
fraternity parties


Is it true that you will be kicked out of recruitment if you go to a fraternity party?

Posted By: ????
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I was wondering the same thing. It seems kind of controlling.

By: ?
by: Active Sister   

If you can't take this kind of control, then you aren't going to have a lot of fun in a sorority. There are many rules you must follow as a sister. If you have a problem with refraining from parties for just a couple of days, then you will not do well as a sister.

By: Active Sister

Did you read the Recruitment Rules? If you are unwilling to follow recommendations during rush because you have a better idea then maybe you don't belong in a sorority. Panhellenic will not kick you out of recruitment, but the recommendation is in place for your own good. Go ahead and go to a fraternity rush party and see what happens. Every house will know immediately and you will be dropped.

By: Read
by: wow   

Down vote this all you want little girls. No good will come from you going to a party during rush week. We don't know what's in that solo cup so we will assume you are drinking. If you chat with a boy he could be a sister's crush or boyfriend or ex and we will not care that you didn't know. If you disappear into the house it will look like you are hooking up. If you talk about rush or sororities you will give away who you like and who you don't and we will use that information in deciding to invite you back or not or if you are dirty rushing. If you wear revealing clothes or start to look sloppy and disheveled we will not want you wearing our letters. If you go to a frat house that we are not crazy about we might use that against you. Even if you are an absolute angel you will look bad because you are not following the recommended guidelines. There is everything for you to lose by going out and nothing to gain. The fraternity brothers know that PNM's should not be at parties but freshman guys don't get it so you have to tell them that you can't go. Or go ahead and go out. No good will come of it.

By: wow
by: its not everything    

its not worth going to!!! You have all of college to enjoy fraternity parties also the week after rush is superrrr fun so you have stuff to look forward to with your new sisters!!!

By: its not everything
by: The Truth   

PNMs, please pay attention to this! It's the truth! Aside from all that, rush is exhausting. You need to spend your time sleeping and resting and mentally prepping and bonding with girls you've met. There will plenty of fraternity parties once you're a new member. I promise!

By: The Truth

There aren't really parties during rush week bc frats know that sorority girls can't go. But if there is one is one party really worth it to risk being dropped from rush? You have four years here to go to parties you can miss one

By: Pnms
by: jas    

Why will all this sororities drop us for going to a party? I really don't get tit.

By: jas
by: frog   

Bc sororities want girls that are looking for sisterhood. Yes 99.9% of us like to go out to parties and bars too but if a girl can't put that aside for a week its a major red flag. We all have guy friends or boyfriends in frats and will find out its not worth it. Just wait until the day after bid day like everyone else

By: frog
by: ok   

This is just weird. But ok.

By: ok
by: Active Sister   

Please PNMs, it's in your best interest! Seriously, I can't stress that enough! Someone above summed it up perfectly:

No good will come from you going to a party during rush week. We don't know what's in that solo cup so we will assume you are drinking. If you chat with a boy he could be a sister's crush or boyfriend or ex and we will not care that you didn't know. If you disappear into the house it will look like you are hooking up. If you talk about rush or sororities you will give away who you like and who you don't and we will use that information in deciding to invite you back or not or if you are dirty rushing. If you wear revealing clothes or start to look sloppy and disheveled we will not want you wearing our letters. If you go to a frat house that we are not crazy about we might use that against you. Even if you are an absolute angel you will look bad because you are not following the recommended guidelines. There is everything for you to lose by going out and nothing to gain. The fraternity brothers know that PNM's should not be at parties but freshman guys don't get it so you have to tell them that you can't go. Or go ahead and go out. No good will come of it.

By: Active Sister

It's about priorities and if a girls priorities are to go out during a week that's about finding lifelong friends we don't want you

By: Junior
by: you know   

That sounds like absolute thinking. Just because someone goes out doesn't mean they might not have something to offer your organization. Do you attach that many strings to all your friendships? Everybody in your life has to prove to you that you will do everything you want them to do? You have some really controlling and weird attitudes about friendship.

By: you know
by: @you know   

It's not about "because we say so" - there is too much at stake that will not go well for you and the guideline is in place for YOU if you want to have a successful recruitment. Actives don't go out during rush week either. You haven't rushed before so you don't understand. This rule is in place at most schools.

By: @you know
by: The Truth   

If you think a party or two are worth not getting a sorority bid then go for it.

You'll understand once you're in a sorority. Seriously,stop arguing about it. It's in your own best interest.

By: The Truth

This isn't one person or one house's rule it's a TCU Panhellenic rule. I can't believe you're actually arguing about it. You're lucky that this is anonymous

By: Wow

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Even the more party girl houses would drop people for going to parties?

By: ?
by: Um   

Yea we like to go out but we don't want girls that will get us out on social probation

By: Um
by: YES   

Yes, we will. We like to party but we respect the rules. They are in place for a reason.

by: hmmm   

I can think of two sororities in particular that would be pretty hypocritical to drop girls for going to parties.

By: hmmm
by: hmmm   

I can think of two sororities in particular that would be pretty hypocritical to drop girls for going to parties.

By: hmmm
by: ^   

There's a fine line between being known as a party house and getting put on social probation because you gave bids to some messes who showed you exactly who they are during rush. No sorority wants to take those risks no matter what their house's rep.

That said, feel free to go out if you want. Just know there will be consequences. Big harsh consequences that can cost you a bid.

By: ^

Kids in high school these days don't like people telling them what to do or being shamed for anything. They generally don't listen to any "authority" figures. We will see how things all work out as far as following "rules." I'd be surprised if the PNMs will follow the guidelines. We will see.

By: it is what it is
by: ^   

I invite them to disregard the rules. They will see that there are consequences. Big harsh consequence. Maybe that's something they should have learned at home, but the world is a harsh place. Get used to it.

By: ^

If you join a sorority you're going to have to go to chapter and dress up for it most or all Sundays depending on the house, you're going to have community service hours and study hours, you're going to have obligatory philanthropy events, workshops, and sisterhood events. if you can't handle being told you can't go out for one week what are you going to do when your sorority tells you you have to do all that?

By: Um
by: Wow   

Thank you

By: Wow

I will be going through recruitment in the fall and I really don't understand why people have such an issue with this rule. You have the rest of your 4 years to party why are you complaining about one week. Literally, your #1 priority should be recruitment since that's the only reason you are on campus at the moment. People need to get their priorities straight. Yes, parties are great and fun, but why would you be willing to sacrifice life long friends :/

By: wtf
by: Wow   

Ty. A PNM with common sense

By: Wow
by: Oh. Ok   

So since someone else's priorities don't mirror exactly yours, they are wrong?

By: Oh. Ok
by: The Truth   

You want to join a group, a sisterhood, which requires common goals and objectives and cooperation and specific behaviors. It also has rules. Lots of rules. If you have a problem with this, you don't belong in a sorority. So do feel free to go out and party during recruitment. This will show us all exactly who and what you are, and make the decision to drop you extra easy. Enjoy being a GDI who gave up sisterhood because she wanted to party with fraternities instead.

By: The Truth
by: Pc14   

Yess!! Thank you one good PNM you're the best

By: Pc14

The fact that a pmm finds this "controlling" simply is disgusting. Sweet heart....... Do you know what you are doing ? This is recruitment. Recruitment. You better shape up and follow the recommended guidelines or be prepared to be cut from every house.

Ridiculous how you would take this for granted. Like how dumb are you.
This is sisterhood we are looking for and if your priorities are not in order please just don't rush. Save yourself from becoming an emotional wreck bc you won't be invited back anywhere

By: Wow
by: wtf?   

Who are you to dictate people's priorities? You are really crazy. I hope you don't ever get married,because you will be one of those crazy people who makes their spouse prove loyalty by doing everything you dictate.

By: wtf?
by: @wtf   

No one is forcing anyone to go through recruitment or join a sorority. It's a choice honey. You don't sound like a good candidate for recruitment or sorority life so please don't bother.

By: @wtf
by: @wtf    

You should not go through recruitment young one ... Your priorities are not where they should be.

By: @wtf
by: The Truth   

No one is making you change your priorities. People who aren't Greek don't have to obey the kinds of rules sorority members have to obey. This is just a taste of the kinds of rules and obligations you will have as a sorority member.

You are not some special girl who the rules don't apply to. Probably hundreds of girls have ended up GDIs because they were dropped since they refused to follow this simple recruitment rule. I invite all PNMs who think this is unfair to follow their conscience and desires and go to parties. You will end up in the sorority you belong in, which is none.

If you party then we will find out about it. You'll be history. Bye Felicia.

By: The Truth

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