
fraternity power rank


The detailed 2018 tier ranking TCU deserves.

Top Tier: Sig Ep, Pi Kapp, Beta, Lambda

Upper Mid: Sig Chi

Mid: SAE, Delt, Kappa Sig, FIJI

Lower: Phi Delt, Sig Nu, Phi Kap

Top Tier (aka hated by other fraternities):

Sig Ep - Definite top tier, simply put a great place to have a good time with good guys.
Have a pretty boy rep, my feel is the type of guy they attract has changed in the last few years, turning them into a better Lambda. Overall quality of guys may be sliding a little, but they still do have a ton of great guys.

Pi Kapp - Great fraternity, probably the best balance of any. While they were in trouble this past semester, from everything I know about, it came more from their nationals trying to protect one of their best chapters nationwide

Beta - Another great fraternity. Grades and leaders around campus give them the best reputation of any fraternity. Solid social scene but not on the same level as a Sig Ep or Lambda. One bad thing is that while the majority of guys are great, when they miss on guys they can miss hard. Holds them back

Lambda - A very strong social fraternity, has an athletic, good looking, douchey stereotype, some guys play into that hard, some don’t. PC’s have been coming down in quality (Phi Kap stealing guys???) Typically one of the favorite frats of first semester freshman girls, but that hype drops off as years go on. Still a house that is solidly top tier

Upper Mid:

Sig Chi - Very strong in it’s focus as a social fraternity, and has a ton of very solid guys. Not totally full of themselves, a major plus for a TCU fraternity. Held back this year cause they’ve been in trouble, but a strong rep holds them up. Got a feeling they’ll be back. Very tough pledgeship.


Delt - While they don’t have a house and got in major trouble last year they are bouncing back well and have a ton of chillers. Fraternities can change quick and I definitely feel like they’re climbing.

Kappa Sig - The best guys of the southern stereotyped frats (KS, SAE, Phi Delt), have a ton of money and history at TCU. Had some major hazing incidents lately, knocks them down a ton, but that’s been due a couple bad guys rather than the frat as a whole

FIJI - Had a horrible reputation a couple years ago, but have changed a ton since then. Very much rising in the guys their getting (past two PC’s have been quality). If they continue like this, in another two years they could make some waves.

SAE - Southern fraternity. Has a fairly negative reputation that's overblown. These guys are fairly average, have fun stuff, but kinda fly under the radar as a whole


Sig Nu - A weird reputation, some guys can be quality but it’s a mess of an organization.

Phi Kap - Coming back on campus this year, wayyy too early to put them anywhere but here. Most of the guys weren’t ever given bids by other fraternities. Pulled a better PC this summer than expected but who knows where they’ll go from here.

Phi Delt - Don't really exist

Posted By: Soph
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Sig Chi get a life and quit self ranking

By: Plzchill

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Beta out here self ranking once again

By: Student

Top tier:
Sig Ep
Pi Kapp

In their own tier due to social probation:
Sig Chi

Sig Nu

Phi Kap
Kappa Sig
Phi Delt

By: Real rankings

Beta is definitely not top tier.
Kappa Sig, DTD also wayyy to high

By: Real eyes

Lol @ the Beta and Sig Chi hate

By: GetRelevant

Don’t agree with all the rankings but the info is pretty spot on

By: Student

I’m curious why FIJI had a bad reputation in the past? I don’t go to tcu but I knew someone in FIJI and I’m just curious

By: Fiji

Real deal

By: Tcu

Best descriptions of the fraternities I could find, thought I’d update for second semester because things can change quick. Personal thoughts only

Sig Nu - not low tier
SAE - off probation

Sig Chi - couldn’t recover
Kappa Sig - couldn’t recover

Thoughts on the top:
The original post’s call on Lambda was wrong, don’t think their quality is slipping, but it’ll be interesting to see Sig Ep vs Lambda’s PC’s next year as they’re more similar than ever.
Pretty spot on about Pi Kapp, maybe the best of the bunch
Beta is probably the lowest of top if you put them in that category, yeah they are smart and stuff but definitely not as social.

Fraternity to watch:
Delt - High upside. Got an uncertain present but is getting their house back and still has a ton of solid guys

By: Update
by: ??   

Delt is way to high, they’re belong near the very bottom
Kappa Sig is also way too high
Top tier is all mumbled wrong, and beta is not top tier
Sig Chi is not Upper-mid. This ranking is terrible of all you chose this one 😂

By: ??
by: Update    

If ?? could read they'd know that my take was that Kappa Sig and Sig Chi should be lower on this ranking. Feel free to disagree about Delt tho

By: Update
by: ?????   

If update could read, I was saying, why would you choose a ranking that is CLEARY not very accurate. Sae, Kappa Sig, Beta, Sig Nu..ect....You even acknowledged this your self. There’s very few right on this list still, there’s many more closer lists. I’m assuming you bumped this because you’re a delt, and this is the only list that you’re ranked decently high. Makes no sense to besides that whatsoever. If that’s the case, which it most likely is, y’all really need to chill with this self rank. It’s ridiculous at this point.

By: ?????
by: Wow   


By: Wow
by: Emily   

delt does not self rank at all!

By: Emily

From what I’m gathering is that Pi Kapp is the only frat to get in trouble and bounce back well? Kappa Sig and Delt took hits?

By: Truth

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