
tcu top sororities?


Hello! I'm going to be a freshman at TCU next year and I was wondering what the "top sororities" are. I know you have to rush to get to know which one you would best fit into, but just out of curiosity I'm wondering which ones are the top. Thanks so much!

Posted By: NewToTCU
Page 1 of 4

chi o, pi phi and zeta are top
but everyone will say something different. it depends who you ask

By: tcugirl
by: Frog   

100% agree with this

By: Frog
by: Haha   

In 2013 maybe!!!!! Wow someone is trying hard!!!

By: Haha
by: ????   

This is from 2013...things have changed SOOO much. Did some alum put this back up????? Weird.

By: ????
by: sorority   

They're right, it's definitely changed A LOT
As of 2016, I think it's safe to say:
Tri delt
Chi O
Pi Phi
Sigma Kappa

The top four or five aren't necessarily in order. Depending on who you're talking to you'll get very different answers but they're definitely the top four or five no matter what order.

By: sorority
by: sorority   

Oh and AChiO would go somewhere near Sigma Kappa, probably above.

By: sorority
by: Nonononono   

Having to go bad to 2013 is so pitiful. Go away old lady that has no idea what's happening in 2016.

By: Nonononono
by: Blah blah   

Tri Delt troll on line again!

By: Blah blah
by: ...........   

1999 called. They want their rankings back.

By: ...........

The top house is the one you feel most welcome in. Everyone thinks their house is top. Too
In grades are Theta, ChiO and Gamma Phi. Top in house size is ChiO, Zeta and Gamma Phi. Hardest parties are Kappa, PiPhi and Zeta. It depends on what you are looking for. Be open to every house and follow your heart!

By: Truth

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by: grades   

gamma phi is fourth in grades

By: grades
by: @grades   

Grades are a false reality. Nobody cares about them anymore. Only communications majors make a big deal about grades.

By: @grades
by: haha   

Actually grades are the most important thing. That is if you're smart and want to go to med school, law school, grad school, nursing, engineering, etc. Only the girls going for their MRS degree don't care about grades.

By: haha
by: Me   

Except that some majors are difficult like nursing and they have lower GPAs by default. Some of those chapters that are always cited as high GPAs are only that way because they're full of communications majors. Plenty of people in academically rigorous programs with lower GPAs get accepted to graduate programs wit zero issue.

By: Me

If you are a hottie with Daddy's money and love to party you pledge PiPhi or Kappa, if you love to study, kind of a serious type, then you go ChiO or Theta. That's the truth.

By: Suri
by: tcu frog   

Are you sure you go to TCU? You have no idea what you are talking about. First off if you are at TCU Daddy's money applies to pretty much the entire greek system and piphi kappa are not what I would call the best kept as a whole. As for smarts there isn't a huge difference from the top 6 sororities.
You can't generalize, all the houses have a mix and there are some subtle difference but many are very similar.

By: tcu frog

Ummm i think pi phis and Sigma kappas are ranked the prettier ones, zetas are the popular one theta and chio are smart ones

By: Yo
by: Honestly?   

I am getting a huge laugh out of the fact that you think that Sigma Kappas are the prettier ones. They are one of the lower tier sororities. Pretty ones belong in Pi Phi or DG.

By: Honestly?

2. Pi Phi
3. Kappa
4. Theta
5. SK
6. DG
8.AChi O
10. ADPi
That's pretty accurate from my perspective. who cares what sorority you join anyway. you'll still only be as hot and smart as you are now. being in a top or lower sorority won't change anyone's opinion of you personally.

By: preppy
by: ha   

LOL zta below theta, dg, AND sigma kappa..? thats funny. and where's tridelt? do you go to tcu?

By: ha
by: shaye   

This is list is so off, have to really laugh at this one.

By: shaye
by: to preppy   

obviously preppy is a chio and is totally off on their list. Remember ChiO is the mean chapter on campus and be very careful whatever they tell you. If you believe them you will findout the hardway how it feels to be lied too....and made to feel completely used. Don't believe me just wait til Bidday and see what they do.... it really sinks!

By: to preppy
by: frog   

lol lol lol gtfo sigma kappa

By: frog

Top Tier Sororities:
Pi Phi, Zeta
Chi O, Kappa

Middle Tier Sororities:
DG, Tri Delt Gamma Phi
A Chi O, Sigma Kappa

Bottom Tier Sororities:
Theta, AOPI

By: TheyCallMeFunkyFrog
by: greektcu   

Why is theta so low? Everything about that but theta is a great sorority- and it's not even my affiliation!

By: greektcu
by: frogzhby   

haha pi phi will never be top house and theta is top and so is chi o

By: frogzhby

Lol you guys have got to be kidding me. Do y'all even go here? Top sororities in this order: zeta, pi phi, chi o, theta . Middle tier: DG, kappa, tri delt, aChiO, gamma phi, sigma kappa. Bottom tier: Adpi, Aopi

By: TCU girl
by: tcu   

ehh.. based on what girls are really excited to see on their bid cards:
Top: chio, zta, piphi, tridelt, kappa
Upper Middle: dg, theta
Lower Middle: gammaphi, achio
Bottom: sigma kappa, aopi, adpi

By: tcu
by: Now   

Bases on everything that has happened this year:: zta, chio, theta, pi phi, dg, tri delt, gamma phi, kappa, achio, sigma kappa, aopi, adpi

By: Now

Right on the money

By: Frat

There's a Top 5 (in no order): ChiO, PiPhi, Tridelt, Zeta, and Kappa.

By: Tcu
by: YES   

^^^^ agree with above. These are the sororities girls look for on their bid cards

by: tbbba   

Correction on the list
Zta, piphi, Tridelt, Chio, Theta --- Kappa is way lower.

By: tbbba
by: greek   

switch kappa with theta but other than that yes

By: greek
by: sorority   

they were right the first time. nobody looks for theta on their bid cards lol sorry

By: sorority

1. ZTA
2. Pi Phi
3. Chi O
4. DG
5/6 Theta or Gamma Phi
7. Tri Delt
8. Kappa
9. Alpha Chi
10. Sigma Kappa
11. ΑΟPI
12. ΑDPI

by: tcu   


By: tcu
by: what   

after this year pi phi is no where near top

By: what

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