
top sororities


This is gonna sound like another post, but I REALLY want to get into one of the top sororities and I'm asking for REAL answers please. What exactly do I need to do to get into Chi O, KD, DZ or Phi Mu??

Posted By: Geaux
Page 1 of 2

you need to be a legacy, have family money, good high school GPA, connections in the sorority, etc. usually a combo of at least two or more of these. doesn't hurt to be from somewhere in Louisiana either. these sororities don't take a whole lot of out of state girls. however, you shouldn't try to join a sorority just bc this site says they're "top tier" find somewhere you're gonna be happy and be proud of that sorority regardless of their so called rep. all the sororities at lsu are good.

By: good luck

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by: .   


By: .
by: grace   


By: grace

i preffed with three out of four of these sororities and i am from out of state and didnt know anyone at lsu. however, i did have the gpa, money, and not to sound like a jerk but i had the look they wanted. you have to keep up a look on social media. pretty, like you have a lot of friends, and popular. doesnt hurt to throw a bible verse in your bio. DZ and KD especially take nola girls. chi o takes louisiana girls. phi mu tkes a lot of dancers or cheerleaders. just present yourself well

By: yep
by: lol   


By: lol

I don't go to LSU, but I will tel you..from an outsider perspective you can't really go wrong with any house. The only reason you should want one of the "top" houses is because you have friends in it already..

By: tru
by: Guest   

then why are tou on this site

By: Guest

Thanks for giving me honest answers! Wish me luck:)

By: Geaux

girl u are setting yourself up for disappointment with this outlook... please don't go into rush like this! ask yourself why u wanna be in those - you may be miserable there

By: why

just be yourself. you dont want to get into a sorority because you are acting like someone else

By: girl
by: no   


By: no

its really hard to get into these and youre just going to stress yourself out thinking about it

By: !

they are to hard to get in dont worry yourself

By: haha

you can actually have and do everything perfectly and they will still absolutely cut you. I had great recs from people that literally watched me grow up, a 4.0 GPA, a 30 on my ACT, I did lots of community service, I was involved in extracurriculars and sports in high school where I was captain of my sports teams, I wore only clothes from boutiques, and I'm literally FROM Baton Rouge and I still had top sororities cut me. in recruitment, absolutely NOTHING is a guarantee

By: yeah
by: ha   

hahahhaha sorry they didnt like you

By: ha
by: ?   

I was just trying to give an example? Its not me being bitter, it was me who thought she would get into a top sorority and didn't despite having the qualifications so I'm just trying to warn future PNMs to not get their hopes up too high like I did. I'm now in a lower sorority and I'm happy there, so PNMs shouldn't get their hopes up to get into a top house just to be disappointed if they get cut. Basically, I want them to give every sorority a chance because they just might surprise you. Recruitment is hard. When I went through recruitment, I watched girls cry when they'd get their schedules and see that a sorority they liked cut them and then wonder what they did wrong when another girl in their group got every sorority she wanted. You should go in with an absolute clean slate for every sorority because its an honor and a privilege to be in any of them because there are some girls that rush that get cut from every single one. Find the one you feel at home in when you walk through those doors, and if that sorority ends up cutting you, you can find that feeling somewhere else.

By: ?
by: :)   

You sound like a great person. I'm sorry that some people are rude on here

By: :)

none of them take out of state girls so if thats you idk what to tell ya

By: hmm
by: yes   

maybe a couple

By: yes

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