
top sororities.


Okay, let's just right now assert the best sororities at LSU, and let's say why. I want rankings, reputations, i want tiers the whole bit.

Posted By: for the record.
Page 1 of 1

if anyone tries to fight this, they're in serious denial.

Tri Delt, KD, Chi O,
Phi Mu DZ
DG Kappa Pi Phi Alpha Phi Zeta

By: this is it.

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"KKG is middle tier along with A Phi DG & Pi Phi.........However, here is from a guys view KD- #1 by far and take home to mother material DDD- Great group of girls that are equivalent to KD expect most would pick KD over DDD if given choice, yet still a great chapter. Chi O/ Phi Mu- equivalent in different ways. Both smart, pretty girl next door types. Chi O more stuck up & smart; Phi Mu more cliquish and pretty. Great chapters and still take home to mother material. DZ- Very pretty girls who rush based solely on looks. With that being said, not too much going on upstairs and a bit amoral when it comes to respect for themselves, if you get what I am saying. 98% not take home to mother material. KKG/DG/ Pi Phi- Decent chapters, yet more bad apples than good. KKG on decline while DG on the rise. Pi Phi is up, down, sideways and in circles each year like the stock market. You can find a girl to take home to mom in these chapters though. Alpha Phi- Impressive new chapter, yet too soon to be ranked above or equivalent with the above mentioned. I'm interested to see where this chapter goes in the next couple years. Zeta- Some pretty girls with some very heavy set women, but the only problem is the pretty one's in this chapter is they tend to be the psycho side. Theta- I'm sorry."

by: geez   

i can't believe a "guy" would sit down and actually type this stuff. what's up with that?

By: geez
by: be real   

just because it says a guy wrote it, doesn't mean a guy wrote it. it's so obvious that a girl wrote it, wanting to seem unbiased by acting as a guy. think about things hun

By: be real
by: Obviously   

If y'all are arguing over the gender of the author this must be an accurate assessment of the sorority system.

By: Obviously

Im a guy and I agree 100% with the earlier post, i would be to lazy to type that though

By: not joking

They are spot on about the sorority system

By: Boy or girl

I think it is pretty close, but I don't think DDD is first. I think they are about fourth (between DZ and DG). Other than that, pretty good.

By: pretty close
by: not close   

you must be in a middle or lower tier sorority. The 2nd comment is the most accurate as nobody has seemed to disagree or give a rebuttal for it yet.

By: not close
by: are you insane   

DDD is definitely #1 or #2 material... you're crazy to think otherwise

By: are you insane
by: nope.    

Sorry, but Tri Delt is top tier with Chi O and KD. and how dare you even associate them with DG. you know better than that. DG does not currently even come close to competing with Tri Delt. sorrry sorry sorry. DZ has a lot of pretty girls, but again Tri Delt is better than DZ.

By: nope.

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