
Axid philanthropy


Why does no one talk about Axid’s disgusting philanthropy? For those of u who don’t know autism speaks is a horrible organization. They are regarded as a hate group by the autistic community (google it u will find sooo much info). They basically treat autistic ppl like a burden to their families. For the record i know it is not axid’s fault because it is their national philanthropy. But it makes me wonder how many of their sisters know the truth. It’s sad really. I liked them during recruitment but put them at the bottom of my list bc I wouldn’t feel comfortable raising money for that org.

Posted By: alpha
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By: Blah
by: ^ thank you   

this needs to be realized by more ppl! it’s funny they raise money for a charity that in reality gives little to no money to the autistic people and families they say they supposedly help. like i know they have a bad message but whats shadiest to me is where the heck all that fundraiser money goes because only a tiny % from fundraisers is going to autistic people........ corrupt much?

By: ^ thank you

Ya I’m surprised no one talks about this. Well i guess im not actually surprised...but disappointed regardless

By: frfr
by: We see through the bs   

They try so hide how bad their philanthropy is from everyone especially PNMs which is pretty messed up on their part. They know it’s one of the things that deters PNMs with morals since there’s no way to be in the sorority without inadvertently supporting Autism Speaks. Trying to downplay and distract from their awful organization for the sake of recruiting really adds to their cult image

By: We see through the bs

Autism Speaks also fired an autistic man...

By: Hmmm
by: Hmmm   

They also have no autistic people on their bored and see autistic people as people that need to be cured when autistic people are fine just the way they are. The fact that they raise money for this org is a turnoff for so many pnms

By: Hmmm
by: sus   

it’s interesting that every time there’s a new comment on this post there’s comments on other older posts 👀 sounds like axid is trying to bury this one

By: sus

wow axid girls you couldn’t be more obvious with this one. commenting “BUMP BUMP BUMP” on other posts just to hide this. No one was blaming you but this behavior is telling 👀

By: wow

I completely understand this. I wonder how many of the sisters actually know their philanthropy is disgusting. Cause a lot of pnms we’re trying to not to bring it up amongst eachother due to potentially influencing one another. But a lot of them were thinking it including myself. It isn’t their fault however maybe the chapters of AXID should speak up to their nationals and say look we aren’t comfy w supporting this and it’s a bad look to pnms 🤷‍♀️

By: ...

AXID, the more u try and hide this post & the truth the more it will bite u in the ass.....i say back off and let ppl blow off steam NOT directed at u but at a hate org. Stop making this about urselves it’s honestly pathetic

By: nice try

there has to be something they can do to stop supporting this org ...

By: bump

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I just kinda feel bad cause it’s not their fault it’s their nationals

By: Kappa
by: ha   

nice try axid

By: ha

Will someone in the house speak up in these comments, or will they just try to make it disappear

By: Speak up
by: Hahaha   

No they won’t because even tho we aren’t attacking their chapter specifically they are too cowardly to acknowledge

By: Hahaha
by: Meh   

All they’re gonna do is come on here and thumbs down all the comments or go bump bump on every other post. That house should not be as high as it is on rankings. Sorry 🤷‍♀️

By: Meh

Gonna keep commenting until someone addresses it

By: Yup
by: Period   

^^keep it up

By: Period

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