by: hiI'm a theta legacy and was just wondering what they are like? Is it a good sorority? Are they liked by guys?
#1by: Answer
It's a good sorority, but not a very social one. They're very strong academically and are known for strong sisterhood and a pretty heavy religious focus.
As far as guys go, they're not disliked, but they're not exactly sought after either simply because they don't have a big social presence and they don't interact much with fraternities, mostly Christian organizations and non-greek men's clubs. That being said, the Thetas who do choose to spend time with fraternity guys are usually with upper tier frats
#2by: truth
#3by: Theta
They're a good sorority, definitely known to have strong academics and very conservative, Christian types of girls.
Pros: Academics, personal ties to a lot of prestigious on-campus organizations and leadership positions, close Christian sisterhood (if you're into that kind of thing), generally good relations with the other sororities, good backgrounds, won Songfest 2015, they do a good job planning their philanthropy events (Rock the Casa 5k/Theta Fiesta), personal connections to Beta/nerdy Fijis, people will want to befriend you in class to study with you...
Cons: Nerdy, sort-of sloppy looks, being the annoying girl in class who raises her hand at every prof's question and HAS to have the last word in every in-class debate (-_-), some of the girls are chill and confident, but a good number put down other girls for being too "pretty" or "so dumb" to their sisters and guy friends and it comes off as pretty insecure and a bit of an inferiority complex. Obviously if you don't think "giving all the glory to God" for getting an A on every test is your thing, you may feel a bit uncomfortable.
I have a Theta roommate and I'm in Business Honors so there's a lot of sorority girls in Mays. These are just my observations... for what they're worth.
#5by: Honest
Half of them are very popular with BYX, BCA, AMC and the other half are popular with top fraternity's. Majority are really cool, outgoing, and know how to have a good time- whether that be in the Christian way or not. I know some solid Christians in there and then some solid party girls, just very mixed. The part that gives Theta a bad rep is that there is also a third mix of girls- the ones that are socially awkward and don't have much of a personality. Most of these girls are theta legacies or have connections with actives. Definitely not the majority are like this but just the fact that they do have girls like this knocks down Theta's chance of being a top sorority. Overall, Theta definitely has a lot of cool girls and they are very academics focused and REALLY know how to put on a good philanthropy event (honestly probably the best on the row). They're starting to get more and more party girls so I feel like in the coming years they are going to be a top sorority.
#6by: Honest
I'm not a theta but kept them until pref night because I adore their chapter. Anything negative that's been posted doesn't apply to the whole chapter. The chapter as a whole is for sure the kindest sorority on the row. Their sisterhood is evident. Their the girls at the party that aren't afraid to be silly and have a good time. I chose another sorority in the end because I wanted to have the "top teir," popular chapter experience while stilling pledging a Sorority that had a great sisterhood, but there are very few bad things anyone can say about theta.
#7by: Theta is...
A wonderful house with wonderful young women who do wonderful things! If you love it there, go Theta! Being a legacy doesn't mean you have to choose them and it doesn't mean they will choose you. It's a mutual process. You will have a good feel for them as soon as recruitment starts up! Good luck!!
#9by: Eh
Okay, some of this is a bit untrue. Theta is a good and well respected sorority, but it definitely has a type. Like others said, Thetas are heavily involved in great organizations and known for being smart. That being said, it's well known that (at least the majority of them) are not partiers/drinkers/super social. If you want great study buddies who are also religious, go Theta! If you enjoy partying or getting a little wild, I'd go elsewhere.
#10by: Personal Opinion
I'm acquainted with a few Thetas and they're some of the sweetest girls I've met! They're all very different stereotype wise, but none of them are socially awkward by any means (they're all incredibly likeable), and they're all definitely girls I think anyone would be proud to call their sister.
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by: Eh
The only upper tier frat Theta really hangs out with is Fiji, and even then not a whole lot. They mostly spend their time with GDIs and Betas (not sure which is worse)