
bid day

by: pnm

what exactly will we do on sorority bid day? I know we go to the house for pictures and stuff but what exactly do we do?

Posted By: pnm
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#1  by: answer   

you will find out if and when you get a bid. each sorority is different. Top 4 sororities have a lot of fun stuff planned, but bottom 4 (ADPi, KD, Gamma Phi, AEPi) dont really do much.

By: answer
by: ^^Aug 16, 2016 6:15:34 PM

that is just rude. EVERY bid day will be tons of fun!! usually there is music, food, LOTS of picture taking, and just getting to know your new sisters.

By: ^^
by: Not true Aug 16, 2016 6:54:02 PM

Stop bashing 4 of our houses. I'm in another house but I've been here long enough to know that all of our houses are great and Bid Day is pretty much the same at EVERY house.

To the PNM - wear shorts and sandals/sneakers and a casual, lightweight top. You'll get your new sorority jersey as soon as you get to your new house so wear a top you can easily change out of or just put your jersey on top of.

By: Not true
by: YaabAug 16, 2016 8:15:19 PM

You are rude and wrong....bid day at all the houses is pretty much exactly the same

By: Yaab
#2  by: lol   

lol. your in denial if you dont clearly see a difference in experience from being in the bottom 4 compared to any other sorority. its not a bad experience, just vastly different. more focus on "sisterhood" less on social activities and philanthropic events.

By: lol
by: WrongAug 16, 2016 7:59:15 PM

Anyone who has been on sorority row knows that they all have very similar bid days. PHC won't allow anything crazy or outlandish. Mostly music, pics, bid day gifts, food, and fun sisterhood stuff

By: Wrong
by: lolAug 16, 2016 8:40:20 PM

im not referring to bid day. im speaking generally.

By: lol
by: Go GreekAug 16, 2016 9:00:31 PM

Guess what? There is more than one "type" of girl at A&M:

Some PNM's are really into partying & being social; others are really focused on finding a welcoming sisterhood.

Some PNM's are focused on balancing academics & involvement; others are really into philanthropy and volunteer work.

Some PNM's want to be involved in both a sorority and other organizations; others want to find a house that will encourage their Christian faith while they're away at college.

The amazing thing is that our houses are so large that every house has every kind of girl in it. The party PNM and the super Christian PNM can both find their tribe in the same house if they connect with girls during rush. Every house has girls with 4.0's and girls who can tell you what the best bar is for every night of the week.

Truly, if we all took off our letters you couldn't tell a Kappa from a KD or a Phi Phi from a Gamma Phi or a DG from a DZ.

By: Go Greek

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