
ou greek winners


There are a million competitions and ways to rank houses but the four big things are HOCO, USing, Scandals, and President's Trophy. The winners last year (according to CAC) are:

2. KAT / DTD
3. PBP / Beta

USing -
1. DDD / Sig Ep (and Miracle Maker)
2. PBP / ATO
3. KAT / Beta

1. GPB / LXA
2. PBP / BYX
3. KAT / ATO

President's Trophy-
1. DDD / Sig Ep
2. GPB / ATO

I realize that KKG didn't make any of these lists but they won President's Trophy and probably other things last year and there's no doubt that they're a top house. As for the others, it's pretty easy to see which houses are always at the top.

Posted By: Facts
Page 1 of 3

Well everyone on here has been saying that this site is a bunch of lies but at least this is one post that tells the truth.

By: truthifying

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by: @1   

GPB and ATO are easy to get in they take anyone so relax if you want a bid from their houses. You are in!!!!!

By: @1
by: UCSD   

Kappas didn't win presidents trophy last year- KAT did. That being said they are definitely top 3 or 4 along with DDD, PBP, and KAT.

by: PT   

Kappa won 2013, Theta won 2014 and DDD won 2015. Most at OU consider top houses to be DDD, Theta, Kappa, Pi Phi and G Phi. I expect someone will blast G Phi because I said this but it's true and everyone knows it.

By: PT
by: ^^^^   

LOL GPhi didn't win and stop associating yourself with the rest of us. You aren't in our league just look at your girls.

By: ^^^^

No one wants to be ATO or GPB they could win EVERY THING( FYI GPB had never won anything in our life times til they partnered with BYX and the BYX have won HC the last four yrs and Lambda had something to prove at scandals because they had been turned down by 2 houses and all the other houses were taken, Lambda wouldn't have partnered with them otherwise and certainly aren't anymore so that's why it was important for lambda to win-- GPB got pulled along and lucky for them but it doesn't change the girls in the house were cut by all the better sororities) and they still are FULL of werid people that couldn't get into any top house. So be honest. GPB is the house girls pledge to avoid the bottom 2 sororities and ATO is the house guys pledge to avoid the small almost unheard of houses at OU. Notice I didn't mention any other houses cuz the rest are great houses. Go ahead claim I'm in this house or that it doesn't matter which house you assign me because the truth in my post remains true.

by: ^^^^^   


By: ^^^^^
by: ^^^   

How's the grade thing coming along for you GPhi? Not so good huh--- maybe you spend way too much time on this site. I saw you national grade cut off was 2.4 impressive, right???? LOL

By: ^^^

Anyone who comes to OU can check this info out for herself. I for one think it's interesting to know and gives you an idea of which houses are doing well in activities. It's stupid to say you know who posted by the way.

By: perfect comment

Read it and weep. Chi O and A Phi would like to pretend they are top houses but this shows that they are only top in their own minds..........

By: yes!
by: ^This   

Spot on!

By: ^This

Why on earth would singing and dancing competitions be the deciding factor on whether or not a house is top? I'm thinking of transferring and at our school the rankings come from sheer desirability from pnms and fraternities, along with philanthropy events, school interaction (like student government, Panhellenic, etc), and the quality of members. How on earth does a singing and dancing competition matter...?

By: Quick question
by: answer to quick question   

I don't know what school you go to, but at every school I know about the houses compete and the winners are generally the top house. But since you are unused to the typical type of sorority competitiveness, you probably shouldn't transfer here. You'll be happier at your own less competitive school. :)

By: answer to quick question
by: ?   

Why would you care about such a stupid thing as how houses rank at another school? I'll tell you one thing, OU greeks don't care about the rank of greek houses at Alabama, Mississippi, LSU, Texas, etc. In fact, at Alabama, AGD and Phi Mu are top houses. Phi Mu couldn't keep enough members to even stay at OU and AGD is ranked as a low house here. You need to stay where you are.

By: ?
by: @?   

You are an idiot. Obviously you didn't read her comments properly. She's not talkin about the actual ranks, but instead talking about HOW they determine ranks. Maybe you're the one who needs to leave, or take a reading comprehension class. To the girl, if you want to transfer do so. I would suggest staying where you are where your ranking system actually makes sense.

By: @?
by: @answer to quick question   

APhi has won and placed in the singing and dancing competitions a lot lately. GPB has only placed once. GPB usually doesn't even make the shows. So I'm not sure why you responded the way you did. Your response would indicate Aphi is a much better house than GPhi based on the standards you just defined in your answer.

By: @answer to quick question
by: @?   

How is AGD a low house if they won a presidents trophy award? Did you not just say the houses that win awards are tops? Why yes you did.

By: @?

You probably don't know that at our school, the university presdent looks at everything each house has accomplished during the year and awards a trophy based on the activities they have participated in and at what level. The top houses are recognized that way.

By: President's Trophy
by: ^^^   

So wait what? Singing and dancing doesn't matter you say? If it's all President Trophy awards why didn't you list all the winners? AGD won. Makes them a top house too doesn't it? If you are talking about Homecoming does that mean GPB replaced AOPi in the rankings because AOPi placed in homecoming the year before.
Sorry your answers need to be better thought out if you don't want to get caught GPhi.

By: ^^^

Not true. Look at UT, tech, ole miss, alabama, lsu, etc. The top houses are not a representation of silly singing and dancing competitions.

By: @answer
by: above   

Yeah, but OU isn't UT, tech, ole miss, alabama, lsu, etc. I can't believe you're an alum of all those places and know exactly what goes into their opinions of rank. You need to be honest with yourself and stop spamming OU.

By: above
by: ^^^^   

GPhi alert ^^^ all the other houses are top houses and wouldn't have made that post.

By: ^^^^

And iyou honestly rank the houses on what the president of the university thinks....? A little odd seeing as he really doesn't have the opportunity to see the houses from an actual greek members point of view, just some old man looking in from the outside

By: @answer
by: Sorry   

Sorry your house doesn't do well in the president's trophy competition. Work a little harder on your events and don't spend so much time on greek rank. Top houses win at least a special award year after year.

By: Sorry
by: @9   

I think she didn't list all the awards given out because our lowest house won one of the categories.

By: @9
by: @9   

The award is given out based on books the house assembles during the year. The best book of activities included wins the award. If you put the best book of your activities together you win. If you don't record all the activities you participate in but do them because that's what great well rounded people do you lose. It doesn't matter because it is GPhi going on about it because the other houses are too classy houses. This is the first time GPhi ever won anything. Give them a break, they don't know how to act properly and that's what has always kept them from being anything but a low mid tier house here. Classy top houses cut the girls that become their members.

By: @9

Congratulations to all the winning houses. I'm sorry that there is some hater girl on here spoiling things for everyone. The rest of OU greek is proud of the girls that win because they're our friends. Too bad the hater has missed the whole idea of panhellenic sisterhood.

By: winners
by: ^^^   

Me too she twists everything. She didn't mention AGD winning one of the awards nor did she include grades.

By: ^^^

The only non-opinion on here keeps getting bumped by a girl with an obsession about a house that she doesn't like to see winning so much. Ho hum...

By: Uh Oh!
by: ^^^^   

Sounds like you are referring to GPB but they have never ever won anything in the history of the school until last year. So your post doesn't make much sense at all.

By: ^^^^

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