
sordid and unbecoming


The first thing you have to realize about this site is that the site as a whole is a joke. If you expected to come on here looking for serious rankings and honest opinions I dont know what to tell you. Sites like these are made for trolls with to much time on their hands.
Its pretty obvious just looking over some of the post that one these trolls are in to self promoting and just bashing their pretend greek sisters. They ranks their own org. High then go on another page and complaining how they self rank then posting a 1.4. What a group of losers.

What is really funny is the belief that you think what you post is the belief of everyone. Your shallow and sad longing to be recognized is the reality of just your universe. All of you go away and get help.

Cudo's to all the org's with almost no rankings. You can tell that these guys don't care about shallow ranking websites like this.

Posted By: The sad reality
Page 1 of 2

True but I would avoid calling out the houses with a lot of ranks. I'd say that mostly is an effort on the part of the very bullies you condemn. For example, last summer there was one or more girls who seemed to spend hours daily giving the lowest possible ratings to one house at a time. First it was Gamma Phi, then Tri Delta. Sometimes there would be twenty such ratings in a row! Anyone else who got one here and attempted to give a rare ranking set them off again and another string of hate would begin. That is not the fault of the house getting bullied!

Maybe if we all recognize the unfairness of the hate comments and rankings we can improve our entire greek system.

By: ^^^

What is really pathetic is these girls keep going on and on about having a girl in the Miss OU or Miss TX pageants. That does not mean they are all pretty. They think because they have a merit scholar it deems the entire group of 200 + smart. Does this I am better than you dribble ever stop? You need to ask yourself why this all consuming need to one up? I thought college was a place to mature and grow into secure productive women. This site shows they are far from it.

By: @pathetic

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@pathetic, did you realize you were on a ratings site? That is the subject of greekrank. If you don't like the "dribble" [sic] then don't troll this site.

By: ratings site
by: @pathetic    

If yo honestly think this site has been used by sane people to give an unbiased opinion than you don't have any viable brain cell. This is site is for the moronic.

By: @pathetic

Thank you!!

By: Yes!!


By: ^^^

It's all one person with a raging case of OCD. Other GR boards are catty, but none are as "off" as this one.

By: I think
by: ^   

Totally agree. It has been well established there is at least one crazy chio but I'm beginning to wonder if there are more.

By: ^
by: @above   

Written by the totally psycho Pi Phi who wants to blame all their problems on the poor Chi Os or the DDDs who are doing well.

By: @above
by: @@above   

LOL. I don't think anyone has any sympathy for XO. Calling them "poor XO" only makes us laugh at them harder. I don't know about Pi Phis or DDDs extent of involvement as part of the problem. However, XOs are certifiably nuts.

By: @@above

Everyone who speculates, assumes, makes a slanderous comment or points a finger in judgment. This post is to you.

By: @pathetic
by: @reachingforstraws   

For sure

By: @reachingforstraws

The Greeks at OU are just plain dumb they actually believe they know who is posting what. Just plain stupid.

By: @pathetic

Who is this crazy girl that is coming after most of the chapters? Is she really a greek from OU? Something is just off about her.

By: @sheisatitagain
by: @psycho   

She is just sick. This is not behavior becoming of a OU greek. She has just lost it. Does she fill threatened? I kinda feel sorry for her. J
She really needs help.

By: @psycho

-sig ep

By: "-sig ep"

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