
can you go greek with a hard major


I want to join a sorority but I am planning to attend medical school which means I must keep my GPA up. I don't want to miss out on the friendships and getting involved on campus but I don't want to be the odd girl staying in to study alone. Is it reasonable to do both? Are there chapters that would fit my goals better than others? Thank you for your advise. I am very proud to join the TCU family.

Posted By: New Frog
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You can go greek with a hard major. I'd suggest taking lighter classes your first semester because there are extra meetings and activities for new members.
Good houses for you are Chi Omega, Gamma Phi Beta and Alpha Chi Omega. They have high academic achievement with members who have hard majors.
Theta may be first in GPA but they have lots of musical theatre, education and social work majors which are known to be easier that help them have the highest GPA.

By: Hi
by: Gurl   

I would agree with everything the first person said

By: Gurl
by: :)   

actually chi o is top in grades for this last year, I saw it on one of their latest insta posts

By: :)
by: Hey   

I would try to bid Chi Omega or Gamma Phi if given the option but like someone else wrote, all houses should support someone doing well in class. It is true some chapters party more and may not have as many girls focusing on academics but in college its up to you to choose where you focus your time.

By: Hey

All chapters have members with hard majors and all will be accommodating of that. School comes first

By: tcu
by: actually   

Actually the houses with "highest GPA" usually have a bunch Theater and/or Communications Majors. Do not pay attention to overall GPA. Get into an academic sorority (basically avoid DG, and Kappa ) and you will be fine.

By: actually
by: Sassy   

You will love our Greek life. Just give yourself a light schedule first semester as you get in the swing of things and have extra meetings with your Pledge Class. Welcome to TCU and just know any house should be happy to have a girl with high standards.

By: Sassy

Im a nursing major in gphi, I have to study literally all of the time and trust me, your sorority will understand that.

By: :)

Seriously, you won't be the only one studying in any house but I defiantely think Gamma Phi Beta and Chi Omega would be your best fits because they have a lot of girls with hard majors and as a whole these groups encourage their members to focus on academics.

By: Purple Pride 16
by: Star   

The best advice

By: Star

TCU is a good school, so each house is going to have smart girls who care about their grades. But Chi O, Theta, Alpha Chi, and Gamma Phi are consistently top in grades so id think about rushing one of those houses! But honestly, can't go wrong with any house! :)

by: huh?^   

What planet are you on? This is a major party school. That is why I chose it. There is a small handful of academic people, but they are far from the majority. It is on you the individual to make time to study. You can get mostly Bs at this school without studying - that is what I have chosen to do. If you want As, you will have to carve out study time. You can do it and be Greek, but you will have to make a consorted effort. High Academics is not built into the culture here. Be honest.

By: huh?^
by: ^   

At least your'e honest. Unlike the helicopter moms on here pretending this a good school. they need to fool themselves into believe this overpriced school is worth their money. let the helicopter moms think that. we get to party on their dime.

By: ^
by: ha ha    

You are a premed major? and you are here on Greekrank? That is scary.

By: ha ha
by: ?   

Do we even call it "Pre Med." Some people who want to be in medicine major in nursing or biology. But there is no major called Pre Med. I have never known anyone here at TCU to get into any med school that was here in the U.S. Some go to the Caribbean for med school. But no matter your grades, you probably won't get into med school.

By: ?

AXO and GPHI are usually top in grades and have lots of nursing and pre med majors!

By: go greek

Actually, there a lot of girls with difficult majors that join a sorority . The heavy party houses might not be the best fit for you but all other groups could work. There are people who party constantly here but they are probably communication/business/social work/fashion...majors. The pre-medical and nursing programs are well thought of. The majority of TCU grads with these majors end up with numerous job offers. Think Chi Omega, Theta, Gamma Phi Beta, Alpha Chi Omega as top choices for you but you can choose to reach high in your classes with any house. No house wants to have the lowest GPA!

By: !

Defiantely do go through recruitment! I would stick with the more academic houses if you get the option: Xo, KAT, GPB and AXO
Plus, advanced educational programs look for diversified students. You can gain leadership opportunities and get involved in other campus groups through your soroity association.

By: Almost
by: and   

You could also go AOPi, Sigma Kappa , ADPi.

By: and
by: honestly   

Just avoid Pi Phi, Kappa and DG and you will be fine.

By: honestly

You can do both because girls do it every year. You will need to be wise with your time is all.

By: :

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You would regret not taking part in Greek life here. You will find lots of intelligent girls with high goals doing just what you are. XO, GPB, AXO, and to a lesser degree SK have lots of girls with demanding majors. KAT has high GPA but mostly education and theatre majors. All groups have a few girls seeking grad school but PBP, DG and KKG focus way more on partying. It's all up to what you are looking for.

By: OK

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