
top houses

by: Think About It

Lots of ranks are put on here on a regular basis so are accurate but some or not but what does it really mean accurate or not?

Most people would name KAO, PBP,KKG, XO and DDD as top sorority houses and Lambda, Beta, Sig Ep, Fiji and SAE as top frats..... Right up until today some dirty little truths were exposed.

Not only is SAE not a house to be admired or a member of it NO LONGER is a house on campus.

Now I'm not saying all the top houses are bad but I am saying listen and choose wisely not based on a perceived ranking of houses that is decades old. Yes some things change and unfortunately some thought processes never do.

My point is don't take the word of any rank on this site whether it's truthful or not. Get to know the people in the houses and what they really believe in and what they represent BEFORE you pledge them and if you ever discover they ARE NOT who you thought they were GET OUT!

Bravo to those who stood up against the racism of the SAE house and exposed them for who they truly were and for anyone who is a member and didn't expose the racism within you are part of society's problem.

Posted By: Think About It
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#1  by: above   

Why do you think Chi O is a top house? They are considered by everyone i know as lower tier house. You probably know this and that's why you keep re-copying this earlier post and putting it up again. You're just making your house look sadder and sadder.

By: above
#2  by: ha ha Chi O!!!   

Using SAEs situation to pump up your house. Niceeee!

By: ha ha Chi O!!!
by: ^Mar 9, 2015 6:48:41 AM

XOS are beyond desperate. SAEs are a fraternity XO. Even though they've gotten the boot, it still won't help your house be top... You need 6 sororities kicked off before you will be top 5.

By: ^
#3  by: Yahhh   

It is not the entire house's fault for a few of the members' actions concerning SAE. But chi o is definitely a top hous

By: Yahhh
by: ^Mar 9, 2015 3:28:39 AM

Chio is not a top house. Just because you say it doesn't make it true.

By: ^
by: ^^^^Mar 9, 2015 10:07:56 AM

Don't you tell us that everyday and on every discussion post no matter the topic? What's wrong people don't believe you? Post is spot on and good advice. SAE is done so now DTD can be recognized as the great house it is!

By: ^^^^

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