
why ddd and kkg?


I'm not trying to hate, I know a ton of Tri Delts and Kappas and a lot are good friends, I'm just trying to understand why they're logically considered top houses. It doesn't make much sense to me.

Neither are the smartest or most involved. Neither are even top 3 when it comes to philanthropy events, or when it comes to looks or fraternity relations. They don't have nice houses. So where does their status come from?

Posted By: I don't get it
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It's because most of them come from money or the "right" background, and for the ones who don't, the sorority still retains that "prestigious" reputation. Everyone says they're top houses but no one ever claims them as their favorite or the best at anything. It's all just in the name. It's no different than like, KA or Fiji for fraternities

By: Obvious answer

DDD has great grades, Kappa has great Phianthropy events and fraternity relations, both are involved on campus, and they pledge the top PNMs.

By: ^^^^
by: ^   

But a top house should be the best in at least most of those thing. Neither Kappa nor Tri Delt are usually even in the top 2-3 for any criteria

By: ^

I am trying to be honest not snooty....

I think they are the best mix of sophisticated, classy and fun. The girls are super confidant, can be snobby, and often intimidate others. Chi O, Pi Phi, and Theta all have girls who are sophisticated, classy, and smart but they just aren't as fun and maybe not quite as attractive....also less intimidating and a little more socially awkward. Zeta and AXO are "hot" and fun but that isn't what makes a top house. DG is "hot/cute" and smart but again not what I would call top. Top houses have to have class and sophistication which makes them interesting and socially very good and comes from growing up in an environment which cultivates those things. Many girls in other chapters might eventually be that way, they just aren't yet. Sad to say but that is why money does matter. Class is much more important in determining a top house than what a chapter's house looks like or what fraternity guys think.....just my opinion!

By: My opinion
by: Get over yourself   

I know you say you're not trying to sound snooty but holy crap. Being a spoon fed snob with rich parents does not equate with having "class and sophistication"

By: Get over yourself
by: No   

I am not in one of those. I actually preffed one but got another chapter which I really love. However, I know enough of those girls to realize that their backgrounds really have made them different from me for sure and most other people I know here. I actually do not think I would have ended up happy there because that super self confidence and who cares attitude can be exhausting

By: No

I think both recruit on personality, reputation, and background first and looks second. They will both want girls who are well liked, involved, smart, outgoing and social over just looks.

By: My experience

Because they take the pnms with the best resumes and best reputations. Also most are very good looking. So while they might not win everything or have all the best events, kappa and Tridelt ALWAYS take the best girls. As a result, they're top because of the types of girls that have. 99% of girls would pref Tridelt or kappa if they could but Tridelt and kappa are the most exclusive. Also I'd argue they're very involved. Always competing In songfest and stomp. Tridelt got second in songfest and kappa got third in stomp. Last year Tridelt won paddy Murphy. There's ALWAYS guys wearing their letters (especially Tridelts) idk. I got cut from both first day and ended up in another great house and wouldn't change a thing but I know I would've loved to be in kappa or Tridelt too because they really are the best A&M has to offer overall I think. But either way I love my sorority and all the girls. I just wish we had a better reputation.

By: Honestly

They are the closest it gets to being in a sorority similar to that of UT etc. Why is PKT top at UT? It's not because of involvement or looks or even grades. It's about who they rush and how exclusive they are.

By: Ya

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by: Me   

Even tho it's no where near the same level, I agree that kappa/tridelt are the PKT of A&M

By: Me

I have to agree. They're north involved but not any more than any other sorority. The only thing that can really be claimed is DDD is usually top 3 in grades. If you ask who the hottest sororities are, DDD/KKG will not be on the list. If you ask guys who their favorite is, DDD/KKG may be held in positive regard, but they will not be at the top of the list. When you ask about philanthropy events, DDD/KKG does not come to mind. Their houses do not compare to many others on the row. Fact of the matter is, DDD/KKG meet none of the conditions to be called top house.

Don't get me wrong. They're great sororities. Definitely in the top 5. But acting like either are ahead of the pack is totally erroneous. Their names alone are a strong pull factor during recruitment, but when rush is over, it becomes very clear that neither houses really promise what they sell.

By: Wow
by: ^   

No one cares about houses after recruitment sorry zeta.

By: ^
by: Lol what   

I'm sure the girls who have to live in them for a full year do

By: Lol what
by: ^^   

Yeah right??!?! Imagine having to live in a house full of zetas for a full year (vomit). All the houses are basically the same, lots of girls, no privacy. Sure maybe zetas house has fresh paint and crown molding. But too bad for the girls who pick a sorority based on their house... Sucks for you when you have to life with them and you realize everyone is just as superficial as you

By: ^^
by: ^   

You sound like an awful person

By: ^

You can tell by all the comments how much Tri Delt and Kappa have to reach to protect their place, and just how hard they try to promote their reputation on this site

By: God
by: I am not a    

Tri Delta or a Kappa (really) and I bet all of the above comments were not from them either.

I am with the girl who doesn't get what you don't get. Obviously many (maybe even most) of us do not think being hot to boys or how a house looks is a big deal. Frankly, I think those are shallow, stupid reasons to pledge. I dropped Zeta fast and DG pretty quickly also. Pretty, fun girls but not like me or where I want to spend the next four years+. They are not the type girls I have ever really hung out with. Nothing wrong with that just is what it is.

I absolutely see why you think looks, house, and fraternities liking chapters makes you top (philanthropies and grades vary and all do fine IMO. Differences too small to even discuss).....I just 100% disagree about what is important. We are never going to agree. You think several chapters are boring but I think they are awesome and love the really nice girls in them who might not be gorgeous and do not necessarily party like crazy.

Not really sure why you can't admit chapters have different strengths and move on....different girls want different things.

Most of us get that.

By: I am not a
by: ^   

Not the same person as the other commenter but I think you might be the one who doesn't get it. Most girls know that each chapter has its own strengths, and pick/support the ones that appeal to the things they value in a sorority. The point I think a lot of people are trying to get across is simply that it's unjustifiable to call DDD/KKG top as if they're above the others. Do they excel in their own ways? Of course. Just like every sorority in our great Greek system. But are they superior to say, ZTA/DG, or even XO? Anyone who thinks about it seriously would say no. ZTA/DG definitely have them beat socially and in looks. XO has them beat in grades and philanthropy. Not very many other ways to measure a sorority tbh

DDD/KKG don't really come out on top for anything, so it doesn't make sense to call them top. They're great, but I think a lot of people are tired of the constant snobby, elitist, we're better than everyone attitude when there's nothing to back it up. And if you don't think that attitude exists, just look at the above comments

By: ^
by: Basically   

It's Kappa and Tri Delt that can't admit that different girls want different things and move on. Otherwise they'd understand why a lot don't consider them the holy grail of sorority life. Their model doesn't appeal to everyone.

Most of us get that.

By: Basically
by: Uh   

Or maybe there's 30 something replies because no one can stand the fact that they got cut from the top two houses and want to claw their way to the top?

By: Uh
by: ^^^^^   

And about half of those comments are zetas going "but like I'm totally top. Like im like the prettiest and frats love us because we are like the hottest. And we can dance!! And like im top OKAY!"

Tbh im a Pi phi and I think most pi phis/xo's/Thetas would back kappa and ddd up on this. Because we all get that sorority ranking is way more that who is the hottest and who puts out the most to douchey frat broooos. Once you realize that zeta/dg could even be put mid tier

By: ^^^^^
by: ^   

I actually think that it might be XO. They compete the most with Tri Delta and Kappa for PNMs.

I actually don't think Zeta and DG criticize Tri Delta or Kappa that much. They're more anti-XO and Theta.

I'm pretty sure most people here consider Tri Delt and Kappa as the top. Maybe some would include Zeta as well, particularly guys and GDIs

By: ^
by: No   

Lol no it's not XO, they all compete for the same girl but there is a mutual agreement on what makes a house top, which is what kind of PNMs you take and how selective you are during rush. This nonsense about how pretty you are or which guys like you would not be said by a xo. And it's pretty self explanatory who would say that

By: No

Honestly, I think Tri Delt and Kappa are awesome and would've loved to get a bid from them, but I do feel they recruit strongly on name. Because they are DDD and KKG and have been considered the best by many people for so long, they pull the best PNMs, even if they aren't actually that great. Let's be honest, a PNM could absolutely love a "lower" sorority, but she'd probably pick DDD or KG (if she could) simply because other people say they're top. That being said, they are great sororities nationally and at many other schools in Texas.

By: eh
by: Hmm ya   

I agree mostly. KKG and DDD are the most sought after during Rush and are hence the top. KD (for example) could get an amazingly pretty pledge class, get number one in grades, have mixers with every frat, raise the most in philanthropy events, and win stompfest and ....they would definitely move up in ranks. But when it comes down to recruitment the year, DDD and kappa will probably still be the most sought after

By: Hmm ya

i disagree that kappa and tridelt aren't considered top in all the categories y'all are listing off. All I've ever heard about tridelt is how pretty they are and I know that kappa probably spends more time with their philanthropy than any other sorority here. Both Kappa and Tridelt won national Panhellenic top house awards this year. Whenever they compete in large events they almost always place. Tridelt is always top 3 in grades. Overall, are they consistently both number one and number two in every meaningless category people can think of? no. But they are consistently top in most. where as no other sorority is. dg may win dancing events but what else are they top in? zeta may be the hottest but what else are they top in? Im in a low tiered sorority that most people think sucks so i have no vested interest. But friends of mine are rushing this year and i told them both to aim for tridelt and kappa. they aren't top just for their name. They're top because no matter what you all post you know they'll be stealing your important pnms during rush. so stop bashing two great sororities that you hate for cutting you and start promoting our greek system as a whole.

By: really

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