
successful recruitment


What advice would you give to help the incoming girls have a successful recruitment? What helped you the most?

Posted By: Fresh Frog
Page 1 of 3

Be nice to every girl you talk to in every sorority even if you don't want to be in it. If you're dropped from a house, pretend it doesn't exist so it won't negatively impact the rest of your recruitment. Ask lots of questions to the girls you talk to so conversations aren't one sided. Be yourself. Talk to your rho gamma; that's what they're there for! Keep your energy up!

By: My opinion
by: mmmmmm   

Be careful talking to your rho gamma. She may act all impartial, but she isn't. Chances are, she is reporting what you say to her sorority and other sororities. Be really careful with rho gammas. Be polite to them. Be positive about all the houses. Don't say anything confidential to them. They are little spies. Sorry. But it is true.

By: mmmmmm

Be polished, polite, show interest in every person you talk to, don't give one word answers but help keep the conversation going, know a little about each houses Philantrophy, be excited by all invites on your card each night because those houses want to see you again and may be where your best friends will be

By: Girl

You are not too good for any sorority. If you act like a beech to any sorority or other PNMs, we will definitely hear about it and your options will be severely limited.

By: Purple Frog

This will be a challenging week no matter who you are. Plan your outfits ahead. Come well rested and with a positive attitude. Break out of you shell and be friendly to every girl you speak to in the houses. They will have gone through their own training to help with conversation but it's your job to seem interested and interesting. Be open minded about houses because each campus is different and they may not be like the ones back home.

By: Sunny

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by: TCUGAL    

Perfect plan


You can become a happy member of any house if you let yourself be. Be your best and just don't stress over the process. There will be a house (s) you won't be invited back to and when that happens please focus on those that want you

By: Well

Be friendly to everyone involved, do your part to keep conversations going, be interested in each person you talk to, smile, look your best, keep a positive attitude even when it's hard

By: Fanoffrogs

The best way to have a successful requitment is to be your personal best and stay open minded. You do not know what house you would fit in so be excited with all groups that invite you back.

By: T

Look your best/professional, smile and be interested in who you are talking to, be a good conversationalist and trust you can find sisters in any house.

By: FroG

Bump it

By: 5678

Realize you cannot know where you belong so approach each house( even those you don't like) just as though they are you only choice

By: DallasFan

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