
spring rushhhhhh

by: ..

hi! so i plan on transferring to tcu this spring, i am a freshman! i know they hold rush in fall & it already passed, but is it possible for me to do informal rush for the spring? it’s a great way for me to get connected, i know some of the girls who are in zeta, will they being doing informal? i really want to rush, & if i don’t i know i will be screwed, please help!

Posted By: ..
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#1  by: informal   

So informal recruitment only happens when a chapter does not hit the quota set by Panhellenic. Usually only about 3 chapters may be doing it in the spring. Unless something drastic happens, Zeta would not be doing it as they are never under quota. AOPi is always going to be under, ADPi usually is, and it really depends on the other chapters. Sometimes a good chapter has a lot of December grads and need to take a couple of girls in. If you are looking for specific chapters, I would wait until Fall recruitment, but if you are looking just to get in one then spring may be for you.

By: informal
by: hiSep 3, 2019 10:21:00 PM

Is it possible zeta may allow it? Because I am a transfer? I agree, I rather wait but that’s so risky coming in midterm & rushing sophomore year:/ is it possible they may have more informal rushing in the spring?

By: hi
by: informalSep 4, 2019 9:25:13 PM

Unless you were initiated (or maybe even almost initiated) into a Zeta chapter somewhere else, unfortunately it’s not up to Zeta or any specific chapter for that matter if they can take you. TCU Panhellenic sets the informal recruitment guidelines and so if they don’t tell them they are below, they cannot take more members. The purpose of this is to try to keep all chapters around the same number, but it is hard when you know where you would fit and they aren’t able to take you. I would talk to your friends in Zeta at the end of fall semester and the beginning of spring semester and see though! You never know if they would be super close to that line and Panhellenic could potentially let them take one girl!

By: informal
#2  by: omg   

thank you!!! worst comes to worse, i could wait till sophomore year! atleast id be able to see them all (:

By: omg
#3  by: acle   

ACtually, they set chapter total after recruitment, so it just got set. AOII and ADP are my bets for Spring recruitment - but you never know.

By: acle
by: panhelSep 5, 2019 4:22:53 PM

Panhellenic resets every semester. That’s why there are some chapters that do spring and some do fall and some do both.

By: panhel
#4  by: Good luck   

Go through in the fall so you can give every sorority a chance. Zeta is amazing but all of our other houses are too. Good luck

By: Good luck
#5  by: Stop and think   

First of all, if you have friends in Zeta here then you need to ask them and not on greekrank. The main thing that gets anyone a COB is knowing actives in a house who will support them to be offered a bid, but what if those Zetas you know don't want you/can't get you a COB? New initiates typically have zero pull in any house, especially since they have no idea how their house actually recruits. And, if you only know girls in Zeta and not in other chapters then how do you know where you belong? You don't. You should give all the houses a chance and not focus on one you only think you want.

By: Stop and think

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