
A Phi Blasted Again

by: Mother Heart

Recently Univ of Rochester Alpha Phi chapter dissented from the wickeness of APhi Intl Leadership and how they recruit heavily on looks over scholastic substance. The chapter sent an open letter to the university as the first step toward reconciliation.

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The policy began with collegians at the University of Arizona chapter. If you look at Alpha Phi's e-board and those employed by the international , you will see an over abundance of women from that chapter. They brought their face house membership selection to the international organization and have been rolling it out for years.

Posted By: Mother Heart
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#1  by: Blah   

It’s true. Also google umich aphi scandal and see whether or not u want to be in a house that does that

By: Blah
by: AngeliqueJul 16, 2020 2:31:28 PM

Yes there had been a post here about that months and months ago when it first came out and everyone tried to dismiss it. Well now here is another even MORE solid case.

By: Angelique
by: on the contraryJul 18, 2020 2:09:48 PM

You and your 4 friends who consistently post are trying to bring down greek life by continuously about top srats on greek life. Your frequent posts and "calling out" as you mention are proof. Why don't you concentrate on your own srat and fix their problems instead of calling out other peoples srats? did you mention that the top frats at cuse brought in the most $$$$ for their charitable causes- didn't think so. CHILLLLLLLLLL! Kappa, Tridelt and Alpha Phi are no different than any other top tier srat-

By: on the contrary
by: So trueJul 18, 2020 2:17:28 PM

Actually so true^^^^ so many people love to hate on greek life.

By: So true
by: UhJul 18, 2020 2:25:21 PM

That’s not what this is about. This isn’t about how much money top houses bring in or bringing down greek life It’s the fact that aphi has a disgusting standard for who they let into their house and who they dont

By: Uh
by: YAAAAJul 18, 2020 2:39:16 PM

It works both ways-Your saying top tiers should choose "scholarly substance' - well thats discriminatory

by: UhJul 18, 2020 2:41:28 PM

The problem is they only count looks. It’s not even that. I knew girls who said they were on financial aid during a round at aphi and the girls automatically became rude towards them

By: Uh
by: itrsJul 18, 2020 2:56:49 PM

Seems like y'all either jealous or on a witch hunt to bring down top srats. Just sayin'... what you're doing is creating more interest in top srats by making them elitists. (pretty, rich etc).

By: itrs
by: frat boiiiiiJul 18, 2020 4:16:23 PM

Actual facts^^^^^^^^^^

By: frat boiiiii
by: LOLJul 22, 2020 11:03:44 AM

@onthecontrary, Hilarious that Tri Delt is trying to describe themselves as "top tier". Sorry, y'all had your own scandal with Alex Purdy that shows you are much more like APhi in terms of how members are treated poorly. Neither of your chapters are anywhere near "top" in the minds of others.

#2  by: Lmao facts   

Also it’s not hard to see... look at all their PCs.. they all look similar and only take typically pretty girls 🤷‍♀️ Not even nice ones. I know a lot of girls that had a bad experience at Aphi during recruitment

By: Lmao facts
by: All of themJul 30, 2020 10:01:24 PM

Yeah Aphi ain’t great with this but I genuinely think Tri Delt comes off worse. I know a lot of girls who had really poor experiences with mean white Tri Delt culture. Kappa used to be the most diverse but they don’t be seen as much now? Hope they go back to being more diverse

By: All of them
#3  by: Fact   

APhi has always nationally been known as a social climbing parasite sorority that only cares about looks and whiteness. Have yet to see an exception

By: Fact
by: LOLINGJul 17, 2020 11:25:35 AM

PEOPLE are Kinda laughing at how you are actual describing a srat as wicked. As if they've done something so heinous and deranged. Ya they def like the pretty girls, but thats not really different from ANY top teir. Stop being so dramatcic and get a life or something

by: DumbJul 17, 2020 11:55:08 AM

Did the person use the word wicked? Don’t think so. Do ur own research. Their process is not okay and they think super backwards and it’s time they get called out for it instead of burying it as it is a national issue If this is ur way of justifying what they do it’s pretty pathetic

By: Dumb
by: DumbJul 17, 2020 11:55:15 AM

Did the person use the word wicked? Don’t think so. Do ur own research. Their process is not okay and they think super backwards and it’s time they get called out for it instead of burying it as it is a national issue If this is ur way of justifying what they do it’s pretty pathetic

By: Dumb
by: HmmJul 17, 2020 12:23:29 PM

Lol alpha phi is also the house that’s always on here saying “awww didn’t get a bid” whenever some craps on them... and people go after other houses for coming on this site. Damn

By: Hmm
by: tyuJul 17, 2020 7:19:10 PM

Wickeness was derived from the word wickedness. Withcraft is not associated with any srat at cuse. Perhaps it is you, who should get your facts right, and a life (as previously suggested) If you believe that all top tier srats don't have people who "help" with the selection process then you are not in greek life. I am not in the afore mentioned Srat, however I am a realist, unlike the 3 or 4 posers who try and bring down greek life. Good day

By: tyu
by: LolJul 17, 2020 7:37:30 PM

No ones trying to bring down greek life. Calling out a srat for creating an unfair environment for PNMs is okay so chill

By: Lol
by: LolJul 17, 2020 7:38:03 PM

Also in case u aren’t aware aphi nationally hires a third party to manage Greek rank. It’s been proven so who rlly needs to calm down

By: Lol
#4  by: Haha   


By: Haha
#5  by: CRAY JAY   

Hmm smells like Kappa

#6  by: Lmao   

You can keep trying to knock Aphi down from its #1 spot but it won’t make any of you competing sororities right below them look any better. Won’t name any names but your recruiting tactics are little to no different.

By: Lmao
by: ^^FunnyJul 30, 2020 3:59:15 PM

I think this should read "You can keep trying to knock Aphi down from its self perceived #1 spot, but we're going to keep writing it every day until everyone buys it"

By: ^^Funny
by: ^^ThisJul 31, 2020 8:53:14 AM

Yes. Well said! That's legit the truth.

By: ^^This
by: WowAug 1, 2020 6:20:48 AM

Who cares if alpha phi is in a number one spot. You seem overly concerned with them. R u ok? Don’t worry your day will come.

By: Wow
#7  by: yikes   

so sad, they seemed so nice when i went there during recruitment

By: yikes

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