad when you don’t include all of the sororities.

By: truth
by: .   

Forgot about KAT. They would be around 7 or 8 imo

By: .

Maybe flip Beta and Pike but other than that these are honestly pretty accurate imo

By: Aggie '20

Frat ranks are pretty spot on especially with the explanation given. You’ll have a good time with whatever frat you rush (except for the ones not listed). These rankings are more status based though so if that’s important, then that’s what you get. If not, every frat parties, has gpa requirements, philanthropy requirements, networking, etc. Go with the one wherever you feel more at home as sorority as that sounds

By: Honest frat guy
by: Buuuut   

Except for beta I think they should be lower than pike and phidelt just for the fact that they're very under the radar. You hardly hear about anything philanthropic or sorority relations with them, just their partying

By: Buuuut

Am I the only one that finds it ridiculous that Blinn Team girls can rush?? They only take ONE class at A&M and the rest of their classes at the JUNIOR COLLEGE. At other universities if girls don't go to the university full time, they can't rush. And more than that, I find it crazy that the supposedly top sororities take these girls - Tri Delt and Kappa took a bunch of them over the past few years - last year was the worst. I just think it lowers the standards of the chapter.

By: GPA Should Matter
by: !   

Thankfully A&M is putting a stop to blind team all together in the coming years so this shouldn’t be a problem

By: !
by: Blinn Team   

You don’t know what you are talking about. Blinn Team is offered to high potential students who went to very competitive high schools and just missed TAMU acceptance due to class rank. These girls would be admitted easily if they graduated from most Texas high schools.

By: Blinn Team
by: IMO   

Agreed!! They also shouldn't be allowed to live on campus. They got some of the first picks on housing. Why are they living on campus to go to one class there. Makes absolutely no since and unfair to the students that actually got in to A&M!!!

by: U don’t get it   

You seriously don’t know what you’re talking about. I have friends in it so I’ all explain....

1. They take 6-7 hours on main campus. They take others at the new Rellis campus, which is BlinnTeam only.

2. Most of them are more qualified than people who get in on 10%.

3. If the sororitys didn’t rush them then they miss out on a lot of qualified girls. The smarter groups no this.

And no they don’t get the best housing. They have to wait like everyone else now for the date they got accepted. You are not informed about what BlinnTeam is anymore. TAMU treats them as full time students because they are. Time to let go of the old stereotype.

By: U don’t get it
by: But what do IK   

Housing doesn't go by the date you got accepted. It goes by when you apply for housing. So they get to pick housing the same time as other students who worked their way into A&M. If they were in the top 10%, then I don't imagine it was given to them. They worked their HS career to get there. So yes it is crazy they get to live in the nicer dorms where some didn't get a chance because the BT got to pick housing at the same time. All while paying a lot less for tuition at the Rellis Campus

By: But what do IK
by: hm.    

I’m sure any TEAM girl is doing better than most of the ones who, by the grace of god and a rigged system, made the top 10% in their class. They’re probably struggling to maintain their low GPA at A&M but have enough time to come on greek rank and talk about things they know nothing about..... This thread irrelevant.

By: hm.
by: Just no   

You obviously know nothing about Blinn team. Team students are allowed to take up to 6 hours at A&M, at least that is true for some majors they are working to get into. So really you are gripping over 1-2 classes they are not taking at A&M...... isn’t that already true for A&M students that decide to take their harder classes at Blinn?? That’s why they are allowed to rush. They are still admitted into the university, do you suppose we segregate them because of their title? Also, the amount of people who are admitted via TEAM and who decide to rush is so marginal to the amount of “fully admitted” students.

By: Just no

That’s correct. Most girls in BlinnTeam were either competitive private school girls or girls from very competitive public high schools who don’t make the 10% rule at their school. These kids are usually more qualified than a kid from a Podunk school who graduated and got in on the 10% law. The smarter sororities know this and take it into consideration so stop trying to act like you’re any smarter than a lot of these girls. If you were, you wouldn’t post nonsense like that.

By: 7

BlinnTeam acceptances come in late so they apply for housing later; therefore they don’t get housing as early. Housing goes by the date you apply for housing and pay the deposit. And I can assure you there are people in BlinnTeam with just as good academic skills as others. Private schools don’t rank btw, so they don’t even get that option.

By: 7

Blinn Team are low achiever ju-co kids hahahaha hahahaha - seriously, they should get no perks if they can't get in to TAMU - no rush, live off campus, etc. if they didn't earn admission out right

By: Not Really

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Y’all all seriously need to grow up. Blinn TEAM or not you all end up in the same place. Senior year of high school I got into some beef with a girl who thought I didn’t deserve to say I was “going to A&M” because I got TEAM. At the end of the day I got my ring before her, graduated before her, and got into a sorority while she rushed twice and got dropped. I know plenty of Blinn TEAM people who graduate with their A&M degrees and plenty of full time A&M that drop out. So seriously like grow tf up.

By: Old
by: Just wow   

Same.....sad to see people on hear beating down on some to make themselves feel good. They should say what Sorority they’re in so PNMS know the group to avoid.

By: Just wow
by: so...   

If there is no difference, then why even have a Blinn TEAM? I mean, really, what does it say to those of us who worked really hard in high school to get accepted to A&M, only to watch the kids who didn't really care about school and partied - not get into A&M but get Blinn Team - yet get they get the very same benefits AND get it cheaper? The whole program is BS - they go to junior college and take 1 or 2 classes at A&M - they should not get the same perks as full time A&M students, let them work for it. Sorry, but it does bother me. You are either able to get in the university or you aren't - this whole Blinn Team was probably started by some rich varsity blue type parents who wanted to make sure their precious little low achievers could still get the college experience while not having to do the work to get there legitimately. I worked my butt off in a competitive high school and at the end saw a lot of undeserving people get Blinn Team. So I really wonder, what was the point was of working so hard if we "all end up in the same place"? I get why the girl said you didn't deserve to say you went to A&M - it's disheartening for a lot of us who worked hard, got accepted and go to A&M full time. There are actually MORE benefits to being Blinn Team considering they get a huge cost break. Like I said, the whole program is BS and rewards those who don't deserve it.

By: so...

Sorry, but 'hand picked' and 'more achievers than most'? This made me laugh out loud - this has to be an over indulgent mommy spinning it on why their kid didn't get into A&M and has to be in the 'special' program LOL! I know too many people that I went to high school with who are Team Blinn - trust me, I know what they did (or more accurately didn't do) to be accepted into a program that is primarily a junior college. But hey, whatever you have to tell yourself to make you feel better about it - yay, Go Buccaneers!

By: Not Buying It
by: !   

You are hateful. Not much else you can say to ignorance.

By: !

If what you say is true, retake the ACT and get that point. I'm sure there are lawyers who took the bar exam and missed it by 1 point - do they get a freebie? Apparently your ACT score wasn't good enough - retake it until it is - I took the SAT 3 times to get the score I wanted...

By: Whatever
by: Ok   

Thanks for the friendly Aggie welcome. I’m a freshman on TEAM and y’all have made me feel really great about being here. Is that you’re goal? To make people feel bad about themselves?

So you know, the freshmen in Team this year were told that anytime in the past 5 years we would have been admitted “full” but because A&M cut back on the number of Freshmen accepted this year and there was a record number of applications (more 10% applications) this did not happen. I’m sure you think they just told us that to be nice, but whatever.

Good for you that you worked so hard but so did I. I had scholarships to other schools out of state (good schools) and turned them down to come be an Aggie. And now you’re making me feel like I don’t deserve to be on the same campus as you.

Think about how you make people feel before saying such hurtful things. There is more to life than a 4.0 and being in a “top” sorority.

By: Ok
by: ???   

So nobody should ever be allowed to transfer in to A&M. Got it.

You have ZERO idea how TEAM works. You THINK the partiers from your high school made it in. I doubt that seriously.

TEAM is for seriously academically competitive suburban 6A high schools whose bottom 50% are smarter -- and better prepared for college -- than 99% of rural Texas. They come fill the classrooms when the kids who CAN'T hack it drop out and go home. So let go of your bitterness and realize these kids who transfer in when unprepared kids quit after freshman year are PAYING FOR THIS SCHOOL.

By: ???

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