

by: ????

What does it mean to "commit suicide" on your recruitment card?

Posted By: ????
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#1  by: .   

It means to only chose one sorority. Very few people are stupid enough to do it.

By: .
#2  by: Also   

Also, during all the rounds, do not make an emotional decision and drop out of rush when you are cut by certain sororities. That is stupid too. Stick it out and see where you land. You will be sorry otherwise, we promise, even if you don't see it in the moment when you are initially so disappointed and upset.

By: Also
#3  by: Pnms   

Even if you hate the house on your bid card go to bid day to check it out. It'll be better than sitting in your dorm all day and you can always drop before initiation if you still don't like it

By: Pnms
by: 672Jul 17, 2016 11:17:30 AM

If you accept your bid you may be suprised about how much you actually like the girls who wanted to be your sister.

By: 672
by: actuallyJul 17, 2016 2:11:46 PM

Actually that isn't true. If you accept a bid, you can't rush for another year. If you don't accept a bid you can go through informal rush in the spring.

By: actually
by: wrongJul 17, 2016 2:54:47 PM

You can only go through informal rush if you don't rush in the fall or are dropped by every house. It doesn't matter if you accept the bid or not

By: wrong
by: ?Jul 17, 2016 4:00:05 PM

If you drop out of rush midway, can you go through informal rush in the spring?

By: ?
by: AJul 17, 2016 4:04:48 PM

If you drop out midway you can't. As stated above you can only rush in the spring if you didn't in the fall or if every house cuts you

By: A
by: huh?Jul 17, 2016 7:48:22 PM

I know someone personally who dropped out of rush and then joined a sorority mid year. I've never heard of anyone getting dropped by all the sororities.

By: huh?
by: @AJul 20, 2016 7:10:02 PM

That's not true. The only time people who rushed in the fall aren't allowed to do informal recruitment is if they accepted a bid and dropped out of that sorority. All other circumstances are fine (provided your grades are fine, you're taking enough credits etc.)

By: @A
#4  by: :)   

suicide means the night before pref when you rank your final choices, you only put down one of your three choices. Don't do it! I had a friend who cried when she found out she only had AOPI left but she did go to their bid day just to see how it was and she ended up loving it! You can stay in your sorority all the way up to initiation and drop if you don't like your sorority and want to try again with recruitment. But once you're initiated you can never be in another sorority, even if you drop.

By: :)
by: me tooJul 17, 2016 2:02:00 PM

I know someone who got dropped by every sorority accept DG. She was freaking out because of their bad reputation. She decided to give it a try and she loves it. It really is what you make of it. Even in a low class group, you can find some genuine and classy girls.

By: me too
#5  by: truth   

I didn't want the house on my bid card. I didn't hate them, they're a middle tier house and I liked all the girls in the house that I talked to but they weren't the one I wanted. But I went through bid day and now after being a part of the sorority for the past year I'm happy with my choice to stay. My sorority has given me amazing friends that I otherwise may not have met. A sorority doesn't have to be love at first sight for you to love it

By: truth
by: very trueJul 17, 2016 3:09:05 PM

This is so true.

By: very true
by: @truthJul 18, 2016 10:51:59 PM

This is the attitude that all people should have

By: @truth
#6  by: X   

One of the dumbest moves you can make

By: X
#7  by: SIP   

The PC term is Single Intentional Preference. It means that you only put one sorority on your bid card after the preference parties. It can also mean you put only two out of three if you attend three parties. It's a horrible idea.

If you fail to rank all the sororities whose preference you attended, you will not be eligible for quota additions if none of those houses has you high enough on their bid list. In that circumstance, you will go bidless.

If you do list all the sororities that you attended preference parties for, then you are guaranteed a bid from one of those sororities even if you weren't high enough on any of their lists to normally receive a bid. This is what is known as a quota addition. The sorority may not be your first or second choice, but you will for sure receive a bid and have the opportunity to get to know them better before you make any decision about whether you initiate. Most new members are amazed at how things work out best in the long run once recruitment is over and they get to know a sorority they may have not loved in their new member period.

#8  by: <3   

Wise girls never do this!!!!!!!!

By: <3
#9  by: Star    

PNMs need to see this. Don't sell yourself or our houses short. Go all the way and don't drop out or commit suicide just because a house drops you. If feels personal but with 1000 girls rushing it isn't.

By: Star
#10  by: .   

Stay for bid day and at least give it a shot. Also don't be mean to your bid day buddy if it's not the house you want that's just going to give you a bad rep

By: .

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