
the topic of top houses


The whole notion of "top" houses is just an opinion. Some people think because it's the house they liked the best it is the best house. That's circular reasoning. It is best because I think it's best.

It's disturbing to me that so many of these comments employ propaganda and call it fact. There have been no surveys about which houses "all the pmns" like better or which houses "all the pnms" drop first. Even if you knew the return rates that's only an indication because only certain houses attract the same girls. The house with the lowest house gpa does not have an even playing field attracting national merit scholars. The low gpa house may have 100% returns because they opt out of inviting back girls they know won't be interested.

If you want to establish criteria, you can debate which houses more nearly match some goal. But there are no accepted criteria.

Some people look at campus events and awards and say the houses that consistently win those categories are top houses. Other people reject the notion that winning anything is important. They think that top houses are somehow preordained.

If Gamma Phi or Tri Delta want to say they are top houses, let them. If Pi Phi wants to say they are a top house, let them. If Theta or Kappa wants to say they are a top house, let them. If Chi O or A Phi or AXO or DG wants to claim top house status, let them.

Supporters of active and successful house will argue the facts. Others will argue tradition. It's ok. Argue but be respectful.

Posted By: common sense
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The person posting in comment #1 sounds like the one plastering the site with her opinion and being extremely aggressive about her expression of it.

She doesn't seem to understand that other people have different opinions that can be justified by different criteria. I never fail to be surprised by her lack of ability to discern the difference between fact and opinion. I'd definitely like to see some of the papers she turns in to her professors.

By: well

Yes it is an opinion an consensus and at OU ALL the houses mix together. This is OU Greek we set the standard and have been awarded as a top 10 Panhellenic group by national Panhellenic. It is too sad that some fool keeps posting non sense about houses because she is so terribly desperate for the world to believe she is in a top house. I feel mostly sorry for her sorority sisters that she thinks so little of them and her self she had to get on this site and beg people to believe her house is tops. Her self worth is wrapped up in an anonymous site. Now no one at OU is so stupid as to believe her BS and no PNM will believe it the moment they step foot on campus and start recruitment. House goers are not the thing anyone should really care about in a sorority and if you are consumed by it you totally miss the point. Yes there is a ranking and I do not know why it is the way it is but here it is of you can't get passed your shallow self needed some one else to validate you. Tiers only!


By: OU greek
by: well   

I can only assume "the fool" you're referring to is you. You are the only one that seems so wrapped up in your own opinion and so eager to condemn anyone else's opinion.

Again I ask why, if "no one at OU is so stupid as to believe her BS and no PNM will believe it," why do you spend so much time posting your version of things on here? If everyone already agrees with you it would seem to be a waste of time.

By: well
by: ha ha   

so true!

By: ha ha

I also notice that she always says that everyone knows which houses are top houses and I've wondered why she has wasted an inordinate amount of time posting tiers if everyone already knows them.

My guess? She's trying to put something over on the readers of greekrank who don't know anything about our school. In the mean time she is alienating all those who do.

By: so agree!

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