
rush gpa


What are the GPA requirements during rush for each house? Do "top houses" require a higher GPA? Do they care if your classes were honor classes?

Posted By: PNM
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Yes and Yes but if you don't know someone in the top houses you probably aren't getting in. Think about it houses have nearly 300 girls and with pledge classes in the low 80s know someone won't even get you in. That's like one new member for every three members. Everyone wants a top house so the odds get even slimmer. So the houses fight on this site but truth is it's Oklahoma one of the best and toughest Greek systems on the country. Be happy with whatever house asks you to be a member. You need to be Greek at OU.

By: Yes
by: I would say this   

She says every girl wants a top house so your odds are not good. My observation has been that girls who say they only want a top house usually are the ones that get released from those houses. The girls that end up in top houses are ones that are genuinely looking for a house where they feel at home and where they feel comfortable. Top girls usually prefer the top houses because they have girls like them. But they're not just looking for a "top" house. One of my favorites ended up at Kappa and DG (she was a legacy) for pref and preffed DG over Kappa even though Kappa is widely accepted as a higher ranked house. No one wants to have a house full of shallow girls, so you probably should not go into recruitment with "top house only" mentality.

By: I would say this
by: PNM   

thanks for answering!
What about middle houses? Do you have a shot with a GPA around 3.2?


You can't answer this by looking at a sorority's website. Their website might show a very low gpa as the minimum, but the local chapter might cut girls with much higher grades. For example, in recent years the average of the girls going through recruitment were between 3.6 and 3.8. There have been years higher than that. So many houses will probably release girls below 3.5. That seems high since OU girls have about a 3.2 overall. But that is college and high school grades tend to be higher than girls achieve in college. All the houses want girls with good grades because they compete for academic achievement. No house will tell you exactly what their gpa criteria is, but if you have a 3.5 or above, you should be ok for any house. Below that and you'll be cut by some houses.

By: answer

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by: ^^^^^   

No way top houses require 4.0 and higher with schools that weight grades according to classes. A 3.5 HS GPA gets you cut from every top house and some middle ones too.

By: ^^^^^
by: ^^^   

All houses but Theta have grade exceptions. A really desired pnm can get in with a 3.5.

By: ^^^
by: ^^^   

Don't speak for all the houses you are wrong about at least one.

By: ^^^

I think she's right about most houses will take a girl they want with a 3.5. If there are girls with higher grades that they also want, they will drop a 3.5 girl. My house won't deviate from the gpa we have set and it is membership selection information about what it is. I would imagine gpa is membership selection info for all the houses so probably pnms won't know that they were dropped for grades if they're between 3.5 and 3.9.

By: gpa

You'll never know any reason that you were dropped. The voting and requirements are secret and no one will discuss it. Just be happy with whichever house gives you a bid. I guarantee that being in a house is way more fun than being independent.

By: true

I know girls that got into supposedly too house with 3.2 or less.

By: Well
by: Hey   

Sorry. If you mean a top house (not a too house), they didn't take a girl with a 3.2. I'm afraid the houses you're talking about are the ones you're posting on here as being top houses which really aren't.

By: Hey
by: ?   

Alpha Kappa Alpha is not a panhellenic house and Tri Delta did not take anyone with a 3.2. I don't know what you're saying.

By: ?

Theta has a high standard no one else does be careful some houses haze.

By: Greek Gals

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