
please just stop


First off I'd lik to say that what the few members of SAE did with their racial slurs was as wrong as anyone can be an I am adamantly opposed to it. However, I would like to remind everyone that fraternities by their nature are selective groups therefore if any group, SAE for example, chooses not to extend membership to anyone for any reason then that is their prerogative.

Posted By: Boomer
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This just made the Kelly Files on fox news. They also showed the video. UNBELIEVEABLE. Thank You SAE for putting the University and Greek Community in a negative light.

By: OK

It's not their preogative to use you can hang them from a tree or racial slur-- oh wait--- they can say anything they want just not as a member of the national fraternity of SAE or violate the conduct code of The University of Oklahoma. And just in case you didn't realize it those are organizations that can choose who they extend invitations too for admission and membership and wouldn't you know they don't condone racism or bigotry. Maybe you should actually study constitutional law because you will find out interesting facts such as freedom of speech only extends so far as to violate someone else's. The Supreme Court has also harnessed in situations that put others who are innocent at risk. Try getting off this site and actually learning something.

By: Are you crazy?

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by: Boomer   

So I'm assuming you're what a 3L with an emphasis on studying constitutional law? If so,you should go back and watch the tape, and realize that the members speech is protected because that is clearly a private event. In that scenario individuals have the right to say whatever they want because it is among a closed a group and at least not to their knowledge going to be made public. If anyone should really be getting in trouble it's the young lady taping and distributing the video. If I was a member of SAE I would absolutely sue her for defamation of character.

By: Boomer
by: @Boomer   

Once it's made public on you tube I think you may have a problem with your argument. The university however can chose the organizations it allows on campus and the tape can be used to demonstrate racial bigotry and can be used to bar the organization from campus.

By: @Boomer

Happy Founders Day to them alright!!!

Imagine how that anonymous poster is feeling. Did he or she posted the video because she or he thought the video was funny or due to shame?

I feel badly for the members who do not share the same beliefs or had nothing to do with this and are now denied to me part of the greek system.

By: Well
by: Dumb Kids   

It's I feel bad, not badly.

By: Dumb Kids

You are right, they can be selective if they want, but that is not why they got in trouble. They can choose whoever they want for membership, but they publicly embarrassed their national fraternity and their university. And those organizations aren't just going to sit there and be ridiculed by the entire country and not respond.

By: you're right, but
by: Boomer   

They did not intentionally cause public shame to come upon their organization, they clearly believed their actions were going to be kept in confidence among the group as they should have been.

By: Boomer
by: you're right, but   

Boomer, you're right it was not intentionally public. But be honest, they did not control the situation, they allowed an environment where it became public. It happened because they screwed up. The fraternity and university had no choice, they had to save face. Even if you have some sympathy for the guys, you have to admit that in the current environment something pretty drastic had to be done.

By: you're right, but

Error has no rights

the new liberal theocracy is a religion... And SAE has paid the price for being racial heretics.

By: ^

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