
mutual selection process...


So I've heard rush is a "mutual selection process" but what does that mean exactly? How does that work?

Posted By: PNM
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they have to want you and you have to want them. the sororities rank girls and the girls rank sororities, and if a girl prefs a sorority and she is higher up on their list, thats where she goes.

By: 15
by: PNM   

So let's say I prefed house x, y, and z but not house w but house X didn't pref me back, would I just go to y and z or w as well? (If that makes any sense)

by: Here   

So by Pref round, you will go to a maximum of 3 houses (could be 2, could be 1). You will only be able to rank houses that you attended for Pref, and only houses who saw you for Pref will be able to rank you.


Say you went to X, Y, Z, and you like them best 1) X, 2) Y, 3) Z.

Houses will make Bid Lists, which are just a list of all of the PNMs that they have seen during all of the Pref rounds. So basically #1-#n, with n being the number of girls total who they saw for Pref.

Say Quota will be set at 100.

If you are #101 at house X but #100 at house Y, and all 100 girls that House X chose above you also put House X at the top of the list, then you will receive a bid at house Y.

If you are #101 at House X but one of the girls in their top 100 chose another house as her top house, then you will "move up" a spot and be #100 at House X, and you will receive a bid at House X.

If you somehow don't make the lists for Houses X and Y, even after people move up the lists, then you will get your 3rd choice.

If you did not suicide, then you are guaranteed a bid at one of the 3 houses that you attended.

By: Here
by: PNM   

So this would only apply to bid night but not the rest of the week? Do I just get to pick where I go up until bid day? Or do they pick you as the week goes on as well?

by: Here   

Mutual selection on the rest iof the days as well, BUT it doesn't really feel that way. Why? Because tons of PNMs will usually want to be in certain houses. But they don't have space to move everyone who wants them into the next round. So lots of girls will have to go to houses that they did not necessarily want to go to. FURTHERMORE, the popular houses have high historical return rates, meaning they get to invite fewer girls to next round than less popular houses. So not only are there a ton of girls wanting to go to X house, X house can only invite 200 girls to the next round whereas Y and Z have to invite 300 and 400 girls.

Now how is this mutual you may ask, if it seems like the sorority is doing all the cutting? Well, if you are wanted by a lot of sororities, you will get onto the top of their lists (same matching as bid matching sort of applies in the sense that where you "rank" in their list may change depending on where their top girls want to go). These top girls will be able to "cut" sororities they don't want to return to. But because popular sororities can only invite back certain number of people, there will be a disproportionately smaller number of girls with the power to cut.

So in short, if there is enough space in the lists for YOUR highest ranked sororities (9 for Round 1, 6 for Round 2, 3 for Round 3, 1 for Pref) then you will go to those houses. Again, this is a big IF there is enough space. Oftentimes there will not be enough space. Keep asking Qs!

By: Here

its basically only mutual if they want you too. say after the first round you put your top 9 and rank 10,11,12 that you dont want. now lets say 7 of your top 9 wanted you back. if houses 10 and 11 wanted you back youll go to 7 that you liked and houses 10 and 11 that you didnt. if more than 3 houses cut you after the first round you'll go to less than the maximum.

By: basic

it's really not a mutual selection lol. an easier explanation is that it's just not.

By: nah

It is mutual slection if you're a top pnm hahahaha

By: Hey

Ask any girl after recruitment is over......majority will tell you it is not mutual

By: A

It's still a lot more "mutual" than it used to be. It used to be that houses wouldn't cut BIG until after skit night, in an effort to keep their parties large to appear more desired. That would lead the PNM to total heartbreak and giving up on the system as a whole. The PNM had no say in their desired house until after Pref night. The way we do it now softens the blow earlier in the process so you find out earlier on that certain houses don't want you. It's all statistics.

By: but....

It's mutual all week IF more houses invite you back then there are parties in that round. A good thing to know going in is that PNM's absolutely DO NOT "cut" houses. You are simply ranking the houses in the order which you would prefer to return. The worst thing is to hear a PNM say "I don't know why I keep having XYZ house on my schedule because I keep cutting them."

Pref is the one round where the PNM's choice is considered first. The houses all submit their bid lists ranking every PNM who attended their pref party. The PNM's rank the house(s) they attended in the order in which they'd like to be a member. Then the bid matching starts. Let's say PNM ranked house A 1st, B 2nd, and C 3rd. The computer will look at house A's top bid list and if PNM is on it, she matches to A. If the PNM is on A and C's top list, she still matches to A as it was her first choice. If A makes quota before PNM's name is listed, then the computer tries to match to house B, her 2nd choice. If you match to your 3rd choice, the other houses had made quota before your name came up.

This process works well and over 90% of PNM's get their 1st or 2nd choice.

If you only have 1 invitation to Pref, you will match to that house even if they had made quota before your name came up. You will be added as a "quota addition". If all of your pref houses made quota before your name came up; you'll match to your 1st choice as a QA as a reward for listing all houses and maximizing your options.

By: Go Greek

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