
successful recruitment


What advice would you give to PNMS to have a successful recruitment? What things should they focus on the most?

Posted By: Sss
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I really suggest getting a rush consultant. It will help ease your nerves and give you real insight.

By: honestly
by: ?   

Where/how do you get one?

By: ?
by: Rosey   

Most girls do just fine without a rush consultant.
1) Be personable to everyone you meet. It will be hot and stressful so this takes effort but it will pay off.
2) Be put together. Choose clothes that follow the guidelines that but have a touch of class, style and individuality. Choose a hairstyle that can stay put together in 100 plus heat for hours.
3) Expect that each house you enter could be your new home-every house... and treat the members as such.
4) You must do your part to keep the conversation going so even if you are shy-talk! It's a fake environment with girls singing at you, tons of girls all in a room and trying to talk to strangers but you can do it.
5) Kind an open mind when your invitations come each night. You won't get all the houses you want on it! You will get some you think you don't want but the houses knkw what their members are like so trust the process.
6) You can bring a tote bag which you leave outside. Fill it with: flip flops to walk in between houses, a hand held fan, touch up make up, breath mints, brush, hand held mirror, water bottle & anything else to make it through the marathon days.
Welcome to TCU!!!!!

By: Rosey
by: Dallas Bound   

The message from "Rosey" has lots of good tips. Good luck everyone.

By: Dallas Bound
by: @Rosey   

Literally sounds like a beauty pageant. I bit sick don't you think?

By: @Rosey
by: 8/   

This is a dumb suggestion and waste of money. Our school isn't the kind of school where you need a rush consultant. Go back to Alabama or whatever backwoods southern school you know about.

By: 8/

Please don't tell me about your Mission trip to Nicaragua. Please. Just don't.

By: please
by: greeek   

preach!! yes!!

By: greeek
by: I agree   

I don't want to hear about your mission trips to "third world countries." You may think you are the Great White Hope and they are all waiting for you to save them from themselves. But you end up sounding like an idiot. Don't talk about Mission Trips to Central America or Africa. You sound like an ass.

By: I agree
by: Yikes   

I hope you are a troll because you sound so unhappy. Who has time to push 76 thumbs up? Why sad indeed.

By: Yikes
by: but ^   

I don't know or care if she is happy. I do know that if you come in to rush talking about your Mission trip, most of my house will nix you . It is actually good advice. If your ego is so big that you need to take a mission trip , then don't talk about it during rush. I'd honestly rather you talk about partying.

By: but ^
by: Frog   

Yes! This!

By: Frog
by: Amen   

Mission Trips are oh so 2011.

By: Amen
by: ^   

To the person who took the time to down vote the above comment 84 times (I'm sure you will do it more ), if you are telling women to talk about Mission Trips, you are giving BAD advice.

By: ^
by: 8/   

Every year this nasty girl who has something against mission trips comes on here to complain about them. She's strangely obsessed and kind of sick. PNM's be yourself and talk about your interests and what you've done/ Don't listen to this one sad girl that probably isn't even in a sorority.

By: 8/
by: ^   

To the girl above this message, You might be the 15% of people here who think it is cool to talk about during rush. But I can assure you that most girls in most houses on the rush floor are very turned off by mission trip stories to third world countries. Of course we aren't going to say anything, but most of us won't like it. Mission trips have a condescending, "I'm here to save the world" arrogant vibe about them. They turn a lot of people off. Do they bother everyone? No. There will be a few people that are impresses, and a few that don't care. But more than likely , you will come across someone who doesn't like it. That's a fact.

By: ^

just be yourself, we'll know if you're being fake. ask the girls talking to you about themselves but not too much

By: just

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-Be yourself
-Be honest with yourself
-Keep an open mind
-Be nice to everyone. You are not better than any sorority.
-Practice conversation
-Try to make friends with other PNMs. Even when you end up in different houses, it's a great way to meet new people at school.

By: True

If you have a thigh gap, show it off.

By: if

These are my three pieces of advice:

1. Every day, treat the invitafions you have as if they are the ONLY sororities at TCU. Don't waste time or energy being upset that XYZ house cut you- it may cause you to be so distracted that you don't give the house(s) you go back to a chance.

2. Almost no pnms have "perfect" rushes. Make peace with the fact that you will get cut from houses and have no idea why. And there may not even be a real reason. A lot of girls get released from houses simply because the house can't invite back everyone they like. We submit lists of the girls we want to invite back each day and depending on how many girls accept the invitation, the list gets cut off at some point. There isn't always a "reason".

3. Be realistic with who you are. If you weren't the most popular, sought after girl in high school, you're unlikely to get into a top house. Girls usually end up in the same sorority tiers that their friend groups were in high school. The top houses will cut 80%+ of pnms during the week. Also, be realistic if you're a legacy. While it's awesome to want to be your mom's "sister", she pledged 25+ years ago and probably at a different school. You might love her house here or you might not. Make your own decision.

By: Advice
by: I did!   

I had a perfect rush.

By: I did!
by: Frog   

And if you get cut from your mom's house, please tell her not to call us and start screaming over the phone demanding a bid just because she donated $$$$. That will just embarrass you and your mom will look like she's unhinged.

By: Frog
by: Advice    

Good for you, "I did"! Girls do have perfect rushes every year, but it seems more often than not, girls are shocked when they don't have a full party list each day. I was a Rho Gamma last year and some of my girls would literally have invites to top houses and yet still be upset that the houses they didn't like didn't invite them back. I had one girl in my group with a perfect rush- ONE. Just trying to set expectations.

By: Advice
by: ?   

Your third recommendation really makes me feel like the is going to be high school part 2. I thought we go to college for a change. Not to be locked into our high school roles.

By: ?
by: @?   

Sorry, but you already are mostly who you are by the time you get to college. If you try to act completely different then you will come off as fake. A lot of people come to school thinking it will be totally different. In some ways it is, but in a lot of ways you end up gravitating towards the same kind of people and activities you always have.

By: @?

TCU is totally high school part 2. TCU is more high school than high school.

By: @@?
by: yep   

TCU is ore clickey and less diverse than my high school was. I would not go here again. By the end of the third month you know everyone and everybody is cemented into their social status. Worse than high school.

By: yep

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