
return rates


Saw the lower post and it seems someone has an agenda and all the houses want to win. Return rates during recruitment is the determining factor to difficulty getting into a house. True return rates last year depicted the houses in this order for desirablity


Also if you get cut it's not necessarily because a house doesn't want you it's because houses that are most desired are required to cut a greater number of girls. By skit night some of the most desired houses aren't even allowed to have as many parties as less desired houses because they will still yield more girls desiring membership than they have room. Houses with lower return rates are often in need of girls so girls may end up returning to houses they didn't think they preferred. During recruitment it becomes clear which houses are being forced to make the biggest cuts. Don't take it personally. The system is set up to keep all the houses strong and at OU all the houses are fantastic. Give the system a chance, it is a numbers game. Find a house you love rankings,wins, return rates whatever won't make you happy, I think this site bears witness to that.

Posted By: Rankings
Page 1 of 3

Very few people know the actual return rates. You have a few mixed up

By: ???
by: one of the few   

@above sorry but they are all correct

By: one of the few
by: ^   

I can verify the original posting is accurate too.

By: ^
by: ha ha   

If you did know the rates you would know that you were lying with your list. Those are not the return rates and you are posting them because you think some poor pnm will be seduced into going back to your house thinking it was a more respected house than they thought. You are trying to make girls distrust their own hearts by lying to them and that's shameful.

By: ha ha
by: @haha   

They are correct sorry it bothers you but the most important thing is too find a house you like just because a house can be difficult to get into doesn't mean it's the best one for you. The system works and keeps all OI Panhellenic strong.

By: @haha
by: LOL CHi-HOs   

No one wants them going into recruitment. They had to snap bid. I'm guessing the person that made up this post also made up all the comments agreeing with it.


The legacy a chapter has plays a role in the return rates. The more legacies the higher the return rate.

By: :)
by: ^   

If the house is good legacies want to return but if the house is bad legacies aren't required to return so that's only true with a good house and their good legacies.

By: ^
by: ??   

If the bad legacies want to return then it will up their return rate??? Do the math. Usually the more legacies the higher the return rate. The chapter would have to cut them. Return rate is based on those who want to return to a house.

By: ??
by: ^   

The house will then cut those girls and they will have to find another house but if the house is a bad house the legacy won't want to return and it won't up the return rate. Legacies only affect return rates of good houses. Bottom houses take anyone they can get because of low return rates. Sure good and bad legacies and non legacies want to return to top houses and yes because everyone wants to return i aides them to have excellent return rates so the house is required to cut more girls both legacies and non legacies. Good houses have good return rates all the way around so yeah good houses decide which few girls get invitations back to their houses and it's not many no matter if they are legacy or not. It's brutal for legacies when their houses are good houses on campus.

By: ^

The only person who really knows the return rates of all the houses is the OU Panhellenic adviser.

Believe me, the OU Pan adviser isn't going to be on here commenting on the return rates.Especially not the fake ones listed above!

By: hilarious
by: ^   

maybe that's what your chapter is telling you but that's not true especially when a house is required to have less parties --nice try though

By: ^
by: ha ha   

It's true. Only OU PAN knows all the rates.. Call them if you don't believe it and ask what the return rates are. You can find out the truth that way.

By: ha ha

my house is aware of our return rate and from what I've heard this is pretty spot on especially if you want to play the odds for a more positive outcome on bid day based on whatever that may mean to you.

By: me
by: ^   

mine too but we are both probably in great houses

By: ^
by: Good try chi omega   

You know damn well it is not right

By: Good try chi omega

Everyone knows that no one knows all the return rates. It's ludicrous that you think anyone will believe this crap. Stop while you're ahead and make up something else to brag about.

By the way, notice that houses that don't win things are the ones putting their names in the top houses. That's why you know it's a farce.

By: ^^^
by: ^^^   

sorry but you really don't understand it might be beneficial to learn about the entire process a little more

By: ^^^
by: above   

Silly girl. You're showing how ignorant you are when you pretend to know all the return rates. Your adviser can figure out your own house's rates if she wants to based on looking at your lists and the girls that come to your parties. But she has NO ACCESS to anyone else's rates. Sorry you're so stupid.

By: above

It must be a Chi O or a A Phi. Both are ridiculous and Pi Phi is definitely not above Tri Delta.

By: above
by: ^^^   

make all the accusations you like I'm not from either house but both recruit really well just ask tridelt all the girls they've wanted in recent years are sitting in those two houses and kappa and theta which also explains your comment above

By: ^^^
by: above   

ha ha ha!

By: above
by: @6   

Tridelt hasn't recruited well
since their current senior class we all know because we cut their next three pledge classes of girls

By: @6
by: @above   

So glad to see you are laughing at your troubles instead of letting blinding bitter hate get the better of you with that attitude things should look up for your house soon! :)

By: @above
by: ?   

How much better could Tri Delta do? They got the best recruitment class in 2014 and won President's Trophy and U Sing.

All in all, they are the top chapter this year.

By: ?
by: ^^   

LOL did you forget we saw the girls you got? Top houses released every last one of them! Keep trying!

By: ^^
by: above   

Top houses didn't release Tri Delta new members. If your house did, it just goes to show that your house isn't a top house and makes bad choices. I could guess what house you're in but I won't.

By: above

The person posting about return rates is giving her age away. This information isn't given out anymore and no one knows the return rates for all the houses except for pan. Or maybe she has OU and OSU mixed up. Anyway, it's obvious it's a house that doesn't do anything so they thought they'd make up a statistic that they could win. HA HA HA!

By: yeah

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It isn't much of a secret concerning the top six houses listed everyone who cared knows which of those houses got the best girls. We all know who we wanted and who we lost. This is accurate first six houses anyway and we all know from there girls just try not to skip any further so it's not hard to believe the post.

By: well
by: well   

You don't get it do you? You're not putting anything over on people because we all know you're just trying to promote Chi O or A Phi by mixing up the list. The more often you post the "return rate" list the more pathetic you make your house look.

By: well

This sounds about right

By: €=
by: ^^^   

I don't think it's totally accurate because my understanding was Aphi and GPB also out recruited DDD this year and I think that's correct when you read all the bizarre stuff on this site. DDD knows they're in trouble and they couldn't make it more obvious. I think this year APhi and GPB will continue to out recruit DDD especially now that they are losing their last good pledge class at graduation.

By: ^^^


Want me keep doing it? Or do you want to stop hijacking this site again?

And yes I noticed you bumped the nasty article about Aphi from years ago. How Panhellenic of you. I can bump nasty articles that are current about your how if you want to play this game!

By: I Can Bump Too

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