

by: rush 2015

Why are the top houses harder to get into? Do they have more requirements? What would make them cut a girl?

Posted By: rush 2015
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#1  by: Honest   

The top houses (KAT, KKG, DDD, PBP) may have higher standards on grades, activities, looks, personality, etc. It also helps if there are people in the house that will promote you. It is mainly a numbers game in that you are probably not being let go for any other reason than they have to let a very high number of girls go. In other words, it is probably not you just the process.

By: Honest
by: ^Jul 2, 2015 9:46:36 PM

All those houses are not too houses. At least one house has an agenda to make people believe they are a top house.

By: ^
by: ^^^^Jul 2, 2015 10:03:25 PM

Oh, please, EVERYONE agrees that these are the top houses. I'd say that most people would add G Phi. There is a girl on here who wants to add Chi O (but I think she's crazy). But everyone agrees on the ones listed.

By: ^^^^
by: ^Jul 2, 2015 10:10:24 PM

Totally agree that these are the top houses (KAT, DDD, KKG, PBP). GPB would be next but is slightly lower than the top 4. The crazy Chio can't deal with the fact that her house is bottom.

By: ^
by: ^^^Jul 2, 2015 11:08:50 PM

LOL no one would add Gamma Phi but nice try girls!

By: ^^^
by: @^ aboveJul 2, 2015 11:54:22 PM

You seem to be the one that everyone thinks is unnaturally obsessed with Gamma Phi cause you are constantly posting on them. But yeah, I agree with the people who add Gamma Phi. That was definitely true when I was going through recruitment with the girls in my rho chi group.

By: @^ above
#2  by: Actually   

Actually those houses have outstanding girls, outstanding achievements, etc. When they recruit pnms, many pnms rank them high because they enjoy their time in the house and want to associate with outstanding girls. So top houses get to pick and choose from all the pnms and generally choose the most outstanding pnms that are going through. You can up your chances by being an outstanding candidate and by having good friends in the house who will pull for you.

By: Actually
by: ^Jul 2, 2015 9:48:06 PM

True about the top houses. Not true for all the houses listed by the first post. One of those houses had one of the worst recruitments of all 11 houses last year.

By: ^
by: ^^^^Jul 2, 2015 10:04:52 PM

If you're talking about Tri Delta, they actually took the very top class last year and won President's Trophy. So you're wrong.

By: ^^^^
by: ^^^^Jul 2, 2015 10:07:23 PM

Also, Tri Delta is considered the top house at OU by everyone I know. I think everyone would put them as #1 and Theta as #2 without exception.

By: ^^^^
by: @actuallyJul 2, 2015 10:13:50 PM

DDD is a top house but they aren't #1. KAT is still #1 and KKG is probably at least tied for #2 with DDD. That being said no one would think it was strange if someone chose PBP over DDD, KKG over KAT, etc.

By: @actually
by: @actuallyJul 2, 2015 10:16:16 PM

P.S. And furthermore to the girls trying to claim DDD had a bad recruitment... Ummm... The Chios had to snap bid so no... They weren't last out of 11. In fact, they had a great class.

By: @actually
by: partly agreeJul 2, 2015 10:41:25 PM

I agree that Theta is #1 but I'd put Tri Delta as #2 above Kappa. But seriously no one I know preffed Pi Phi over any of those houses. In fact, I'd put them below those houses. Also are you saying that Chi O got a good class? I have friends who are Chi Os and they were very disappointed.

By: partly agree
by: ^^^Jul 2, 2015 11:13:18 PM

Hahaha You seem to need to defend DDD being on the list. It wasn't named as the house that doesn't belong. I wonder why you feel the need to defend it. Hmmm maybe that is the house that doesn't belong and you know it? Anyway, it looks that way from the posts that have been written. Actually it appears a lot of people think that was the house being referred too. Hmmmm....

By: ^^^
by: ^^^Jul 2, 2015 11:16:23 PM

Such a high level of concern over Chi O too and they weren't even listed. Hmmm.....

By: ^^^
by: @^^^ aboveJul 2, 2015 11:58:10 PM

One person mentioned Chi O and others replied. The mention was about how there is one girl (maybe it was you???) that always puts them as a top house and how they're really not in the same category. I wouldn't say that shows a high level of concern or really any concern at all. And people are discussing DDD because they were on the list and they were debating what number they are.

By: @^^^ above
#3  by: Ehh   

GPB needs to get a little self esteem and stop trying so hard. Every time a list is written GPB has to add themselves to it in the comments.

By: Ehh
by: @funny aboveJul 3, 2015 12:00:30 AM

What's really funny is the only way you'd know a G PB wrote that is if you wrote it and you're a G PB. Which you didn't (write it) cause I did. And I'm not a G PB, I just thought that I'd mention them because they are usually considered as one of the top houses. Say what you want to but you know I'm right.

By: @funny above
by: @aboveJul 3, 2015 12:01:42 AM

woops, should have been @Ehh above

By: @above
#4  by: Funny   

Read all these posts. I think it's clear exactly which house has been all over this site wreaking havoc. Looks like they wrote this post too and when someone responded about a house on the list, they went crazy defending their houses placement. The house that didn't belong wasn't named. I would guess they are the girls bashing all the houses on this site, 2 imparticular. One glance at the sorority pages would indicate it too.

By: Funny
by: @funny aboveJul 3, 2015 12:04:23 AM

No it's not clear because you don't know who posts anything much less what house they belong to if any. Just because someone agrees or disagrees with something or suggests a different placement doesn't mean they're in any certain house. Nearly all of my comments are about houses I'm not in because there isn't much that needs to be said about my house. And when there is, there are a boat load of people making those comments. So just stop it.

By: @funny above
#5  by: OU Greek   

Last year the Tri Deltas were the top house and therefore the hardest to get into. Then would be Theta. After that it just depends on who you know and what you have to offer. You should definitely pick a house based on your personality and not all the houses are the same. You can see from this site that there are some really mean girls in one or two (XO, PBP, cough cough!) of the houses.

By: OU Greek

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