
kappa kappa gamma discussion


Kappa Kappa Gamma sorority chapter comments at University of Oklahoma - OU

Posted By: GR Administrator
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I guess it is Kappa's turn to get harassed on here. It makes me really sad because OU has a great sorority system and many really good houses. They're all different, and attract different girls, but anyone can look at these houses as a whole and know that no house here deserves the low scores Kappa has gotten in the last few days. I know a lot of girls in this house and they're pretty, very involved in leadership positions, and very classy. I posted this same message on another sorority's site too because they're getting the same treatment.

By: Sad

Thank you for being realistic, We dont low blow other houses (most of us) because we recognize that we obviously arent the only good house on campus. I love that we have such respected houses on campus!

By: kappa

Your house isn't really well-respected at all. You successfully rush pretty and rich girls. However, they lack class, intelligence, and the work ethic it takes to become a great house. Not saying we don't have issues, but at least we don't hide them behind a religious front like Kappa, Theta, and Tim Tebow.

By: dolphin<3

Don't be fooled by the "airhead" reputation that greekrank is unfortunately giving us.

And just so everyone knows, lots of girls in the freshman PC are on scholarship and made 4.0's, including myself. So, I don't appreciate other houses calling us stupid, because most of us are not. Look at your own house and see if there aren't a few slackers.


You trying to defend yourself makes you more of a airhead freshman. Quit being a immature freshman and get a REAL major.

By: @KKG

"Don't let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen."
-Ephesians 4:9

the OU Pan is SO wonderful and there are so many great houses to be in-- love your neighbor as yourself!


We are all too rich in other houses to need your scholarships. Ew.

By: @KKG

please remember that these rankings are from the outside looking in. People are not ranking how much they enjoy the experience of being in the sorority they are ranking. People may say my sorority is or is not a top house, but then I look at the girls that are in my sorority and I see beautiful, ambitious, classy girls. REGARDLESS OF WHAT OTHER PEOPLE SAY! Base you decision on individuals you encounter, not just what the house stereotype is. && on pref night, loook at the girls around you, whichever house you choose those girls may be choosing as well. <3 Greek Love!


All of the rankings are completely false. It is a sad and tragic display of the greek community as a whole. Even though it is ONLY certain group of the community doing it. Greek Rank should be a place to put positive comments about each greek house, but instead has been used for nothing but hateful comments. PNMS, please ignore all these comments and base your decision off your rush experience and the girls that surround you on pref night alone. To use Greek Rank as a valuable source in your decision would be a great mistake. If you have friends in houses, I suggest talking to them about rush and the experience and their house. Get feedback from their actual greek website, not a negative and inaccurate site like Greek Rank.

By: Sad

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Annoying bunch of girls with nasal voices and overweight thighs burgeoning with cellulite. WELCOME LIPOSUCTION


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