
top sororities in sec

by: GeorgiaPeach

Top Tier at:

Georgia - Phi Mu, Kappa, Theta, XO
Kentucky - Theta, Tri Delt, ADPi
Tennessee - Tri Delt, ADPi
LSU - KD, Tri Delt, Kappa
Alabama - Kappa, KD, XO, AXO
Ole Miss - Tri Delt, XO, DG
Vanderbilt - Theta, Kappa, Tri Delt
Mizzou - Tri Delt, Pi Phi, Kappa, Theta, XO
Auburn - KD, XO, AGD
Florida - DG, ZTA, KD
Miss St. - XO, DG
Texas A&M - Tri Delt, Kappa

Posted By: GeorgiaPeach
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#11  by: Georgia Peaches   

Top Tier


Tri-Delt/Pi Phi


This is the way it is & IF you went to A&M & were a student, you would know this

By: Georgia Peaches
by: tamugreekNov 26, 2012 4:18:57 PM

For someone named "Georgia Peaches" you obviously don't know anything about greek life at A&M. Zeta has always been in the top 6 sororities, but would never be up with Tridelt/Kappa. There is ABSOLUTELY no way Theta is below AXO/DG/DZ. As a current A&M student, I WOULD KNOW. You're obviously a Zeta if you think they are top 2.

By: tamugreek
#12  by: Georgia Peaches   

Kappa/Zeta are top tier at A&M

By: Georgia Peaches
#13  by: lol   

hahaha easy DZ is definitely not above theta. and as for Zeta being top two, YEAH RIGHT. everyone knows Kappa and Tridelt have always been top 2.

By: lol
#14  by: the point   

the point is I don't care what groups are weak at A&M...you should choose one that is strong nationally, especially in the SEC...no offense to AXO and DZ. I'm sure they have their strong areas of the country too.

By: the point
by: obvNov 26, 2012 10:24:29 PM

noone cares, they're not worth pledging anyways

By: obv
by: What?Nov 27, 2012 10:37:54 AM

I know AXO is strong at Bama at least.

By: What?
#15  by: SEC   

XO and Kappa are top tier at Arkansas.

by: ArkansasOct 13, 2013 3:53:40 AM

Pi Phi is top tier with XO,

By: Arkansas
#16  by: ..   

First off Zeta is not top teir yet..
Second ADPi got a strong pledge class this fall.
Third Theta is on its way down and finally the houses at A&M all have great girls in them that are smart, pretty and talented.

Stop with the hate and pettiness, we don't care what the rest of the SEC is like

By: ..
#17  by: Greek3   

Greek Rank is being run by a Tri-Delt that keeps ranking her sorority high. Tri-Delt is NOT a top tier sorority at A&M & EVERYONE knows it. You are really pathetic bashing other houses & making your own sorority look good. Well guess what, Tri-Delt is Middle Tier. The End!

By: Greek3
#18  by: what   

Are you kidding? The TriDelts have sunk very low.

By: what
#19  by: SCstudent   

I attend the university of South Carolina and I am not Greek but I am rushing next year. I just wanna say the rankings here are



Then the rest..
I've heard ADPi is not doing to good at A&M but maybe the Greek girls need to stop bashing them so much. They'll gain momentum in the SEC for sure.

By: SCstudent
by: aggieDec 5, 2012 9:39:50 AM

KD and ADPi aren't as strong in Texas as they are in the SEC but ADPi is having a revitalization at A&M. ADPi is top tier at the smaller state and private schools in Texas and very strong at UT. They redid their house at A&M and are on their way back up for sure. Their nationals have really stepped up for them this year and it's great to see them doing so well.

By: aggie
by: ForDec 5, 2012 12:33:08 PM

Some reason Texas is the one Southern State where a lot of the big Southern sororities aren't as big KD and ADPi are the obvious examples, but AOPi and Phi Mu even more so since they are more absent than lower tier.

By: For
#20  by: SouthernSororities   

KD, Phi Mu, Alpha Gam and AOPi all had chapters at Texas and they all folded. Phi Mu folded at A&M a few years after Greek Life started, and Alpha Gam a few years later. KD recolonized their chapter at Texas in late 1980s.

ADPi is bottom at Baylor, Texas, Tech, A&M, TCU, chapter closed at SMU. Not strong in Texas either.

By: SouthernSororities
by: not true on KDDec 5, 2012 2:57:36 PM

KD has a chapter at Texas still, and they've never closed that I'm aware of.

By: not true on KD
by: not true on KDDec 5, 2012 3:00:05 PM

in fact I'm pretty sure they've been there since the 1920s continuously.

By: not true on KD
by: realityDec 5, 2012 7:12:01 PM

KD and ADPi are very strong at UT and strong at Tech and ADPi is strong at Baylor and TCU...but not "top tier". All the groups at those schools are strong though--but KD and ADPi are not as popular as the others, but still very strong, make quota, etc.

ADPi is top tier at Texas State, Southwestern, UNT, Lamar, Sam Houston.

The "big six" seem to be the most popular in Texas with KKG and PiPhi being the strongest. They are not as strong in the SEC though.

By: reality
by: At UTDec 5, 2012 7:50:26 PM

also the big 3 are kind of getting bogged down by weak legacies, so a lot of people would say they're more kind of at the top because of their money more than for doing anything.

By: At UT
by: big6Dec 5, 2012 9:04:37 PM

the UT big 6 is really more of just an old "tradition" than reality. Some of the lower," less popular" sororities are actually stronger (larger, higher GPA, raise more money) like DG, ADPi and AXO

By: big6

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