
maximize your options?


I keep seeing the phrase "maximize your options" but I don't know what it means in the context of rush. Could someone please explain it for me?

Posted By: babyfrog
Page 1 of 4

It means that you list all the chapters you were invited to a preference party to on the bid card you hand in afterwards. If you were invited to three parties, you list all three in order of your preference. If you were invited to two parties, then you list both parties in order of preference. If you were invited to one party, you list that party. When you list all the parties you were invited to, then you are agreeing that you will accept a bid to any of those sororities. If you do this, you will be guaranteed a bid from one of those sororities (although it may be your second or last choice.)

If you do not list all the parties you went to for preference, if the sorority or sororities you did list do not have you high enough on their bid list, you will not receive a bid from anyone.

Listing all the sororities keeps you in a kind of "holding pool" and makes you eligible for a bid even if one, two or all three of your selections did not list you high enough to get a bid from any of them. If this happens, the computer uses a formula to place you in one of those sororities anyway. So you are guaranteed to receive a bid from one of those sororities if you maximized your options, but you won't have any control over which one you end up in. No one will know you would have ended up bidless if it weren't for maximizing your options.

The only time you shouldn't list all the sororities on your bid card is if you would rather not be Greek at all than belong to that chapter(s).

By: :)
by: truth   

^^^This is an excellent description and one that all PNMs should read and understand.

By: truth
by: Senior   

This is the best description of the process. Too bad the PNM's don't get a thorough explanation of how this works. Then, when they get released entirely because they chose not to maximize their options, they don't understand how that happened. Then, we get the helicopter parents posting on here how upset their daughter is, etc. With 1,000 PNM's going through, that means if every single person stuck through the process, quota would be 75-80 new members for each sorority. But that also means that a PNM needs to be open to the possibility of getting their last choice if they want to be Greek. However, if they are left on the last day with nothing because they didn't want their last choice, then they can't be butt hurt when they get nothing. And this is TCU. It's competitive. So many of the PNM's were top whatever at their high school. Welcome to the big pond!

By: Senior
by: sorority   

A must read--

By: sorority
by: Frog Girl   

This is a perfect explanation of a confusing topic that doesn't get explained well enough during recruitment. PNMs, please read it!

By: Frog Girl
by: Texas Princess    

Help info here

By: Texas Princess
by: Kool   

Pnms need to see this

By: Kool
by: Kool   

Pnms need to see this

By: Kool
by: Melody   

Bumping this one

By: Melody
by: Frog helper   

I hope PNMS will see this.

By: Frog helper
by: Red   

A must read

By: Red
by: ..   


By: ..
by: Guest   


By: Guest
by: So Giood   


By: So Giood
by: News   


By: News
by: Me   

Need to know

By: Me

And what PNMs really need to realize is how many girls are ecstatically happy in a house that they tried to drop since the first day and had as their last choice. PNMs are still not very mature and don't realize the whole point of sororities is the sisterhood, not the tier your house is in. Tiers change and popularity ebbs and flows, but you only have a narrow four year span of time to make life-long sisters and friends from your house. If you are just looking for a house that ranks high, no matter which house you get you'll always be disappointed because there will be a house somewhere that someone ranks higher. But if you look at the bottom houses, those girls are still happy and glad they are greek. Bottom line is don't drop out if your first and second choices drop you. Take whichever house you get and fire yourself up to make it the top house by the time you graduate.

By: yes

Every new girl needs to read and understand this information

By: Goldie

Awesome thread

By: Guest

Some of us expect ourselves to do well. Some of us don't believe in a compromising ourselves and accepting a less than existence.

By: yeah but
by: yeah, but ^^   

"compromising ourselves?"
"a less than existence?"

Ummm, your little high school fish pond just got a whole lot bigger. Everyone at TCU is beautiful and high achieving, and our chapters reflect that. You would do well to check that attitude at the door or just skip recruitment all together. We don't have time for stuck up PNMs like yourself.

By: yeah, but ^^
by: ^   

After checking the websites, I can assure you that not everyone at TCU is gorgeous. Sorry but true. And high achieving? Really? Give it up already. Also, you won't even know who the girl who wrote that it. She will act nice during recruitment I'm sure.

By: ^
by: Hi My Name is:___________   

You're GDI material for sure with that kind of attitude. Or the same witchy girl who keeps coming on here raging against Greek life when it's obvious she didn't get the bid she thought she "deserved." LOL What a bitter unhappy piece of work you are.

By: Hi My Name is:___________
by: ^   

I agree that she has a bad attitude, but countering her with "Everyone at TCU is gorgeous" doesn't really address the attitude nor is it true.

By: ^

Some people don't want to be in every group. That is life.

By: reality check
by: ^   

OMG! The fact that you down voted that 78 times i like a minute is just sad. The person is right. Different people want different things out of life. Why do you care so much if someone thinks differently than you?

By: ^
by: ^   

My guess would be that her "don't want to be in every group" is snobby elitism and looking down at other groups like she thinks she's better than they are. This is the kind of person who's going to get cut right away and have a hard fall.

By: ^
by: look   

For me it is a top four or I'm not going to do it. Do you really think I'm stupid enough to say that during recruitment? Give me a break? I applaud people who join for the sisterhood, and that is great for them. But for me, I want the prestige and connections. It doesn't make me a bad person. And if I have a "hard fall," well then I 'll have to live with that.

By: look
by: oh and....   

I'm sure you are going to go on some little witch hunt trying to figure out who I am , or say something ridiculous like, "we will be able to tell right away." But I assure you, I have more social grace than that. Good luck to everyone going through recruitment. I hope they find whatever it is they want. I'm glad we live in America where we are free to pursue or own dreams, and don't need them dictated to us.

By: oh and....
by: lol   

That's probably whats even scarier.. no one will know you are and then they'll be stuck with you later

By: lol
by: ^   

You don't know who she is and who cares? Move on . It isn't a big deal.

By: ^
by: ^   

I think we all "know" this girl. Every year they start recruitment thinking they're God's gift to TCU. Then they find out college is a whole lot different. You're not special here. Get over yourself.

By: ^
by: ^   

or they get a top house and remain arrogant.

By: ^
by: hilarious   

I think it's hilarious that some girl only wants four of our houses because she's in it for the prestige and connections. If she doesn't get one of those she's going to drop recruitment. HA HA HA! How much prestige and how many connections is she going to make as an independent? If she joins the lowest of the low houses she'll have tons more prestige and connections than she'll have sitting alone in her room in Clark or Foster.

By: hilarious

If there is any chance you might want to transfer to another school or will move after graduation, one thing to consider is that not all of the TCU houses are at every other school. For example, Zeta is a really good house at TCU and generally good in the South, but a lot of schools / states in the West Coast, Midwest and Northeast do not have Zeta. This goes beyond the four years you're in college, too, because sorority alumni groups can be a great way to meet new people in a new city after college. I have a good friend who was a Zeta and loved it but moved to Chicago for grad school and the alumnae group there is super small compared to another friend who is active in the TriDelta alumnae group. Sigma Kappa also has nice, cute girls, but I don't know of many other schools with a chapter and I've got sisters at three other colleges across the country who are all in sororities. Just something to keep in mind for future networking and connections

By: Before doing this

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A important thread for PNMS to read

By: Girlfroggy

People need to see this

By: Frog

The 1st post is important for PNMS to know. Just ignore some of the crazy posts that follow

By: Plezzze

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