
i don't like my bid


I got a bid today from my second choice house and I really thought I would be happy if I got a bid from there if my first choice didn't give me a bid but I was miserable today. I am heartbroken I didn't get a bid from my first choice and wanted to cry the entire time I was at the house where I got a bid. I feel like I didn't click with any of the girls in my pledge class and the girls in the sorority are nothing like me, even though I thought I had a good connection with them during recruitment. I tried to be optimistic and positive at the house but I couldn't wait to be home and am dreading going back again. I even wish I put my third choice house in front of the one I am in. I don't know what to do. If I were to drop it before initiation if I am still miserable would rushing be difficult next year?

Posted By: orangegrl3
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Honestly give it a chance! You're correct, as long as you drop before initiation you can rush again next year. But I think if you give it a couple of weeks you'll find that there actually are a lot of girls in your house who you get along with, sometimes it can just be hard to find them on day 1. It will get better I promise!!!

By: yes

You can also drop and contact your 3rd choice in case they are doing snap bids.

By: Or
by: orangegrl3   

what are snap bids?

By: orangegrl3
by: No   

No, you can't because you signed your bid card. If you drop you can't join another house for 1 year

By: No
by: sorry   

Snap bids are only given to people who didn't accept a bid to any house, sorry. The person above is correct, once you take a bid you can't rush again for a year. Snap bids (bids given right after recruitment ends, unplanned) are given to people who usually dropped rush early or didn't get a bid

By: sorry

So keep trying your house, it takes a few weeks to really love it but once you fall in love with your chapter and meet your best friends your life will feel complete.

By: sorry

Rush is an overwhelming time for everyone and bid day is the culmination of that. There's a lot of emotions both good and bad and everything moves so fast you don't have time to process it. Getting cut from anything can be frustrating but to say you don't click with the girls right off the bat isn't that fair. Bid day is awkward, no one knows anyone, where to go, who to talk to. As you go through your pledging process you'll grow to learn about your house and your sisters. Give it a chance, day 1 isn't the way you should base the rest of your experience on.

By: hi

To the person above, i applause you. Rush is such a miserable time, for PNMs and the only people who really enjoy it is sisters on bid day, but even then its awkward for sisters too. Think about it from a chapter's perspective. We are just as tired as you are - even more since we had to talk to 5x as many people as you did, decide who was the best fit for our chapter and then be super excited and talk to more girls on bid day when all we want to do is talk to our sisters and watch netflix after being exhausted for 2 weeks. Everyone falls in love with their chapters at different speeds, some fall out of love with the chapter they thought was perfect. Things take time, and you really just need to go to some new member meetings to see what its all about. Give it a chance, bid day isn't what it is all cracked up to be - the real determinate is how sisters treat you after bid day.

By: ^^yes

doesn't apply with being a new member. I totally felt weird all of bid day, wondering if I made the right choice (and I got my #1 pick). I felt like the girls in my pledge class were either bff already or just not like me). To make it worse I went back to my room and my roommate---who got my second choice (actually a higher tier house"--wouldn't shut up about how happy she was. I was like "omg, what did I do?!?" Give it time...bid day is not reality. Your new member process will give you normal opportunities to really connect with everyone. You ranked this house 2 for a reason....you could see yourself there!

By: Instant gratification...

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Very few girls are completely happy on bid day. Even the ones who can't stop saying how happy they are. Most of the time they're putting on a face. The reality is it does take a couple weeks to start feeling comfortable so don't freak out just yet! If after 2-3 weeks you still feel upset, then drop. But give them a fair chance!

By: Everyone above is right

Yes I second what everyone else is saying. Honestly bid day is so awkward to me. The sisters all know the sisters and just hang out with each other and the new girls don't know anyone yet really and it's just an awkward premise lol.

You are SO lucky you got one of your top choices if you think about. There are several girls who don't get a bid ANYWHERE or who dropped out of the process. You have found a house where the girls liked you enough that they wanted you to join their sisterhood. Give it a real chance. It's n it like you can switch houses anyway. You signed the card so you might as well give it a shot. What have you got to lose?

By: M

I feel the exact same way I really thought that my first house was gonna pick me and when I got my card and learned it wasn't I was devasted still am... Don't know if I should stay or not does anyone know when I have to leave and can rush again before it's too late??

By: Cuse12

Your question was already answered in 90% of the responses on this thread. Give the sorority who offered you a bid a fair chance. Rush and bid day are not really completely accurate depictions of what a sorority is all about. The new member process gives you a chance to get to know the girls in your pledge class and the sisters of the sorority better and form bonds with them. You don't get a true read on a house and whether or not it's for you until you start to go through that process. It takes time for everyone to get adjusted and feel comfortable. Dropping out and rushing again won't fix things. Give the house a shot and if you are still miserable after 2-3 weeks, THEN drop and try again next year. But you need to keep in mind that most sorority girls have friends in multiple houses who talk to each other. I literally have a good friend in almost every sorority. You're not going to look good to other houses next year if you drop before giving a house a fair shake. Just saying.

By: Can you read?

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