

by: Curious PNM

Do sororities at TCU take legacy very seriously? I have a sister who is a Gamma Phi at a different school and I just want to know if that is something that has any meaning in your rush process :)

Posted By: Curious PNM
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#1  by: senior   

Being a legacy generally means that you will get a courtesy invite to the 2nd round to give you and the chapter a second chance to meet each other.

There are way too many legacies for any chapter to be able to take them all, so some legacies do get released. It's not necessarily that they didn't like you, or that they don't value legacies. When chapters have far more legacies (sometimes 2x as much) as quota it is a numbers issue and they have to release a bunch.

Being double sisters with your sister can be special but only if the Gamma Phi house is also a good match for you. Go into Recruitment open to all houses to find your best fit. If it happens to be Gamma Phi, then great. If not, then go with the chapter that fits your interests and values. It is your 4 years/lifetime.

By: senior
by: ^Mar 31, 2016 11:13:15 AM

What is a double sister?

By: ^
by: double sisterApr 2, 2016 11:57:05 PM

a biological sister who is also a sorority sister

By: double sister
by: BlrJun 7, 2016 12:59:51 AM

Good advice

By: Blr
by: CatJun 14, 2016 11:15:17 PM

This is a super explanation on this topic

By: Cat
by: StarJun 20, 2016 12:04:31 AM

What you need to know

By: Star
by: WlmJul 2, 2016 1:09:50 AM

Check @

By: Wlm
#2  by: not a bit deal.   

I'm a DG legacy and I dropped them the second day. I love my family members but I didn't want to spend four years hanging out with Kim K, Mylie Cyrus and Kylie Minogue.

By: not a bit deal.
by: FMay 17, 2016 4:15:25 PM

PNMS don't drop houses! Houses choose whether to invite you back. PNMs are supposed to list ALL the houses they visit in a day on their card listing from most wanted to least. Leave a house off & you may not get any bid. Fact!!

By: F
#3  by: 2016   

Getting an extra invite back is good but I want the house that fits me best which may not be what fit my mom at a different school in a different decade. Girls shouldn't think that is automatically the right chapter for you.

By: 2016
by: GiRLMay 16, 2016 12:01:14 PM


By: GiRL
#4  by: Chick   

As far as I know legacies do get a second visit but that is the only promise. There are no hard core rules. It is an advantage but not a guarantee. If it's down between a legacy and not, I think most times, the legacy will get the bid. You have to get that far on your own though.

By: Chick
#5  by: Rain   

Legacies do help no matter what people put on here. You get a second invite and they will pref you over a none legacy if it's a close call. That doesn't mean your legacy house will be your best fit though so be open minded. Good luck

By: Rain
by: DaisyMay 16, 2016 12:14:31 AM

SO true and many girls have legacies so it helps but it cannot be expected to give you a bid by any means

By: Daisy
#6  by: Hun   

Legacies are weighed differently by different chapters. Most houses here could fill an entire pledge class with legacies so do not use it as a crutch or you may be disappointed.

By: Hun
#7  by: Gpa   

Yes, legacies are an advantage no matter what is posted on here. No, you can't get a bid just from having a legacy but you will be chosen over a non legacy if all things are equal.

By: Gpa
by: This is May 28, 2016 1:33:20 AM

The way things are

By: This is
by: InfoJun 11, 2016 7:30:40 AM

A solid thread for PNMS to see

By: Info
#8  by: Purple Pride 16   

You just can't come in to recruitment expecting you having a legacy will get you a bid. You will be disappointed.

By: Purple Pride 16
by: CaliJun 21, 2016 9:03:48 PM

It happens every year-just be open minded to all houses and know your legacy house might not fit you best anyway. Good luck though

By: Cali
#9  by: Fact   

Legacies do get a second invite and it is an edge. Do see if it is the house that you feel most at home in first though. Chapters are so different at different schools and different years so a legacy house might not even be what you want once you visit it.

By: Fact
by: &Jun 28, 2016 11:53:46 AM


By: &
#10  by: Sss   

So, don't get your hopes up that a legacy will get you a bid is what I'm hearing.

By: Sss
by: TrueJun 17, 2016 1:20:02 AM

While it might help you get a second look because a sorority has to invite you back to one round, beyond that it's all up to how you fit just like any other PNM.

Only exception would be if you're a very important legacy, something like the sorority president's daughter or you have a sitting sister currently in the house. That's not the case obviously for most.

By: True

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