
ivy league top sororities

by: charlotte

Brown - Theta, AXO (only 2)
Columbia - Theta, DG, AXO (only 3)
Cornell - Kappa, Theta, DG
Dartmouth - Kappa, Tri Delt
Harvard - Theta, Kappa, DG (only 3)
Pennsylvania - Theta, Tri Delt
Princeton - Pi Phi, Theta, Kappa (only 3)
Yale - Theta, Pi Phi, Kappa (only 3)

Posted By: charlotte
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#11  by: puhleeeze   

Cornell -DG, Theta, Alpha Phi
Dartmouth - Kappa, Tri Delt, Alpha Phi
Pennsylvania - Theta, Tri Delt, Chi O, Alpha Phi/SDT

These are the only Ivies that have a decent greek life and the NPC chapters that are the best within each.

By: puhleeeze
#12  by: And   

Georgetown - Kappa

By: And
by: HuhMar 11, 2016 9:11:38 AM

Georgetown isn't Ivy

By: Huh
#13  by: Get Facts Straight   

Yes, Georgetown is Ivy.

By: Get Facts Straight
by: nopeMar 15, 2016 12:13:29 AM

they are not

By: nope
by: iviesMar 15, 2016 1:10:16 PM

Georgetown has always been Ivy. Kappa was first sorority and Theta just colonized. This means nothing at Texas A&M though.

By: ivies
by: UmmMar 15, 2016 10:38:18 PM

As a Georgetown student trolling I can assure you we aren't Ivy League.

By: Umm
by: UmmMar 15, 2016 10:41:22 PM

Literally all you have to do is look up the Ivy League.... It's Harvard, Yale, upenn, brown, Cornell, Dartmouth, Columbia, Princeton. MIT,cal tech, Stanford, Johns Hopkins, Duke,and Georgetown are equal or better academically but we aren't and don't want to be Ivy League or affiliated with it at all.

By: Umm
by: Wrong. Dec 20, 2016 10:00:37 PM

The Ivy League is an athletic conference, just like the SEC. The only schools in the Ivy League are Harvard, Princeton, Yale, Dartmouth, Brown, Columbia, UPenn, and Cornell. Not Georgetown. Not Stanford. Not Duke.

By: Wrong.
#14  by: omg   

This is so funny to see on the A&M greekrank. Like this is relevant to A&M??????

By: omg
#15  by: Confused   

why and how this has anything to do with Aggie land.
but yes, Dartmouth Greek life is a bunch of local Greek groups having disaffiliated with nationals. Only a few national groups at that campus now.

Cornell is the king of Greek life in the Ivys and compared to many other places. Especially frat life. Very old houses, Lots of housed chapters, very old chapters, very rich prep school guys and they're not on Greekrank like a bunch of wannabes.

By: Confused
#16  by: Confused   

why and how this has anything to do with Aggie land.
but yes, Dartmouth Greek life is a bunch of local Greek groups having disaffiliated with nationals. Only a few national groups at that campus now.

Cornell is the king of Greek life in the Ivys and compared to many other places. Especially frat life. Very old houses, Lots of housed chapters, very old chapters, very rich prep school guys and they're not on Greekrank like a bunch of wannabes.

By: Confused
#17  by: Agz    

My cousin is at Brown and it's very progressive, so you can imagine the freakish Greek life there. That being said, Cornell has one of the best developed Greek systems anywhere. My cousins bestie is either DG or APhi there and I think those chapters have been there for like 135 years. Crazy.

By: Agz
#18  by: Hi   

I don’t Knowl any soroties but As I can see it is not as exciting as In the movies

By: Hi
#19  by: Cornell chad   

Cornell student, can confirm

By: Cornell chad
#20  by: Ag   

This is so irrelevant at A&M!!!!

By: Ag

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