
tcu top sororities?

by: NewToTCU

Hello! I'm going to be a freshman at TCU next year and I was wondering what the "top sororities" are. I know you have to rush to get to know which one you would best fit into, but just out of curiosity I'm wondering which ones are the top. Thanks so much!

Posted By: NewToTCU
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#11  by: seasonedgreek   

so here is the run down:
1. zta - very involved, big personalities, overall good grades,
a colorful group of women, lots of big strong personalities, a big deal at TCU.
2. chiO - sorta of rests on old school, half of the group is
tops but the other half of the group not sure how they got in. The big thing with chio is how really bad they treat girls during rush. Their Alumi have too much to say and this chapter doesn't get a chance to pick the girls so they get an odd lot each year that don't always matchup.
3. Piphi - they have had their problems this past year the freshman pledge class first couple of weeks girls got so drunk many had to go to the hospital, natl put them on probation. They seem to have leveled out some but they need to keep an eye on some of the members. could be a good group if they watch the partying.
4. Theta - they have extremes in the group big partiers and then some really dull girls. About 10% attractive and from there looks drop dramatically. Heard they can be mean but generally the grades are a little better than the other chapters.
5. tough call but tridelt -- overall not a very well liked group on campus, Have some cute girls, but they have a hardtime keeping members their entire college career. They lose a big part of their membership each year. Just don't seem like they give a damn sort of in their on little tridelt world and who cares about anything beyond their world.
from here a hard call but Dg,axo,kappa,sk,gamma, aop,adp

By: seasonedgreek
by: pretty goodApr 17, 2014 4:29:30 PM

first four descriptions are pretty accurate. not sure I'd have put tri delt 5th...then from there i'd go DG, kappa, axo/sk, gphi, aopi, adpi

By: pretty good
#12  by: Lol   

Only had to go back to 2013 to find Pi Phi listed-Looking pitiful

By: Lol
#13  by: Jenna   

The top sorority is the one you fit best in to....plain and simple. Several of the above "top" "popular" sororities have quite "loose" reputations. So don't worry about the "top"---think about which will be the best match for you and for your lifetime! Then THAT will be YOUR top sorority.

By: Jenna
#14  by: TESSEL   

Alpha Kappa Alpha or Delta Sigma Theta

#15  by: TCU   

Theta's pledge class is so hot this year. Idk why no one on greek rank has told the rest of the world how great they are. And I'm not even affiliated! They say "date a theta" for a reason... Because the boys LOVE them. Chi Os like to think they're all that, zeta's a "big name" but has shallow and insecure girls that like to use their affiliation as their first identifier. Kappas- super sloppy. A few good ones but overall disrespected around campus. Alpha Chis are rising in popularity. They have a house of sweet genuine girls and although it's not usually a favorite during recruitment, most come to love it after pledging. Sigma Kappas I never hear about. Tri Delts are pretty uninvolved, but have good girls. AOPi and ADPi are lower tier. DGs are pretty, like to party, and are middle tier at best. Gamma Phis are middle tier too, pretty uninvolved. Here's my list in sequential order of quality (highest to lowest):
1. Theta
2. Zeta
3. Chi O
4. Pi Phi
5. DG
6. Tri Delt
7. Gamma Phi
8. Alpha Chi
9. Kappa
10. Sigma Kappa
11. AOPi
12. ADPi

#16  by: 2015   

Top social houses are DG, Pi Phi, Zeta
Top grades are Theta and Chi O

By: 2015
#17  by: sorority   

As of 2016, I think it's safe to say:
Tri delt
Chi O
Pi Phi
Sigma Kappa

The top four or five aren't necessarily in order. Depending on who you're talking to you'll get very different answers but they're definitely the top four or five no matter what order.

By: sorority
by: lolSep 13, 2016 11:56:15 AM

this is the worst ranking I've ever seen hahahah

By: lol
by: lolSep 13, 2016 10:14:35 PM

horrible ranking and you didnt even include all the sororities

By: lol
#18  by: Louie   

Obvi some mean Tri-Delts and Kappas are trying to stir this thread up trying to make yourselves feel better about your sorority. Snap back in to reality and stop listing yourselves as 1 or 2!

By: Louie
#19  by: Everyone   

As of 2017
Top to bottom:
Pi Phi
Theta-Tri Delt-Chi O
Sigma Kappa

By: Everyone
by: frogJan 9, 2018 8:51:27 PM

where is phi mu??

By: frog
by: FrogJan 13, 2018 1:43:10 AM

Switch Gphi and SK, add Phi Mu above ADPi

By: Frog
by: HahaApr 17, 2018 10:48:09 PM

Some old person living in the past obviously wrote this

By: Haha
#20  by: Froggie   

2. ZTA
3. DDD
4. Pi Phi
5. Chi o
6. SK
7. Kappa
8. AXO
9. Theta
10. Phi Mu
11. Gphi
12. ADPi
13. AOPi

By: Froggie
by: ☺️Mar 1, 2018 5:34:54 PM

Oh for crying out loud. DG is maybe at the middle of the middle tier. Maybe. DDD even lower. Why don't you try living in the real world?

By: ☺️
by: ?Mar 1, 2018 5:38:49 PM

Someone has it in for G-Phi.....

By: ?
by: HahaApr 17, 2018 10:49:58 PM

I know right? No denying they are a top tier. Anyone who says differently is either old and out of touch or couldn't get a bid from them

By: Haha

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