attention all pnms!
by: OU Greek
Get off this sight immediately! Almost everything on here is completely inaccurate and a terrible representation of OU Greek life. Stop caring wether you get into a top house or middle house or whatever (the house you get into you will later see is the house you're meant to be in.) if you want a real representation of each house why don't you go look at their social media sights? That way you can see the house in the most realistic light. I will post some of the houses instagrams to make it easier for yall. (This isn't in rank order)
oupibetaphi (pi phi)
Oklahomaxo (chi o)
oualphaphi (alpha phi)
oualphagam (AGD)
ou_axo (alpha chi omega)
ou_theta (kappa alpha theta)
oukkg (kappa kappa gamma)
outridelta (delta delta delta)
oudeltagamma (delta gamma)
ougphi (gamma phi beta)
ouaoii (alpha omicron pi)
Now remember, the whole purpose of rush is to find girls like you, so before you get upset about getting cut from houses you like, just remind yourself that you probably wouldn't of fit in with those girls. Each house has a plethora of beautiful, fun, and smart girls. Stop caring about ranks and popularity--it shows a lack of maturity if all you want is to be "popular."
#11 by: Sorry
Everything in life has a ranking. There will always be someone "better" than you at something and someone else " not as good" as you. It's the manner in which you deal with it that counts. Improve yourself and strive to be better at what ever it is. Do not be bitter and hateful towards people that are perceived better or worse than you are because it's only reflecting on yourself. Lying to people is wrong no matter your motive or how you justify it. We do have a tier system at OU. Ignoring it or lying about it won't further your cause. You might be surprised if you knew my house. I am not preoccupied with ranks because they have no hold on me. I can be honest about them because they don't define me or have anything to do with me. I strive to improve myself and my house. People who strive to destroy houses have low self esteem and low self respect. I can honestly list the tiers as most perceive them at OU and it does not threaten me or my house. We are secure in who we are and the people we have chosen to surround ourselves with. I agree girls should get off this site and look at the houses social media but I'm not so threatened by rankings that I bully people and tell them they don't matter. They do to some people and are irrelevant to others. I'm happy with myself, my house, and those I call sisters. With that said I challenge you to take the power of ranks away by admitting they exist and be honest about them
Mid- Aphi DG GPB AXO
Lower- AOP AGD
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by: ^^^Jun 24, 2015 12:53:57 PM