
welcome to girls with learning differences!


Dear Girls with Learning Differences,
Welcome home. TCU is one of the most inclusive places for girls with learning differences. Please go through rush. One or two sororities might drop you because of grades, but not all. There are loads of us in Panhellenic. Just go through rush. You won't regret it.

Another LD kid

Posted By: Welcome
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This is so true. Loads of people have LD. Just be you. You will do great.

By: bump

I'm so excited and relieved when I hear these things. Should I mention my LD during rush?

By: awesome

This is hilarious and so mean. No one wants someone in their sorority that drags them down. If you have a "learning difference" then you need to concentrate on school or belong in a community college. No room for dumb girls in my top sorority!

By: Ha
by: ^   

Excuse me? How does a person with an LD drag you down? They don't. If you really are in a top sorority here at TCU, I guarantee that you have at least 20% of your sorority has LD. You are the mean one.

By: ^
by: @Ha   

Just so you know, Winston Churchill had LD. I am in a top house and I have LD and my sisters know it and accept it. And because of bigots like you, I have to hide my LD out in the world. Also, TCU is a school where people with LD can be successful. I have above a 3.5 GPA every term. Probably way higher than you!! LD is just a different way of being in the world.

By: @Ha
by: LD and proud   

To the person called "ha" above. you do not represent what we here at TCU believe. TCU is an inclusive community. I am very open to women with LD in my sorority.

By: LD and proud
by: Dallas   

Dear Ha,
When I first read this post I almost jumped with joy. My whole life I have learned differently than others. It was hard. Really hard! Thankfully my parents are able to pay for tutors, and I did really well in my GPA. But I know that I'm different.
When I first saw this post. I honestly felt welcomed. I felt like maybe I can be me for once. Be honest about the way my brain is wired a little differently than "normal." But then I saw what you wrote. Did your words hurt? Absolutely !!!! But at least I know. I know the people that I will be dealing with. I know that once again, I have to hide who I am, and the way that God made me. It is really sad that at a school with "Christian" in its name, I have to do that. But I do. So thank you for the heads up.

One more woman with LD

By: Dallas

I'm in a top sorority and we have several girls with Learning Disabilities. Some mild and some more profound. We are open to whoever is classy.

By: Welcome

Welcome to everyone. You will find this to be very inclusive community.

By: welcome

I have a learning differentce too. And I'm in a great sorority. Don't let one or two haters turn you away.


I have a learning difference and I'm in a sorority!!!

By: me too

Can anybody tell me which sororities are most excepting of women with Learning Disabilities?

By: Classy gal
by: advice   

All sororities have nice and mean members, this is true of any group with 250+ people. No sorority is more accepting than another. The only way that a learning disability would be of importance at all during rush is to houses who cut primarily on gpa. However, many people with learning disabilities have great gpas so even that is likely not something for you to worry about. No sorority on our campus will turn a girl away solely due to a learning disability. Rush is intense and stressful but don't let worrying about a learning disability add onto that.

By: advice
by: @advice   

Thank you for being the one person to answer this question with an ounce of class.

By: @advice

To all reading this looking for an actual answer read the one posted by advice. I second what she said


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by: agree   

I mostly agree with her , but there are a few sororities that might turn people away for having a learning disability. They might not admit it, but I think they don't want their GPA brought down.

By: agree

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