to greekrank groupies
by: I Wish
I am feed up with posts about ranks. I am tired of the negative comments about looks, reputations/QR,activities etc etc etc. I am tired of the down rank war going on the sorority pages. You people are a joke and an embarrassment . Unless you hide out under a rock you should know that every sorority has a very diverse group of girls. ! EVERY sorority has members who exhibit behavior that can be an embarrassment to the chapter. EVERY sorority has members that have QRs. So everyone get over yourself.
But guess what...
EVERY sorority has members who live as a great example of the Christian life. EVERY sorority hosts weekly Bible studies. EVERY sorority has members who spend their summers and breaks on mission trips.
EVERY sorority has outstanding women who spend hours raising money for their philanthropy. EVERY sorority has a GPA above the all women's average. EVERY sorority wins and losses some elections/competitions.
There is no reason to come on this site and fire accusations at some groups while pretending others are full of only strong Godly women. Give me a break!!!! I can name a girl in each sorority that I have seen black out drunk. I can name a girl in each sorority that has been issued a DUI or MIP. I can name a girl in every sorority that does not always live up to the standards of their group. I can also name a girl in every sorority who truly does live each day as an example of a true Christian.
I feel sorry for those of you who feel the need to point out negatives about every group except the one with which you are associated. Open your eyes... all groups have a bad apple or two!
After reading a ranking with very negative comments on a group's page I found this. We ALL need to remember the 100% truth in this statement before we "cast stones" at each other! Grow up people!
Check out the sororities Facebook Pages, Twitter Accounts, and Instagram. You will get a pretty good idea what each sorority is involved in. It doesn't matter what one person things is the "best" sorority. What matters is that you find your "home", a place where you fit and are comfortable. There is no such thing as a "ranking" because what one person considers the best may be the worst for you.
Don't answer this because any several will get pissed if any other sorority explains all of their well earned accomplishments. Only let those sororities reply so they can claim complete domination. Obviously they have no other way to build their self esteem than by tearing down others.
Go do something with your new PC class. Whatever tier-- it doesn't make a difference. Do you all have so low self esteem that you have to prove that being in a middle tier or lower tier sorority is demeaning? It's not because it is not real a label created by the insecure.Make friends for a lifetime. Some of your friends in those sororities might be the next Senator or something. Ten years from now, all that will matter to you is the people still in your life. And as a senior, I can definitely say we made some wrong decisions in girls we offered bids and wished we hadnt and I've seen some in other sororities that have done such great things and were so amazing I wonder "How the heck did we let them get by us!" Just being greek is a great accomplishment. If you are a true Christian you would know there is only one who's opinion matters. Look to him and not greekrank.
#10by: Life is hard
All you PNM read and study, some groups will tell you what you should be looking for because you are to stupid to decide for yourself. Don't do what they tell you do what feels right to you. Friendship is not based on awards and neither is sisterhood. Every sisterhood has a very diverse group of girls and people to try to categorize them all into one stereotype are small minded.
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by: Karma
Not the op. The girl/ girls tearing each other down