
those who went through rush


I would love to know from those who rushed this fall which sororities did the best job and where the most desired by the PNM's. If you have an opinion on who seemed to get the best girls that is fine too( based on your experience). No bashing or rude comments please. It seemed all the sororities did well this year and most girls got bids?

Posted By: SororityCurious
Page 7 of 10


By: Fyjf

Bump up

By: ,hdxgh

This is a great thread because you can see how individual girls have different perspectives but there are some things that seem to come out over and over.

By: Hi

Very intersting thread

By: Slbfj

here is what my recruitment process was like:

chi o-I actually really liked them but they cut me after the first round. I thought this was REALLY weird because I had the BEST conversations and knew one of the two people I talked to. But I didn't have alumni connections and Im not a legacy so...
tri delt-cut me after the first round so I don't remember them really. I just remember feeling like I was trying really hard but still didn't have good conversations.
pi phi- last house that cut me after first round. I felt that I had a pretty decent convo with them but I wasn't sad when they dropped me. Those girls were so intimidatingly pretty.
aopi- I like them more than adpi and I still had them on pref day. really sweet girls, I just wasn't feeling it.
adpi- very nice as well, I ended up dropping them I think after the second day, they just didn't stand out to me
sigma kappa-they didn't stand out to me during recruitment but I have tons of good friends in sigma kappa now and they are all super sweet. they dropped me after tuesday haha probably bc I remember they were the last house I went to on that day and I had 8 other houses I had already visited so I was exhausted. Their philanthropy is about alzheimers and that means a lot to me bc my grandma has alzheimers so I almost cried and the girl I talked to was not understanding at all I felt like she was judging me
DG-I liked dg a lot but they dropped me after Tuesday. I feel like they could tell that Im just not the party type

By: my thoughts
by: my thoughts   

kappa- I had them every day with the exception of pref. there were other houses I liked more only because I knew they had a partying reputation and I was going for a more academic house. I LOVED their skit day. I went to 6 houses on skit day but theirs was the best! They had so much energy and enthusiasm.
AXO-I'm a legacy there. Personally, I really liked AXO but I decided to drop it after Wednesday because I still had 3 houses that I liked more but I think they put on a great recruitment and I don't understand why more people don't desire them
Zeta- LOVED zeta, had them every day but pref, I have no negative thoughts, they just did great!
Theta-LOVED theta, had them every day but pref, they did a great job as well! I didn't connect with some of the people I talked to but I think that was just bad luck bc I love my theta friends.
Gamma Phi-LOVED gphi too. I felt the most comfortable here and felt like I could be my true self!

That was how my recruitment went, everyone has different experiences and opinions thats just what I thought (:

By: my thoughts

Houses change some each year but that much so this is good info for PNMs

By: 2016

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A must read!

By: X

Good info

By: 672

It's been a couple of years now since I rushed so I thought this was interesting. You can see how different types of girls were attracted to different houses but there were defiantly houses that more girls felt excited about. Things don't chsnge all that quickly so PNMs should find this informative.

By: Fondua

I'd not seen this before and found it so interesting. It shows how every house has girls who like them but some are favorites.

By: Happy Froggggg

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