
what's the deal with dg

by: confused

I honestly cut DG during rush so I don't really understand the hype with them on this site? Kinda seem like girls who are more country/wear a lot of makeup/are on the dance team..are they unanimously top now? Like I'd say middle tier would be Pi Phi & DG then AXO & Theta same level..The girl I talked to at DG was SO rude and awkward and basically started pushing me out of their house without a word while I was mid sentence so maybe I'm biased but could someone give me like an actual explanation as to what has moved them into top?

Posted By: confused
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#1  by: ditto   

same honestly. i felt zero connection at DG. i think they promote themselves here a lot and people tolerate it because they're good looking and they party a lot

By: ditto
#2  by: Nothing special   

They post the most on here and self rank the misr

By: Nothing special
#3  by: well   

IMO sororities should be considered "top" based off of how difficult it is to get into them/how badly PNMs want them..that being said I would put them above the middle tier houses but still below DDD XO KKG and ZTA. as someone before said..DDD and XO have the highest retention rates (and that's actually true so don't try to say that it's not). so while DG is above the other middle tier houses, they still do not compete w the top four

By: well
#4  by: Well   

No one from my area went DG

By: Well
#5  by: Umm   

The cattiness in this post is real. I personally really liked DG, and I was happy to have them at pref, as were many other girls that I met in my dorm. I found them to be very friendly and accomplished, and I met a girl who was in the program that I wanted to be in who gave me great advice. Houses like XO on the other hand, I found to be more awkward in. Sorry that I never got on the hype train, but I'm not a sycophant, and having a girl blankly smile at me while the wheels in her brain were trying to figure out the next thing to say was not impressive to me in the slightest.

By: Umm
by: hahaJun 3, 2016 6:03:31 AM

saying this post is catty yet immediately throwing another sorority under the bus and saying you didn't like them based off of one girl (just like the OP) but not owning up to it like they did doesn't make you any better than them. even though you clearly think it does

By: haha
#6  by: Lol   

I think it's funny how people constantly try to say that Zeta and DG are all over this site and call them out when it's so clearly obvious from posts like this and all the comments that the sororities on here the most are ones like Kappa and Tri Delt who clearly feel threatened and are constantly trying to affirm their top tier status and put down anyone who might take it from them

By: Lol
by: noJun 3, 2016 11:40:37 AM

it's more like if you look at stats from rush, what DG and ZTA are saying on here is not true..they are not "top" they get leftovers. they're still good but not what people really want. not classy (though DG is classier than ZTA), not desired (not #1 choice), not top.

By: no
by: ButJun 3, 2016 12:27:19 PM

As someone "lower tiered" I have to say that both Zeta and DG are very good. They both have great on-campus name recognition, they're popular (not just with guys), and they come from good neighborhoods and families too (wtf with the trailer park comment).

I would put Zeta on top tier or on their own mini tier below Tri-Delt/Kappa (I do think those two are unanimously in the top). They're a good alternative for great PNMs who aren't connected in to the neighborhood/camp feeder systems.

DG is also a very good house for girls who weren't already "known" before rush. They're sweet, they're smart, and they get involved on campus. Sure, they come from diverse backgrounds, but since when should where you went to high school determine your worth?

By: But
by: ^Jun 3, 2016 2:53:58 PM

Since Kappa and Tri Delt decided their word is law I suppose

By: ^
#7  by: Okay.....   

My problem with DG is they told girls they couldn't be in their recruitment video because they weren't pretty enough. I heard this straight from a DG herself. Why would you want to be in a sorority where your sisters put you down?

By: Okay.....
by: Yeah okJun 4, 2016 4:05:13 AM

Not every single girl in the video is drop dead gorgeous. This cant be true

By: Yeah ok
by: OkayJun 4, 2016 11:52:25 PM

I think what this person was saying was that DG told one of their sister that wanted to participate that she couldn't because she didn't fit the look/wasn't pretty enough. Not every girl in every sorority is drop dead gorgeous but a lot are pretty. This girl according to DG just wasn't pretty enough

By: Okay
by: Just sayingJun 6, 2016 12:13:06 AM

Every sorority recruitment video seems to do this. It's shallow, but it's marketing. That's why the whole chapter is never in the video. I mean if you look at the DZ one there's no more then like 15 girls in it

By: Just saying
#8  by: Yup   

During rush they only put pretty girls in the front and gave all the important pnms to pretty girls. They base their rotation groups off how pretty you are. It's sad.

By: Yup
by: ^^^^^^Jun 5, 2016 8:57:04 AM

Every sorority does this and they're lying if they say they don't

By: ^^^^^^
by: nopeJun 5, 2016 3:08:02 PM

For my sorority it's random..they line you up to match w the girl you're talking to and since the PNMs are alphabetical there is literally no way they could do that....I'm pretty sure that's how most sororities do it

By: nope
by: HmmmJun 5, 2016 6:03:10 PM

Not in Zeta or DG, but I can confirm that we send "top rushers" to talk to PNMs we have an interest in. For us at least, who you will talk to is pretty predetermined. That's why it's not a shock to talk to the little of your cousin or a girl who went to camp with you or whatever... I thought most sororities did this?

By: Hmmm
by: @nopeJun 5, 2016 9:12:44 PM

If it's "random" as you say, then how come every single girl who picked me up on Day 1 was someone I went to high school with or knew from camp or church?? This happened at XO, DDD, KKG, KAT, PiPhi, AXO, and DG. I didn't know anyone in the other houses, but everywhere I knew someone, that's who picked me up or who got bumped to me during parties later in the week.

Maybe you're a sophomore and just don't understand the amount of tedious planning that goes into matching rush pairs. We have an entire matching committee to make sure that actives are matched with their rush crushes or girls who have similar interests/ majors/ hometowns/ camps etc even if they don't already know each other. Nothing at all is "random" during rush.

By: @nope
by: HiJun 5, 2016 9:56:42 PM

I believe I'm the person you're talking to....I don't mean to say the girls you talk to are random. As you said, they are very carefully selected. What I meant was since the girl you're talking to is selected specifically for you, and the PNMs are lined up alphabetically, the girls in front of the house are random. Say for instance Sally Anderson has a connection to a girl who isn't as attractive. The girl who isn't as attractive is gonna end up in the front since her sorority matched her with a girl whose last name starts w an A.

By: Hi
by: @nopeJun 6, 2016 3:12:46 PM

I misunderstood what you were saying about lining up. Yes, that's the that if Sally A's matched active is not the prettiest that she would still be up front.

At my house, the girls who fill the doorway during the walk-in chant are all gorgeous & hand-picked to be there. That group doesn't ever pick up someone at the door though; they're floaters or the 2nd active in bump rotation. These are the girls at the "front" during rush and it's absolutely specific who is up there. I don't mind though, it's putting our best face forward and I think most houses do the same.

By: @nope
#9  by: No   

I'm in a top sorority and we absolutely do not do that at all. Looks are not taken into consideration.

By: No
#10  by: it's true   

PBP DDD KKG KAT XO do not purposely put their most attractive members front in center for everything. DG and ZTA do this nationwide. Alpha Phi is another sorority that only cares about looks.

By: it's true
by: JOJun 6, 2016 12:31:01 AM

Yes... yes they do. They all do. They all have popular members who are featured in facebook posts, instagram pictures etc., and during actual rush, these girls go to the front of the door stack.

By: JO
by: ....noJun 6, 2016 12:57:02 AM

im in one of those and you just send in a pic of you want it on and the girl who runs it puts it up...also our stack consists of the last girls who walked a girl out...totally random, not picked by the sorority..

By: ....no
by: No. Jun 6, 2016 9:00:47 PM

We really don't. We try to match personalities and interests.

That is why girls in Zeta and DG think they are top and truly don't understand why chapters like Chi O, PiPhi and Theta are good too. Looks, partying, and what fraternity boys think about you matters to some girls and some chapters. I understand but that is not what I wanted. You guys are hot and fun. Got it. I think you are awesome for that. But....

I am reasonably attractive....I have been called "cute" most of my life.... but I do not enjoy that scene so did not want to choose a sorority where that was so important. I have never even tried to look "hot". Not my style.

You admire hot and fun. I enjoy calmer and classier (sorry but I think that is a correct term)

Not sure why you all can't understand that.

It takes all different types.

By: No.
by: AgreeJun 6, 2016 9:02:52 PM

And girls who are popular in our sorority are popular because of their personalities not their looks.

We do not pick our prettiest girls for pictures much more likely to be the girls who are very active.

By: Agree

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